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MHA builds a bypass


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[quote name='Doug Falkner' timestamp='1296412079' post='2611279']
I always thought it was that people in glass houses should throw the most stones. I guess that's what I've been doing wrong....
Well, that's a good point. It depends... are you trapped in said house?

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1296390282' post='2611041']
Sorry, couldn't help it.

[quote name='scutterbug' timestamp='1296390569' post='2611043']
You're unhealthy obsession with us and the rubbish you speak amuses me Haf. You really do think you know everything when it comes to other peoples business eh?


For the record if you wanna dig up history, i was part of MHA gov back then and funnily enough issued this statement in regards to it all. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59670&view=findpost&p=1589688

Spin the crap all you like Haf but i think you just got served from one old nation leader to another.
So, he says that an MHA trium ordered it, and your response is "no, they didn't." Okay, you've sure convinced me. :mellow:

[quote name='pigsticker' timestamp='1296399216' post='2611106']
I also see a Rok Aqua senator sanctioning a 4k ns nation with the title "cause RIA told me to".
I see reading isn't your strong suit. First off, he's 25K NS, and was more like 45K NS when the sanction was issued. He was also a nuke rogue. I didn't bother looking up the other people you mentioned, but I assume that your words were equally faulty there as well, by this gross mischaracterization.

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[quote name='Rugby' timestamp='1296391973' post='2611052']
I never professed to be holier than either of them, I don't believe spirituality ever entered the debate and I dare not think what they'd have to say on the matter. I do profess to being hoopier than them, having more FUN with this than they are, and encouraging spirited debate instead of mindless generic smack talk. Is that such a crime?

It's in our nature to do so. [i]I am Hitchhiker, see my towel and behold my froodiness. [/i]

Besides, my initial posts to them were respectful given the tone and intention of your alliance-mate's posts, and only declined in respect at a rate no-greater than their posts declined in intelligence and civility. It was three who tangoed, I'm just lighter on my feet.

I wish GATO well and there's no hard feelings here.

I understand. Defending alliance mates etc etc.

I just hope you don't see them as representatives -_-

I actually have a pretty high opinion about the MHA membership, just so you've got a bit of flavour to this new GATO.

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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1296395137' post='2611077']
It's less about the pixels and more that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones kinda thing.

Well that's why we take the stones away from those who have the capacity to launch them [i]in [/i]said glass house? See? ^_^

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1296371190' post='2610725']
I'll be glad when Polar gets rol....OH WAIT.
I'm gonna have to go ahead and ditto what Hoopdy said :P haha

RV for MHA Triumvir! :D

And Scytale :wub:

Well Wishes to our Aztec Opponents in this War. Let's have some fun :)
I've already gotten my nation glowing green and have thus composed some Vogon poetry in commemoration of my first eaten nuke of this war.

Green grunt wuggly nations
glow bright putrescent Green
Nuclear glow atop vomity stained countryside.
Damage covers all,
from big nasty bombs
I implore thee in turn
to match my figgle wiggdly colour
We can skip in grogglydy woggldy bliss
through glowing goop doop fields

Green... OH!! Green.
the color of my pukey wookey,
my grimdiggdly grass.
And now,
then color of my nation.


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[quote name='Cable77' timestamp='1296275703' post='2608554']
"[s]The Foreign Division, We Are Perth Army, and Colossus[/s] Sparta knew what they were getting into when they declared on [s]Sparta[/s] Nueva Vida. [s]Our[/s] Their treaty with them (and DoW announcement) clearly spells out their obligations in these matters."

Fixed that for you ;)

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[quote name='AvengingAngel256' timestamp='1296442580' post='2611897']
RV for MHA Triumvir! :D
[quote name='unpronounced' timestamp='1296395817' post='2611079']
RV for MHA Triumvir... Yay!!!
[quote name='Azrael Alexander' timestamp='1296389437' post='2611036']
RV for MHA triumvir...put it in your sig if your down
[color="#0000FF"]Don't make me join you. You will regret it.[/color]

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[quote name='scutterbug' timestamp='1296390569' post='2611043']
For the record if you wanna dig up history, i was part of MHA gov back then and funnily enough issued this statement in regards to it all. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59670&view=findpost&p=1589688

Spin the crap all you like Haf but i think you just got served from one old nation leader to another.
Indeed you did say that.

[quote name='Magicalbricks' timestamp='1244255260' post='1590449']I sanctioned Rebel Virginia at the request of George the Great and an MHA triumvirate.[/quote]
And then MB told the truth.

Probably you just didn't know. After all, at the time, you were only a minister, not a triumvir.

[quote name='pigsticker' timestamp='1296399216' post='2611106']
From what I read, the problem was the usage of a sanction on a blue nation by an aqua alliance.
i think I don't really need to go through the whole story of RV ghosting NPO and then changing his AA to FAIL before launching attacks against Sparta.
He didn't launch attacks on Sparta.

RV ghosted NPO, Sparta attacked him. When he posted a silly thread, Sparta then got MB to sanction him as a rogue: a non-nuclear nation that they had attacked.

There was some outrage over MHA ordering a Blue sanction, but mostly it was outrage over sanctioning people that your allies had attacked.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296443687' post='2611932']
[color="#0000FF"]Don't make me join you. You will regret it.[/color]
Go ahead and do it RV. I'm pretty sure I won't regret it at least :awesome:

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Dear MHA,

congrats on honoring your treaties. i would hope that we can nuke the hell out of each other like civilized people. i, for one think every major principle alliance in this war is worthless and should burn in nuclear hellfire. I should hope you guys perform better than Sparta though. Catch you on the flip side, hopefully after i've nuked a few of you.

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[quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1296440055' post='2611848']
I understand. Defending alliance mates etc etc.

I just hope you don't see them as representatives -_-

I actually have a pretty high opinion about the MHA membership, just so you've got a bit of flavour to this new GATO.

:awesome: I hope so.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1296444153' post='2611943']
Moral outrage I introduced to this thread for the sake of being morally outraged at it.

None of which is relevant to our attack on these alliances.

[quote name='mike717' timestamp='1296444687' post='2611954']
Dear MHA,

congrats on honoring your treaties. i would hope that we can nuke the hell out of each other like civilized people. i, for one think every major principle alliance in this war is worthless and should burn in nuclear hellfire. I should hope you guys perform better than Sparta though. Catch you on the flip side, hopefully after i've nuked a few of you.

This dude gets it. Good luck fine sir.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1296446707' post='2612010']
It was just another example of you doing whatever Sparta wants you to. Like this attack.

At least you can't say we're not loyal then, right? Glad we got that sorted and put to bed.

Good job team.

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[quote name='Rugby' timestamp='1296447149' post='2612023']At least you can't say we're not loyal then, right?[/quote]
Oh, you're loyal to Sparta. I'd never question that.

But loyalty isn't the highest virtue. Else GGA would win the award for being the most virtuous alliance in the history of Bob.

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[quote name='Shoofly' timestamp='1296448262' post='2612039']
The Legion wishes to buy the next round of drinks for all WAPA members. You guys don't stop 'round 'nuff. How's yer mum?

Just fine thanks.May i have a large G and T with ice and a slice please. WAPA,s gone up market. ;)

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