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An Announcement from the Crimson Guard


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[quote name='ddog241' timestamp='1297758579' post='2634303']
learn how to do diplomacy next time instead of slinging threats of war. enjoy your ban in #\m/ good sir

How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit.

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.

Edited by PMoses
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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir. [/quote]

Why, did you leave Exodus for an alliance that could fight?

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[quote name='Dibbun' timestamp='1297803861' post='2634643']
Why, did you leave Exodus for an alliance that could fight?

LOL.. really, are we really gonna go here.. With the mighty alliance of 500 that couldn't even anarchy more then 1 Exodus nation in a update blitz? Or the the guys that for 2 weeks could only score 3 total anarchys? Oh wait Sparta beat us cause RIA had used there nooks, yeah.. In case you missed the news flash friend, and the hours of chating in your IRC, Sparta and Ex get along well. Go try to bait someone else.

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[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1297763091' post='2634318']
Huh, I guess an Internet Superheroes DoE in a few days would be appropriate.


Oh, you have no idea.

Edited by King Charge
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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

I'd definitely feel embarrassed saying this, if I were you.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1297707883' post='2633099']
Ohh man, would've been hilarious if you had PC for a protectorate..y'know..what with the \m/ thing. :awesome:

Anyway, good luck Weezy. o/
PC and \m/ might not always see eye-to-eye, but I'm sure we both agree on the fact that CG should be pushed into the street, not helped across it.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit.

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.

Not to talk crap about my former alliance, but I think it's time to set the record straight. I do love calling you out though. :)

Now that's funny, you're actually delusional enough to think Exodus is in the state to roll anyone?

For the last time Pmoses, Exodus wasn't protecting him. I'm not going to go searching through the logs but someone competent correct me if I'm wrong. When Marx hit him, Part told him we wouldn't be giving him any support as he put it in in hi bio without getting approval from all of the tri.

Regarding the Log dump, Weezy editted his post like 10 hours later to remove the OOC stuff. Why someone would provide a screen shot of it, would just be retarded and a !@#$%y move.
It's completely different between a screen shot of someone's Nation Bio to peoples real life problems.

You wanna be the pot and they can be the kettle, maybe when you learn to stop shooting your mouth of on the OWF?

*aboooe checks Pmoses's AA, wai.. GGA 2.009, more hypocrisy and retardedness? No way..

Why don't you go and do your alliance a favor and go rouge on \m/ like you were threatening last night?

[quote name='Dibbun' timestamp='1297803861' post='2634643']
Why, did you leave Exodus for an alliance that could fight?
Oh you. :wub:

Edited by aboooe
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1297809342' post='2634755']
The funny thing is, people seem to think I'm pissed off over this.. I honestly don't care lol. I simply clarified that I have nothing to do with CG's reformation.
It's too bad you don't. I'm sure it would be a much better product.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit.

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.
So many threats, so little shutting up and acting on those threats

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[quote name='aboooe' timestamp='1297809386' post='2634756']
Not to talk crap about my former alliance, but I think it's time to set the record straight. I do love calling you out though. :)

Now that's funny, you're actually delusional enough to think Exodus is in the state to roll anyone?

For the last time Pmoses, Exodus wasn't protecting him. I'm not going to go searching through the logs but someone competent correct me if I'm wrong. When Marx hit him, Part told him we wouldn't be giving him any support as he put it in in hi bio without getting approval from all of the tri.

Regarding the Log dump, Weezy editted his post like 10 hours later to remove the OOC stuff. Why someone would provide a screen shot of it, would just be retarded and a !@#$%y move.
It's completely different between a screen shot of someone's Nation Bio to peoples real life problems.

You wanna be the pot and they can be the kettle, maybe when you learn to stop shooting your mouth of on the OWF?

*aboooe checks Pmoses's AA, wai.. GGA 2.009, more hypocrisy and retardedness? No way..

Why don't you go and do your alliance a favor and go rouge on \m/ like you were threatening last night?

Oh you. :wub:

Well you did us a favor by leaving. We didn't need someone leaking our discussions to the public as you yourself has been doing. Also if you have issues my friend you know where my nation is. Handle them.
As for ready to fight. You can always come test that theory with your little friends. I would be more then willing to oblige to the call. As I am sure most of the guys you called retarded last night would be.
No one here disrespected you, however you disrespected all of them by running away, cause your feelings are hurt someone is picking on \m/. Do me a favor and find a real threats coat tails to ride.

[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1297809695' post='2634761']
So many threats, so little shutting up and acting on those threats
If i recall \m/ shot threats to. I am open, and waiting for them to use me as target practice. So when they grow a set. Let em Know i will be waiting. Or you can continue to just talk as you claim I am doing.

Either way, Partisan and MM have worked the situation about Weezy out. So its not of my concern now. However. Like I said, you guys can talk a lot.. but I see no action myself.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297810269' post='2634775']
Well you did us a favor by leaving. We didn't need someone leaking our discussions to the public as you yourself has been doing. Also if you have issues my friend you know where my nation is. Handle them.
As for ready to fight. You can always come test that theory with your little friends. I would be more then willing to oblige to the call. As I am sure most of the guys you called retarded last night would be.
No one here disrespected you, however you disrespected all of them by running away, cause your feelings are hurt someone is picking on \m/. Do me a favor and find a real threats coat tails to ride.

If i recall \m/ shot threats to. I am open, and waiting for them to use me as target practice. So when they grow a set. Let em Know i will be waiting. Or you can continue to just talk as you claim I am doing.

Either way, Partisan and MM have worked the situation about Weezy out. So its not of my concern now. However. Like I said, you guys can talk a lot.. but I see no action myself.
What exactly have I leaked to the public that really matter, you saying you were going to rouge \m/ last night?
As I said on IRC what ten minutes ago, I in no way have an issue with you or Exodus. I just thought I'd set the record straight. :)

You're the one that was threatening to be big bad Pmoses and roll everyone. I'm still waiting to see this so I and everyone else can laugh at your retardedness.

Where exactly did I run away? As far as I'm aware when I spoke to Part and Wu they understand my position. IC hasn't been on much but then again her backs out so that's perfectly reasonable. :)

Cute, the same could be said for you.

Man, I got a good chuckle at you being demoted though. :)

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[quote name='aboooe' timestamp='1297811715' post='2634799']
What exactly have I leaked to the public that really matter, you saying you were going to rouge \m/ last night?
As I said on IRC what ten minutes ago, I in no way have an issue with you or Exodus. I just thought I'd set the record straight. :)

You're the one that was threatening to be big bad Pmoses and roll everyone. I'm still waiting to see this so I and everyone else can laugh at your retardedness.

Where exactly did I run away? As far as I'm aware when I spoke to Part and Wu they understand my position. IC hasn't been on much but then again her backs out so that's perfectly reasonable. :)

Cute, the same could be said for you.

Man, I got a good chuckle at you being demoted though. :)

LOL.. Demoted..

Bet that would make you chuckle. Too bad I am still here, still in gov, and still laughing at you washing out and not handling the job.

Good day. You can continue to try and bait me all you wish. I am done with this thread, and your pitiful attempts at trying to get me to rogue you. You want a war, you and LmNoP or whatever they call themselves know where my nation is. Hope to it.

anyways sorry for hijacking your thread CG. I wish you the best of luck.

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[quote name='RailForge' timestamp='1297686494' post='2632874']
They almost certainly banned Weezy for doing a gov log dump of a very sensitive \m/ leadership crisis. It's no wonder that \m/ are making life difficult for him. I'm not sure that I'd ever forgive Weezy if I were in \m/'s shoes.
This is basically it.

Edited by Neo Uruk
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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297812319' post='2634808']
LOL.. Demoted..

Bet that would make you chuckle. Too bad I am still here, still in gov, and still laughing at you washing out and not handling the job.

Good day. You can continue to try and bait me all you wish. I am done with this thread, and your pitiful attempts at trying to get me to rogue you. You want a war, you and LmNoP or whatever they call themselves know where my nation is. Hope to it.

anyways sorry for hijacking your thread CG. I wish you the best of luck.
Heh, just going by Wu's words and by what you said on irc.
I love how you claim that I washed out and not handling my job. When I've stated my reasons for leaving to the people that matter, if they had an issue with it, I'm pretty sure they'd of told me by now and I wasn't gov when I left and stepped down 5-6 days ago. You can try harder if you want, but you're just going to keep on failing.

Man, I realy just do love you posting, I haven't tried to get you to rouge me once. I know you wouldn't. :)

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297810269' post='2634775']
If i recall \m/ shot threats to. I am open, and waiting for them to use me as target practice. So when they grow a set. Let em Know i will be waiting. Or you can continue to just talk as you claim I am doing.

Either way, Partisan and MM have worked the situation about Weezy out. So its not of my concern now. However. Like I said, you guys can talk a lot.. but I see no action myself.
Ive yet to see Merrie Melodies on these forums whining from the rooftops about some sort of injustice.

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[quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1297808505' post='2634742']
PC and \m/ might not always see eye-to-eye, but I'm sure we both agree on the fact that CG should be pushed into the street, not helped across it.

We won't be intervening this time, either. ;)

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1297814279' post='2634850']
Ive yet to see Merrie Melodies on these forums whining from the rooftops about some sort of injustice.
Because nobody from \m/ is whining. Exodus is just mad they can't get an apology for us handling our business.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1297795967' post='2634563']
How bout you guys learn that when you attack someone your in the wrong, and don't go about saying give us proof or F your alliance? The good thing for you is my tri wouldn't allow me to push the war.. Or you would be in fact rolled by this time good sir.

They openly stated they seen a protectrait in Weezys bio, but knowing we are just coming out of war with Sparta, RIA, and we don't have a screen shot of the exact time he changed his bio to protected by exodus. They pretty much said you can't do nothing about it, so F.. Exodus. So yes many of you are giving them a little too much credit.

They claim the log dump was of ooc personal family stuff. Which if you go read Weezys log dump, the only thing in there is of \m/ plotting on riding DH's coat tails to attack NPO to look cool, and mean something.. There is no personal OOC stuff in there, had there been originally, guess \m/ should have gotten a screen shot of it. Like you tell everyone else.

When you have real members that can talk, instead of clowns. Come hollar at me.

No worries though, Every "dog" has their days, and I am sure \m/ will come soon enough.. You couldn't just leave a good alliance dead, you had to bring it back and make it fail. Sad times indeed for the reformation of dead alliances.

actually when I looked at weezys bio after EM declared it said "protected by asgaard" try again bud.

plus if you feel so strongly about "rolling us" you can always jump to none and declare. sadly you need about 40K more NS to be in my range tho.

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