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I personally do not think you should quit,but you should attempt to RP to at least reach out and make some friends before going all evil super villian, i dont think everyone would ignore you if you didnt make a nation, cause a global conflict which you lost,and then start all the drama about the EEZ when you could have tried to be more diplomatic with novak about it, and not just assumed he was being ebil.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300090376' post='2664331']
I personally do not think you should quit,but you should attempt to RP to at least reach out and make some friends before going all evil super villian, i dont think everyone would ignore you if you didnt make a nation, cause a global conflict which you lost,and then start all the drama about the EEZ when you could have tried to be more diplomatic with novak about it, and not just assumed he was being ebil.

I tried to contact him, Did not know he was in lock. Then had to take more desperate measures. Then I tried to contact him again, no response when he was out of lock.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300090643' post='2664334']
I tried to contact him, Did not know he was in lock. Then had to take more desperate measures. Then I tried to contact him again, no response when he was out of lock.
well once you found out he was out of lock you ould have PM'd him to acknowledge one of your previous posts and retconned the one once you found out, speaking as someone who is quite hated by at least half of Cybernations, people will find it difficult to hate you if you're not doing anything to instigate or fight or otherwise be unpleasant towards them, which is why i attempt to be nice to everyone I talk to both on IRC, the forums, and anywhere else, you dont need to quit for good, but perhaps a break would be a good idea.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300090863' post='2664335']
well once you found out he was out of lock you ould have PM'd him to acknowledge one of your previous posts and retconned the one once you found out, speaking as someone who is quite hated by at least half of Cybernations, people will find it difficult to hate you if you're not doing anything to instigate or fight or otherwise be unpleasant towards them, which is why i attempt to be nice to everyone I talk to both on IRC, the forums, and anywhere else, you dont need to quit for good, but perhaps a break would be a good idea.

The main reason for such hostility against me this round was because of the last war and all the OOC Drama. Besides even if i did make a new nation, When I start it, Triyun [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99867&view=findpost&p=2664262"]vowed[/url] to nuke me as soon as I started it.

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I am sure if you actually sat and talked with people though, you'd find not very many people (if any) actually hate you, and just didn't like the way you were RPing on your former nation/this one, of course I dont know this for sure, but I tend to be optimistic about stuff like this, because the majority of Cybernations players aren't complete jerks.

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Actually what Triyun meant was the past ruling that you can't reroll to avoid the effects of your actions in another war.

Regardless, you weren't hated and still aren't. The fact you became an outcast is purely by your own doing ICly.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300135321' post='2664852']
Aww, don't leave. You've been a great guy. People like you, who cause international incidents, are more exciting than those who just sit around and RP their loltech "military".
The world is not divided into people who start international !@#$ and people who sit around and 'loltech'. And Rotavele never started international incidents. He just caused the rest of the community to get a headache from the collective facepalming he inevitably caused with his 'roleplay' as he seemed to think it was.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300090916' post='2664336']
The main reason for such hostility against me this round was because of the last war and all the OOC Drama. Besides even if i did make a new nation, When I start it, Triyun [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99867&view=findpost&p=2664262"]vowed[/url] to nuke me as soon as I started it.

I was acting on IC precedent and on doctrines I developed ICly, nothing more and nothing OOC related. I followed the same IC actions as I did to the previous person there and we had a fun, albeit peaceful, story arc.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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I'm going to be the dick who doesn't coddle. Your problems are entirely of your own making. You confuse IC and OOC and antagonize people on both levels. You basically re-roll and play the same nation over again when you got rolled in record time the first go around. If you wanted to keep playing the way you had, you would have gotten destroyed time and time again because you seem to seek out war and then try to play the victim when you get hit. Its a piss poor strategy and borders on the OOC misuse of re-rolling. You've shown a total lack of wanting to learn, improve, or change things. Your current style leads to you getting destroyed because you've committed yourself to committing aggressive action. You don't get to do what you want to do so you have to compromise. You don't want to compromise and learn from other people though. I see no reason to ask you not to leave or try to explain things away. Your problems are of your own making.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300138057' post='2664912']
I'm going to be the dick who doesn't coddle. Your problems are entirely of your own making. You confuse IC and OOC and antagonize people on both levels. You basically re-roll and play the same nation over again when you got rolled in record time the first go around. If you wanted to keep playing the way you had, you would have gotten destroyed time and time again because you seem to seek out war and then try to play the victim when you get hit. Its a piss poor strategy and borders on the OOC misuse of re-rolling. You've shown a total lack of wanting to learn, improve, or change things. Your current style leads to you getting destroyed because you've committed yourself to committing aggressive action. You don't get to do what you want to do so you have to compromise. You don't want to compromise and learn from other people though. I see no reason to ask you not to leave or try to explain things away. Your problems are of your own making.
Yep, pretty much this.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300138057' post='2664912']
I'm going to be the dick who doesn't coddle. Your problems are entirely of your own making. You confuse IC and OOC and antagonize people on both levels. You basically re-roll and play the same nation over again when you got rolled in record time the first go around. If you wanted to keep playing the way you had, you would have gotten destroyed time and time again because you seem to seek out war and then try to play the victim when you get hit. Its a piss poor strategy and borders on the OOC misuse of re-rolling. You've shown a total lack of wanting to learn, improve, or change things. Your current style leads to you getting destroyed because you've committed yourself to committing aggressive action. You don't get to do what you want to do so you have to compromise. You don't want to compromise and learn from other people though. I see no reason to ask you not to leave or try to explain things away. Your problems are of your own making.
Let hell freeze over, but Triyun has a point.

Ciao, Rota.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300092960' post='2664353']
I am sure if you actually sat and talked with people though, you'd find not very many people (if any) actually hate you, and just didn't like the way you were RPing on your former nation/this one, of course I dont know this for sure, but I tend to be optimistic about stuff like this, because the majority of Cybernations players aren't complete jerks.

Your signature got my girlfriend angry at me because she thought I was watching porn.

The bright side is she obviously doesn't know what a porn site looks like.

The bad side is that I am enjoying your signature to much <_<

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1300157571' post='2665208']
Your signature got my girlfriend angry at me because she thought I was watching porn.

The bright side is she obviously doesn't know what a porn site looks like.

The bad side is that I am enjoying your signature to much <_<
I am not trying to get anyone into trouble with their missus, tell her I am sorry!

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300158773' post='2665223']
I am not trying to get anyone into trouble with their missus, tell her I am sorry!

Haha we resolved it. She doesn't like it when I admire other girls with red hair :wub:

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300161195' post='2665266']
You browse the forum whilst with your chick?
Man, I don't even get my phone out when I'm with a woman... Unless of course I need bailing out.... Fast.

We are doing a joint English project and all the writing made me come check the forums. I wasn't as sneaky as I thought I was ^_^

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1300137725' post='2664899']
I was acting on IC precedent and on doctrines I developed ICly, nothing more and nothing OOC related. I followed the same IC actions as I did to the previous person there and we had a fun, albeit peaceful, story arc.
That's because nobody can be mean to Jeff. He's like a puppy.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1300157571' post='2665208']
Your signature got my girlfriend angry at me because she thought I was watching porn.

The bright side is she obviously doesn't know what a porn site looks like.

The bad side is that I am enjoying your signature to much <_<

Yeah, I would know what porn looks like, though it's not the normal kind (just stumbled on it when I was looking stuff up).

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