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A message to the bystanders


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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1296013816' post='2601739']
Well, name them!

It's fairly easy to see. I don't have to call them all out for you. If you're not illiterate you can find which treaties aren't being honored. If you are illiterate then me telling you won't help you anyway.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296015206' post='2601829']
It's fairly easy to see. I don't have to call them all out for you. If you're not illiterate you can find which treaties aren't being honored. If you are illiterate then me telling you won't help you anyway.

It would certainly be convenient and support the points you made in the OP.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296013791' post='2601737']
Like your buds over at Valhalla.

You're kidding right? Tell me how a non-chaining treaty obligates you to defend someone who went in on an ODP signed during the war. Surely you're kidding.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296012239' post='2601685']
All these threads and posts urging people to please please come and join your side are kind of hilarious.

Desperate much?
Uh yes.

If you didn't know that, you're an idiot. NoCB Vox did this and it was the same deal back then.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1296022190' post='2602229']
You're kidding right? Tell me how a non-chaining treaty obligates you to defend someone who went in on an ODP signed during the war. Surely you're kidding.

I think more of the outrage is over, their allies in MCXA have been hit, their allies in Exodus have been hit, their allies in Nordreich and BTA are in however have not been countered yet. That's four treaties on one side of a war. Usually if you have that many treaties on one side of a war you usually do your best to help that side out. However, because Valhalla seems to have an irrational hatred of Polar (that's ok, but it's not how I'd do things) they are going to let people they like burn. :(

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1296022190' post='2602229']
You're kidding right? Tell me how a non-chaining treaty obligates you to defend someone who went in on an ODP signed during the war. Surely you're kidding.
Hating on Polar is one thing, letting your allies burn is another. More like an excuse to save their infra, and yes I know Valhalla isn't like that. Most wouldn't argue that, but their is no other reason as to why they wouldn't defend an ally. Exodus holds a MDP with them as does MCXA, they should honor it like RIA did with all their allies on both sides of the war.

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It should be an easy decision what to do for those who have treaties they need to honor, although those without treaties signed agreeing what to do in such a situation have a harder time entering the war how they want. I support NPO and their side in this war, but declaring war with no plan seems pointless. If your side wants to win someone needs to organize a forum for alliance leaders on that side to share and coordinate war plans to win overall, then try recruiting alliances who might be sympathetic to your cause or have treaty obligations to assist into your coalition.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296058732' post='2602782']
Then call me stupid. ;)

Until they get off their ass and back up their [b]MDP[/b] partners they are nothing but cowards.

I'm sure Valhalla doesn't particularly care what you think of them. I've never liked Valhalla, but coward has never been a word I'd use to describe them.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296058981' post='2602787']
have they been asked to back up their partners?
From my discussion with X, they said Valhalla won't fight for NpO and they will honor it.

[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1296059256' post='2602793']
I'm sure Valhalla doesn't particularly care what you think of them. I've never liked Valhalla, but coward has never been a word I'd use to describe them.
I know their not cowards. I use to be a huge fan of them, but this war makes them seem like cowards from what their reasoning's are for not entering. They arn't the only ones who are mad with NpO, the others still honored their respective treatys.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296059309' post='2602795']
I know their not cowards. I use to be a huge fan of them, but this war makes them seem like cowards from what their reasoning's are for not entering. They arn't the only ones who are mad with NpO, the others still honored their respective treatys.

That's the problem with a global war. Unless you're obviously being a spineless coward, I'm not going to fault anyone for making difficult choices regarding their treaties in a war like this. It's not like Valhalla is or was a rank and file Polaris hailer. Quite the opposite; so I don't blame them for not wanting to support their side in this war.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1296060513' post='2602812']
That's the problem with a global war. Unless you're obviously being a spineless coward, I'm not going to fault anyone for making difficult choices regarding their treaties in a war like this. It's not like Valhalla is or was a rank and file Polaris hailer. Quite the opposite; so I don't blame them for not wanting to support their side in this war.
Yeah I get that, but theirs other alliances who didn't want to fight for Polar. But they had obligations to defend their allies, which Valhalla is neglecting. Just because you defend your ally doesn't make you on "Polars side".

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296060674' post='2602814']
Yeah I get that, but theirs other alliances who didn't want to fight for Polar. But they had obligations to defend their allies, which Valhalla is neglecting. Just because you defend your ally doesn't make you on "Polars side".

Yes it does. That's the definition of being "on 'Polar's side.'"

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Again, this has happened on all sides. Farkistan has at least one MDP partner who has been attacked where they did not retalliate.

This is the kind of war that scrunches up treaty webs and throws them away. Calling out individual moments of that as cowardice is missing the big picture.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1296060873' post='2602820']
Yes it does. That's the definition of being "on 'Polar's side.'"
I guess it just depends on how you look at it then. Their are a couple alliances who don't like NpO and they are on their side just to defend their ally, and they don't consider themselves on NpO's side.

[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296060883' post='2602821']
Again, this has happened on all sides. Farkistan has at least one MDP partner who has been attacked where they did not retalliate.

This is the kind of war that scrunches up treaty webs and throws them away. Calling out individual moments of that as cowardice is missing the big picture.
Yeah, a lot of treatys will be canceled after this.

But Valhalla doesn't have anyone on that side of the war. They hold a MDP with like 3 or 4 alliances on Polars side.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296058732' post='2602782']
Then call me stupid. ;)

Until they get off their ass and back up their [b]MDP[/b] partners they are nothing but cowards.

You really don't know Valhalla. Those that do may not agree with their decisions, but no better than to ever mistake their motivation behind those decisions as anything close to cowardice.

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[quote name='SyndicatedINC' timestamp='1296061327' post='2602833']
You really don't know Valhalla. Those that do may not agree with their decisions, but no better than to ever mistake their motivation behind those decisions as anything close to cowardice.
I admit calling them cowards is exaggerating it a bit. But not defending multiple allies on the same side isn't something to be proud of either.

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