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The True Village Idoit


The True Village Idoit  

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299968107' post='2661889']
If a majority of the community doesn't recognize him then should we just remove him from the map?

No, there are 2 ways to get removed from the map. 1. The Player gives up his/her land and 2. The player breaks so many rules that he/she gets wiped.

None are applicable on this situation.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1300020706' post='2662856']
No, there are 2 ways to get removed from the map. 1. The Player gives up his/her land and 2. The player breaks so many rules that he/she gets wiped.

None are applicable on this situation.

Actually, given that the community controls the map, technically if the majority of the community decides they don't exist then they really, for all intents and purposes, don't.

Or we could go Junio Borghese on him. That would work.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300028808' post='2662939']
Actually, given that the community controls the map, technically if the majority of the community decides they don't exist then they really, for all intents and purposes, don't.

Or we could go Junio Borghese on him. That would work.

That was a lot of fun, and it did work.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300066186' post='2663825']
What's this Junio Borghese I'm hearing about? :3
Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away...

I dunno, some !@#$ happened with this !@#$% named Junio Borghese.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300066286' post='2663831']
Oh, well thats what I assumed.

Guy came along, did some stupid stuff ICly, people reacted, he reacted both ICly and OOCly and tried to use a loophole in the rules to avoid getting rolled, made a huge ass out of himself and then we got fed up and voted him off the island.

hey that sounds familiar

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300066375' post='2663838']
Guy came along, did some stupid stuff ICly, people reacted, he reacted both ICly and OOCly and tried to use a loophole in the rules to avoid getting rolled, made a huge ass out of himself and then we got fed up and voted him off the island.

hey that sounds familiar
Didn't we [b]just[/b] get told off by Manwe about making stuff personal, Sargun? Calm down and step back.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300066557' post='2663846']
Didn't we [b]just[/b] get told off by Manwe about making stuff personal, Sargun? Calm down and step back.

This... doesn't make any sense at all, Fizzydog. You really should just look at what you're typing and calm down before you say something stupid.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300066905' post='2663863']
This... doesn't make any sense at all, Fizzydog. You really should just look at what you're typing and calm down before you say something stupid.

Sargun stop giving Fizzy attention, Focus on me!

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Junio was a good RPer, he just didn't want people messing up his !@#$, which I can sympathize and also disagree with.

Rotavele is not a good RPer and seems more intent on pissing people off than anything. There's a word for that but I'd rather not say it.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1300068629' post='2663910']
Junio was a good RPer, he just didn't want people messing up his !@#$, which I can sympathize and also disagree with.

Rotavele is not a good RPer and seems more intent on pissing people off than anything. There's a word for that but I'd rather not say it.

He was a good RPer until he tried to have his cake and eat it too. Some of his stuff was good, but the quality of his RP didn't make his other actions any different.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1300069440' post='2663927']
Please don't bring up Junio Borghese. I've vowed that such a travesty will never again happen on my watch. That whole incident was shameful, and still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Unless your watches are made of Rolex I don't see how you can use them to your advantage.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1300068629' post='2663910']
Junio was a good RPer, he just didn't want people messing up his !@#$, which I can sympathize and also disagree with.

Rotavele is not a good RPer and seems more intent on pissing people off than anything. There's a word for that but I'd rather not say it.

Its not that you dont want to say it, Its that your scared you will get warned if you say it.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300069622' post='2663930']
Its not that you dont want to say it, Its that your scared you will get warned if you say it.
See, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. It seems you're here to deliberately annoy people. If that's the case, we don't want you here. Go away.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1300070131' post='2663944']
See, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. It seems you're here to deliberately annoy people. If that's the case, we don't want you here. Go away.
Aww thats so sweet.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300069515' post='2663929']
Unless your watches are made of Rolex I don't see how you can use them to your advantage.

My watches are made of Rolex, my glasses of Lenscrafters, and my underwear of pure, uncut Colombian Calvin Klein. My opinion holds the most weight in this discussion.

And my opinion is that this thread is one of the worst that I've seen on this forum. And there have been some terrible threads on this forum.

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Rotavele, One simple question. why are you here?

Most of players in CNRP are here for their fun in RPing, for some it is the community feel, for some it is the sheer megalomaniac quotient of RPing a country.

You dont do any RPs other than asinine stuff that reduces the collective IQ of CNRP to the absolute zero levels (in celcius)

You apparently disdain the community and the rules and guidelines it has established for itself. Despite numerous instances in my RP history when I have got burned and bruised for helping out noobs, I offered to personally instruct you on the rules of CNRP, to guide you and the dos and donts. This I did in forum as well as IRC. Since your ignorance is deliberate and not accidental, since you are not interested in knowing the norms of this role play community, what are you doing here?

Going by your frequent antics and "n" numbers of baaw threads you are obviously an attention seeker. News for you, go by this path you would be ignored by nearly the entire community. You would just have Fizzy recognizing you. Already many of the more serious and cooperating RPers have been fed up with you.

So unless you are a failbot sent back in time to bore the hades out of the CNRPers, mend or leave.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300071459' post='2663980']
Rotavele, One simple question. why are you here?

Most of players in CNRP are here for their fun in RPing, for some it is the community feel, for some it is the sheer megalomaniac quotient of RPing a country.

You dont do any RPs other than asinine stuff that reduces the collective IQ of CNRP to the absolute zero levels (in celcius)

You apparently disdain the community and the rules and guidelines it has established for itself. Despite numerous instances in my RP history when I have got burned and bruised for helping out noobs, I offered to personally instruct you on the rules of CNRP, to guide you and the dos and donts. This I did in forum as well as IRC. Since your ignorance is deliberate and not accidental, since you are not interested in knowing the norms of this role play community, what are you doing here?

Going by your frequent antics and "n" numbers of baaw threads you are obviously an attention seeker. News for you, go by this path you would be ignored by nearly the entire community. You would just have Fizzy recognizing you. Already many of the more serious and cooperating RPers have been fed up with you.

So unless you are a failbot sent back in time to bore the hades out of the CNRPers, mend or leave.

"Be like us or leave."
Thats the response I get, mainly if you have a problem with my RP and see it as Non RP. Bring it to the GM thread. There are numerous accounts from players who account my RP as "Non RP" yet theyve never taken it to the GM Court. In the GM court is where I could be forced to leave.

No, The main argument ive made in IC and OOC is that I will not become a conformist. I do not need to RP a socialist to be accepted. Oh and before you say Fizzy is the only one who likes me in CNRP think again.

AlDei (World Renouned RPer) likes me, Mortiary likes me, and Fizzy doesnt exactly like me. See the main thing is that my RP will be ignored by you because you consider it non RP. In reality you cant prove its non RP or it would be in the GM Court.

Just because I dont RP like you and want to be the Rebel of CNRP I will be ignored. So be it. Id rather have my own views on things and be ignored. Than to become a follower such as yourself and be adored.

In the real world, Iran is a nation that is hated by most of the conformist Europeans and America. Unfortunately no one can ignore Iran or claim their Non RPers because well, Theres no such thing IRL. IRL they deal with it and try to work out solutions, youd rather not deal with it and try to come to a solution, youd rather kick a player out.

Also, the insults through OOC are getting old. I have my own views on things and will continue to have my own views on things, The fact that most of the community hates me, motivates me that im doing the right thing.

So yes, When you see a "non RP" bring it to the GM court and I will happily dispute it, Seeing as you claim to have attempted to help me numerous times I have never gained one account where you have tried to "Help" me see the right thing. You've insulted me only OOCly and told me that I can't RP, that in my eyes is not a proposition of help its more of a "Go Away".

Ill be staying here until a case is rightfully brought against my supposed "non RP" and ruled against my favour.

Thank you, Good day, Tata, and Cheerios.

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First off, let me begin with a petition to kick Rotavele out of RP since he clearly is just a troll (not to mention the worst RPer we've ever had the misfortune to encounter).

Second, you aren't the rebel of RP. It takes skill and intelligence to do that. You are just an annoying troll.

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