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Single Day Posting Record?

Chief Savage Man

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1296474963' post='2612868']
This is from one of those Spam Wars that ravaged the Maroon Team way back when, isn't it?

I believe it was a celebration when admin commented on the maroon capacity to spam (when our spam thread hit some obscene page total, like 2000 or something like that)

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[quote name='Lord GVChamp' timestamp='1296502559' post='2613254']
2000 posts is one every 43 seconds over a 24 hour period. Damn. I could not even hope to match that

That's not actually a whole lot for a professional spammer. I made a 50 page spam thread on the NPO forums in two and a half hours. It was funny, Moo refused to believe that I wasn't using a script. I was getting about two posts every ten seconds.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1296507849' post='2613364']
I've never managed to get over 30, and most days I don't even post 5 or 6 new posts.

But then again, I'm not the type of person who goes out of my way to post some stupid crap in every single thread I read just to show people that I've read it.
It really is not that hard to get to 30 posts in a day. a few good discussions will easily push you to that point.

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[quote name='Lord GVChamp' timestamp='1296527253' post='2613750']
It really is not that hard to get to 30 posts in a day. a few good discussions will easily push you to that point.

^ This

I've had days recently when I was in the 50's. I just had to step back look at the screen and then get on FB.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1296469099' post='2612806']
I noticed yesterday that Maelstrom Vortex posted 96 times in one day on these forums. Made me think about who holds the single-day posting record on the OWF. I usually see highs in the 40s or 50s but seeing a figure in the 90s is unprecedented, at least in my experience. Anybody know of a higher number?

I think I had a huge spike back during Karma when I was both very active as a Participant in the CNRP areas and in Karma politics simultaneously... and I think I hit something like 176 in a day at that time because I was fighting and arguing more than one world war *chuckles*

Most of the rest of the time I'm a relatively quiet person.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1296506038' post='2613326']
My personal best:


*Many thanks to DK for snapping a pic of that and sharing it.

Some of you need to learn self-control



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[quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1296470728' post='2612831']

even though it is from the previous forums, I think it should still hold up

edit: and not completely on the OWF
Ah the maroon team forum, good times, it sure helped us get our post counts up. I'll share my random screen shot I found:
The thread "RUBEN LOLZ" made me laugh just seeing the topic. Too bad I don't have a screen shot of admin saying "This is Epic" in the "Official spam thread of the maroon [i]tam[/i]"

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I can probably imagine getting 30-40 posts in a day if there's something decent to argue about... but lately I find myself more often letting out a sigh and shaking my head than bothering with a post.

I'm pretty sure back during noCB I was posting up a storm but then again that was all !@#$posting so it only re-affirms what I said earlier about nobody having that many things worth saying.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1296529934' post='2613794']
Some of you need to learn self-control


Ha! I don't even really remember when that was, I think it was probably Karma or TOP/CNG. I only really get that riled up when someone does something I think is really stupid to my alliance or my alliance's allies.

I've hit the high 30s before, but don't usually go above that.

It's not really that hard to hit 20 posts. I'm usually awake for 12 hours of a day and here periodically during that time. If I post once or twice in several threads, it's not hard to have the post count rise up.

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