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Declaration of War


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"Britain has attacked the Ottoman Republic. After refusing to leave our territory, we were force to fire on them. They killed our citizens and soldiers, and are destroying Abidjan. Britain is the aggressor. Britain promised to no longer colonise Africa, but when we asked for them to come with us, they did not. The European colonialism of Africa is restarted.

Long live Africa!"

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"You attempted to "negotiate", which would have allowed your troops to return to your motherland. In case you are wondering, we WERE on the brink of war, and just allowing you to go on home would be foolish. Britain just wishes to win an easy fight against the Republic. They have done nothing but tear Africa apart. Our troops were slaughtered. WHERE DID YOUR TRAINING GET THEM? To death.

All British citizens currently in the Ottoman Republic will be rounded up and hidden. You will never see these people again if you continue the invasion of the Republic."

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[font="Georgia"][size="7"]RECOGNITION OF HOSTILITIES[/size][/font]
For crimes perpetrated and an act of war committed against the nation of Great Britain, a Zurich Treaty signatory, Scotland Egalita hereby recognizes a state of war that exists between the Ottomans and the Scots.[/font][/center]

Six hundred F-46 fighter/bombers wound their way over the British fleet and the British base. The psuedo-stealthy, hyper-advanced planes were over a generation ahead of the Ottoman planes which were purchased from a company utilizing Cold War technology, and as they encountered the puny ten F04 Reaper fighters, they engaged. The ten fighters were engaged by a squadron of missiles each - 24 anti-air missiles were heading towards each Reaper from a relatively short distance. If the Reapers managed to escape the first barrage, which was physically almost impossible given the surprise attack, they would be engaged by the exact number from an even closer range. None would survive.

After dispatching the outmached air forces, the Scottish 'bombers' of the group would unload their payload on the 200,000 soldiers that were now left unguarded. Dozens of thousands of bombs lit up the soldiers positions.

Edited by Sargun
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Then Great Britain will make it clear.
For every one British citizen kidnapped an held hostage in the Ottoman Republic. An example will be made.

War is fought between soldiers, against soldiers. You have just admitted you will commit war crimes.

This is your final warning.
Release British nationals or there will be heavy reprisals.

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Pursuant with the Red Dawn Treaty the United Federation of the East considers itself aggressed upon and at war with the Ottoman Empire. The United Federation of the East formally invokes its military treaty clauses in the event that any allies of the Ottomans declare on the United Federation of the East.

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UFENN Broadcast:

This is Yi Cao. Thank you for watching the Evening News with us on this most critical of days in our nation's history. Tonight, declarations of war echo around the globe as the Ottoman Empire holds British citizens hostage. Britain has activated the Red Dawn treaty in Lieu of the attack.

A government official observed on condition of anonymity, "The Ottomans have made a huge mistake and their statements regarding the war have resulted in worldwide backlash. Their words invoked the worst in man, threatening war crimes in order to protect their national sovereignty. We are already making moves to show our support for them though at this time I cannot disclose the nature of those actions for the sake of our men and women abroad. I strongly encourage men and women around the nation to be brave not panic, to be cautious and sturdy, and to take the steps necessary to prepare their families for the worst of times for it is very possible this could escalate into a very dangerous situation for nations around the world. Follow the instructions of your local leaders in preparing for this event as they have been well versed in this procedures even in the days before the UFE liberated us from the yoke of foreign oppressors."

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"We have already been invaded. Your citizens will not be released.

Ever since Britain decided to stab Africa in the back, were them and all their citizens grouped in the same category as rats with rabies. If you do not pull out immediately, you will never see those citizens again. We are not palying around. The delicate economy of the Republic is at risk. And with that, the lives of millions. We will not allow another foreign massacre."

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*Classified message to Red Dawn and Treaty of Zurich members participating in operations in the Ottoman Republic*

Due to domestic situations, Burma's ability to wage war has been severely affected. We request the use of bases established by our allies after a beachhead has been secured to house ground and air forces, as we do not believe we have the means at this point to lead a ground assault but rather support. Burmese ICBM targets will be relayed immediately to minimalize the risk of friendly fire.

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The Parliament of the People's Republic of Africa has released the following statement:

[quote]We, the representatives of the PRA, do hereby declare our support for the English coalition. The Ottoman Republic has not conducted itself in the required diplomatic manners necessary to function as a nation, and has gone further by fueling its citizens with rage towards the sovereignty of another nation. We do not support nations, African or others, disturbing the peace, and risking the stability of the region. A ban has been placed on all PRA private businesses conducting business with the Ottoman Republic, and we wish to offer economic support to the English Coalition, as seen fit.[/quote]

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The Free Association declares its neutrality in the current conflict. In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of human life we are willing to host a peace conference in the neutral location of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on the island of of Tenerife in the Free Association. We invite all parties currently involved in this unnecessary conflict to this meeting and hope that reasonableness and peace will prevail.

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As for Britain: kill our people. While you're at it, eat our children's hearts, burn our corporations and wipe your feet with golden napkins. Your greed and destruction has cost many lives and irreversible damage. Once again, Great Britain proves that no matter where in history they will destroy a weaker nation and its people without hesitation."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298942394' post='2647309']

As for Britain: kill our people. While you're at it, eat our children's hearts, burn our corporations and wipe your feet with golden napkins. Your greed and destruction has cost many lives and irreversible damage. Once again, Great Britain proves that no matter where in history they will destroy a weaker nation and its people without hesitation."
Pathetic. Quit playing the victim here and take the consequences of your disgusting, cowardly actions.

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[b][size=4]Islamic Union of Maghreb Declaration of Neutrality[/size][/b][/center]

The Islamic Union of Maghreb hereby does declare is neutrality in the Anglo-Ottoman conflict and will remain neutral until the end of the war, barring unforeseen circumstances regarding it or its allies. Additionally all agreements signed prior to the war will continue to be honored, however airspace and travel will be restricted against parties involved in the war not currently allied with Maghreb. We also wish to formally declare our indifference with regards to the war.

The Islamic Union of Maghreb also formally requests that both sides cease generalizations of the whole of Africa. Single nations are at fault here, not continents. The peoples of Maghreb are African, yet had nothing to do with this conflict and will have nothing to do with this conflict. Thus, we request that both parties involved in the war restrict their dialogue to specific states and governments rather than generalizing entire continents.

To the Ottoman Republic & Allies:
If Britain has betrayed anyone here, it is certainly not the whole of Africa. If it is true what you claim, then it is only you that they have betrayed and no one else. Additionally 'Europe' is not seeking more colonies. If what you claim to be true is true, then only Great Britain is seeking more colonies in Africa.

To Great Britain & Allies:
'Africa' is not at fault here. Many of us were quite content to bless the rains all day and night, rather than fight a senseless war. We request that you alter your diction to 'Ottoman Republic' or similar identifying factors rather than using the term 'Africa'.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298940393' post='2647283']
For every British citizen held prisoner, ten Ivorians will be killed.
Do not test us.

An encrypted message was sent echoing this message from the British, it stated as below.

[code]To: Britain
From: España

Dear Britain,

We are indeed your great allies and support you in this conflict with Ivory. We will supply according to your requests, we feel that the amount of power of Britain alone is enough to overwhelm the Ivorians and find it useless to have another invasion.

However, we kindly ask that you please spare the lives of these innocent civilians. They are not in charge of what the government has done and I am sure not many support them. Do not take to their petty games, do not humiliate those who are held captive. They will die for a great nation who does not violate the right of human life. We do not like to see death of innocent peoples and please ask that you take out request into consideration and possibly to fruition.

- Ezequiel José. [/code]
"España fully supports Britain in this conflict, however, we will not declare war on the Ottomen."

Edited by Ezequiel
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[b]Caspian Foreign Office - Travel Alert[/b]

[quote]With the continuation of deteriorating conditions on the African continent, the Caspian Foreign Office is urging all citizens to evacuate all Central African Countries or those along coastline of the Gulf of Guinea.[/quote]

[b]Public Caspian Presidential Statement[/b]

"The Caspian Clique is dismayed to see this outbreak of violence over unsubstantiated rumors and unconfirmed reports, and the gross negligence of the Ottoman State to make unacceptable demands of Great Britain's forces that are stationed there. We stand by our comrades of the Far East, and if any state should see the need to invoke a declaration of war upon the United Federation of the East for its [i]legitimate[/i] casus belli, you may consider yourselves at war with the Caspian Clique as well. We will not tolerate this instability spreading further, and we will support our friends, should the time come."


President, Caspian Clique

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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