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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300408233' post='2668511']
pshaw far from the gutter, still sitting back in my chair with a montecristo and some bourbon. But I didn't do so well on the stock market last year unfortunately. :(
Sounds like you just need a dose of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA62DKh0OW4"]Charlie Sheen[/url]!

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1300406510' post='2668476']
Or you can try to stop acting like you're made of the lead of Francograd's roofs and look at the bigger picture here. Just for you, I'll even pick up your example so you can understand it better.

VE finds out Polaris somehow convinced a kid to steal a piece of VE's sister underwear. VE proceeds to go punch Polar in the face as consequence. Polar has a gang around her. In that gang there's the weird kid, Legion, who is also a member of Pacifica's gang. More than that, Polar's number 2 in the gang, STA, is a friend of Pacifica's number 2 in her gang, TPF.

While VE and other Umbrella's allies are having fun exchanging punches with Polar and the gang, Umbrella sees Pacifica and the gang stretching the muscles while walking the opposite direction of the sidewalk. Umbrella punches Pacifica in the face for the reason stated above. Pacifica and her allies then run to their moms and say they won't leave the house until Umbrella, MK and GOONS stop camping outside. Umbrella, MK and GOONS say they won't stop camping outside until Pacifica has been beaten up enough - let's say 30 minutes - so they stop posing a threat and learn their lesson.

You ask why Pacifica should trust Umbrella? I ask why not.
Curious that you bring up VE/Polar. That front is closed, so shouldn't we be having white peace all around on this front? I mean, that's why you guys entered after all, right? [i]Right?[/i]

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1300408352' post='2668513']
Sounds like you just need a dose of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA62DKh0OW4"]Charlie Sheen[/url]!
While I have enjoyed some of his films, I found two and a half men to be kinda dry. I prefer Sean Connery for his work as Bond and especially his performance in the league of extraordinary gentlemen.

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[quote name='Achilles' timestamp='1300407938' post='2668507']
Side note: GOONS, did you not learn anything by your disbandment?
We learned plenty, about the treatment of allies, and not letting certain types of people have power. But I digress, we are not that GOONS.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1300407944' post='2668508']
If that day ever comes, you won't hear me complaining about the CB. Promise. Now you might want to get yourself out of the gutter before you try and bring up my well-being.

Just curious, I wasn't around at the time, but isn't that exactly what NPO did?
I don't recall Pacifica ever declaring in the absence of reason. Sometimes their allies went in without reason, and sometimes Pacifica's reasons were less than solid, but Pacifica herself always had a reason.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300408651' post='2668518']
While I have enjoyed some of his films, I found two and a half men to be kinda dry. I prefer Sean Connery for his work as Bond and especially his performance in the league of extraordinary gentlemen.

Are you kidding me?!? Two and a Half men was amazing! This is a CB in my eyes. :P

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300408827' post='2668521']
I don't recall Pacifica ever declaring in the absence of reason. Sometimes their allies went in without reason, and sometimes Pacifica's reasons were less than solid, but Pacifica herself always had a reason.

They used stretches, though. GPA, GATO (in 1V), FAN; I'm sure there are more, those are just the ones people seem to talk about the most.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300408440' post='2668516']
Curious that you bring up VE/Polar. That front is closed, so shouldn't we be having white peace all around on this front? I mean, that's why you guys entered after all, right? [i]Right?[/i]

No my son, allow me to shed some more light into your darkened spirit. You see, the current situation plays out in such a way that Pacifica dodged a decent part of the attacks. Now we have the scene where Umbrella & friends are at war with Pacifica and the gang and Pacifica retains a leverage that Umbrella & friends do not consider strategically acceptable. In the sense that they are in such a good shape they can come back quickly and bite us in the ass.

In the past, Pacifica extorted millions and thousands of units of tech to ensure their enemies would not rise back in useful time. Instead of asking that stuff that would take months to accomplish, block the politics in the meanwhile and bore us all to death for the same period, we ask for some miserable 4 rounds of war. If you think over it, it [i]actually[/i] makes sense.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300408440' post='2668516']
Curious that you bring up VE/Polar. That front is closed, so shouldn't we be having white peace all around on this front? I mean, that's why you guys entered after all, right? [i]Right?[/i][/quote]

Forget bothering, HoT.

Haven't you seen their pattern yet? They only answer what they can exploit for propaganda or lulz. Hard questions needing answers they don't like? They ignore or try to redirect with some all-encompassing mantra. They never actually answer the hard questions. Truth can be inconvenient and may potentially look to more distant allies as weakness. So forget the hard questions. They won't swing. Toss them generalized stuff, or better yet a mistake they can play with if you want an answer out of them. These boys only swing at softballs.

Edit: Credit where credit is due. Lusitan above at least gave the reason why they they attempt this method. Of course he let it slip that there was no real reason for this war other than to attack someone that they fear. Not sure how that conveniently fits into their fat propaganda campaign, but there you have it.

Edited by +Zeke+
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[quote name='Achilles' timestamp='1300407938' post='2668507']
Side note: GOONS, did you not learn anything by your disbandment?
When did the Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism disband?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300398222' post='2668205']
No neneko, it is as flimsy as it possibly could be. Your bloc declared on the premise that NPO would, sooner or later, return to power and re-establish enough ties to bring about another "golden age" of NPO dominance. By declaring war, you (note by "you", I mean DH by extension) want to negate any possibility, no matter how remote, of NPO being able to do this. What you didn't seem to realise (or perhaps what you didn't [i]want[/i] to realise) was that NPO was in a heavily isolated atmosphere, with all but a few treaties linking it to some of its real allies (The Legion, NSO, etc.), not to mention the huge crosshairs on its back from the watchful eyes of Doom House and Pandora's Box. How can they possibly return to a previously world-dominating scenario when they have so much arrayed against them? I don't put it past them, not by a long shot, but in that type of situation, where too much is without certainty, that assumption is just plain silly.

It's strengthening my point because you asked "how is this not like any other war?" which you have already answered; it's not like any other war because it has a heavy similarity to VietFAN. "Any other war" is not VietFAN.
This is where you are wrong.

In VietFAN NPO told FAN there would be no terms, they had their one chance and they "blew it".

The difference here is that in the OP we offered NPO white peace if they would come out and meet us on the field of battle for a defined period of time. Upon the expiration of the defined time period we go our separate ways, white peace.

Terms like these are very fair, and quite honestly less than every single term the NPO has ever handed out upon being victorious in war, ever.

See, NPO told GATO to come out of peace mode or those peace mode nations would never be able to set food outside of peace mode without perma war from NPO and allies, and would be forced to pay reps after fighting.

NPO told FAN to come out of peace mode and fight so they could get smashed and ...well, continue to get smashed since peace was not an option at that time.

We are saying "NPO come out of peace mode, fight us for a set period of time, then we all peace out, white peace all around".

Surely you can see the difference?

Edited by Caliph
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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1300409440' post='2668529']
Edit: Credit where credit is due. Lusitan above at least gave the reason why they they attempt this method. Of course he let it slip that there [b]was no real reason for this war other than to attack someone that they fear[/b]. Not sure how that conveniently fits into their fat propaganda campaign, but there you have it.

That's why we call it a pre-emptive strike. Because we see them coming and we hit them first.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1300403700' post='2668402']
Get over !@#$%*ing about our terms.

Where have I complained about the terms given?

Please indulge me with your vast knowledge gained from your magical crystal ball.

Edited by kevin32891
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[quote name='TheCheat' timestamp='1300404942' post='2668432']
Why doesn't Doomhouse just make a statement like this?


I just thought this needed to be reiterated as the difference between NPO winning and NPO losing.

Such bad sports. This is why they need to be torn down. They're ungracious winners, and absolutely disgraceful losers.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1300407175' post='2668489']
The reasons for war are quite clearly stated in your quote. Whether those reasons are acceptable to you or not is completely in the eye of the beholder, of course.
I think you should pay more attention to what your allies and members post, especially when its posted in our embassies. But I guess we're keeping you busy enough so I don't blame you.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300410853' post='2668546']
I think you should pay more attention to what your allies and members post, especially when its posted in our embassies. But I guess we're keeping you busy enough so I don't blame you.

No one in Pacifica has been high enough/out of peace mode to hit him since nearly a month ago. He's got all the time in the world thanks to you guys. Your deflection is as transparent as your alliance's strategy.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300405411' post='2668448']
The term that FAN broke was a technicality, they had too many soldiers on 3 or so nations, it was used as an excuse to roll them. Are you actually claiming that it was FANs fault when even NPO is not trying to make that claim anymore?


Attacking them was never wrong. Keeping them under 2 years of war was. It was overkill.

edit: As has been pointed out, I speak only for myself.

Edited by Feuersturm
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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300411167' post='2668547']
No one in Pacifica has been high enough/out of peace mode to hit him since nearly a month ago. He's got all the time in the world thanks to you guys. Your deflection is as transparent as your alliance's strategy.
So he didn't fight? wow I thought you goons were all about war? Is he not a goon then? :unsure:

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300411312' post='2668551']
So he didn't fight? wow I thought you goons were all about war? Is he not a goon then? :unsure:

No see the problem is you guys are not fighting. This isn't opposite day. You're not cute. No one is falling for it. As far as I know he has never left war mode.

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[quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1300411311' post='2668550']
Attacking them was never wrong. Keeping them under 2 years of war was. It was overkill.

That is not the position of your government, unless the apology has been rescinded already.

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1299987806' post='2662251']
Then came [b]our betrayal of our honorable foe[/b]; we declared a second time on FAN for an alleged pattern of violations of the terms that ended the first war. Yes, there were violations, but no worse than any other alliance [b]and certainly nothing for which to declare war[/b]. We kept FAN at war for almost two years, only ending the war due to the Karma war. [b]There is no worse black mark upon the soul of the NPO than our actions in declaring[/b] and perpetrating what came to be known as VietFan.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1300409305' post='2668527']
[b]In the past, Pacifica extorted millions and thousands of units of tech to ensure their enemies would not rise back in useful time.[/b] Instead of asking that stuff that would take months to accomplish, block the politics in the meanwhile and bore us all to death for the same period, we ask for some miserable 4 rounds of war. If you think over it, it [i]actually[/i] makes sense.

I remember similar being done to us to a far extreme. It more then paid for all the reparations we ever charged, combined.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300411295' post='2668549']
Reading through the replies in that old GATO thread reveals some humorous 180s in the opinions of some people.

I have to say that Azaghul seems to be fairly consistent with his self from 3 years ago.
There are differences between that NPO/GATO situation, and the Doomhouse/NPO one.

NPO told GATO to get out of peace mode or they will be perma warred, no peace ever, and harsh reps.
Doomhouse told NPO to come out of peace mode where we will fight for a set period of time and then go our separate ways, white peace. Doomhouse also in no way threatened perma war, the closest thing to that was "war will continue until both sides agree to terms that will end the war", which is hardly the same as "perma war".

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300411456' post='2668554']
That is not the position of your government, unless the apology has been rescinded already.

I speak only for myself, I will clarify that through an edit.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300411312' post='2668551']
So he didn't fight? wow I thought you goons were all about war? Is he not a goon then? :unsure:
I've only had one target this war, a dude in Legion who didn't manage to get into peace mode in time :(

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