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A message to the bystanders


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Once upon a time, I was a new nation ruler looking to get involve in politics. Being a complete noob I decided to join the first small alliance that offered me a government position. After joining this alliance we made some awful extremely noobish mistakes and were rolled badly. Our protectors at the time were IAA. They stood by while we were rolled helplessly. I'm not one hundred percent sure why IAA stayed out of the war then. It could have been the fact that they knew they would have lost if they came in to help us. At the time the powers that controlled CN wanted to hurt IAA badly. It could have been we were pathetic noobs and would have been something stupid to lose infra over. It could have been that at one point in time we had accidentally threatened one of IAA's treaty partners. Either way, my poor alliance was beaten to a pulp and I was thrown into the CN political arena quicker than I thought I would have been. I was forced to negotiate reps (which at the time were extremely light, but I was appalled someone would make me decommission my newly bought planes).

I then stumbled through the world bent on getting vengeance. I just knew somehow if I waited long enough I'd eventually get a chance to make Chimey pay for being a little !@#$% and leaving me out to dry. I helped found a much more stable alliance and from there built contacts. However, Chimaera and most of the leadership from IAA seemed to disappear. I slowly forgot about my IAA hatred. After Karma, I decided I was ready for the big leagues and joined GATO. I rose up the ranks because I'm good at making friends and fond myself in power.

Then a moment happened where I found my entire world was standing still and I was at a cross roads. Chimaera the one person I had wanted to destroy the most for so long was in trouble. However, GATO had an MDP with IAA. I found msyelf agreeing with IAA's position. I could have said "lol it's your problem now", but instead I decided not to judge based on the parties involved but on the actions taken. I stood up for IAA helped stop them from being rolled and felt good. I came upon Roy_Mustang out in the world a little while after that, and even though he was also one of the people who had helped destroy me in the past I helped him too. All of these things made me feel good about who I was.

I then had a few slip ups. When NSO was declared upon I took the attitude "They've never helped or even talked to us. Let them die." I felt bad. The problem wasn't that I cared about NSO. It was the fact that inside myself I wondered if I truly was the person on Planet Bob that I wanted to be.

Now I know several alliances out there are currently faced with a problem. You do not in any way want to associate yourself with helping those who hurt you in the past. I understand completely I do, and even though this thread probably reads more like a call out do not take it that way. I just know I understand what you feel and that by experience I know it's hard to forget grudges, but it feels good when you do. Sitting out when you knew you had the power to change things leads to an empty feeling. :(

Maybe I'm just too kind like many people say (looking at you Xiph), but I think I like being this way. Good luck in your decision, but if I were you guys I'd get the hell out there and give people your best. War is fun this is your chance to enjoy it. You'll feel much better if you do; trust me.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296004467' post='2601445']
Once upon a time, I was a new nation ruler looking to get involve in politics. Being a complete noob I decided to join the first small alliance that offered me a government position. After joining this alliance we made some awful extremely noobish mistakes and were rolled badly. Our protectors at the time were IAA. They stood by while we were rolled helplessly. I'm not one hundred percent sure why IAA stayed out of the war then.

If it's the same instance I'm thinking of, it's because you were completely retarded and deserved what was coming to you.

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Well said, Omni. but a handful of people isnt going to sway this killing. Youd need someone like Fark and Duckroll to join to even come close to levelling it

as an aside it should be lulzy to see MHA defending Umbrella tonight

edit: lol @ all the MK posters.

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='Shrooms' timestamp='1296004836' post='2601463']
o/ liked u in NSO about all i have to say, even after screwing us. tbh i personally didnt think GATO would roll in 6m even if u wanted to or not..was a beatdown deserved...taken...and regretted but w/e

rank n file viewpoint :P

I feel the same way. Omni turned out to be a very valuable member and a good friend.

:wub: Omni :wub:

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1296005505' post='2601493']
Well said, Omni. but a handful of people isnt going to sway this killing. Youd need someone like Fark and Duckroll to join to even come close to levelling it

as an aside it should be lulzy to see MHA defending Umbrella tonight

edit: lol @ all the MK posters.

Yea we're dead by now. I don't think GATO would have won in 6mil dollar if we would have come in either, but I would have felt much better fighting for an ally I think.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296005988' post='2601515']
Yea very strange since most people usually just give up and die in those situations.

As I recall (unless we just had a ton of !@#$%* protectorates and this was a different case) we negotiated peace for your alliance. They wanted to instill a viceroy and we told them that was !@#$%^&* but they were sticklers about it. In the end we offered to send one of our members over to help guide the alliance and learn from its mistakes (me) and that was accepted. But there was a huge exodus of people who objected to the surrender and the alliance limped on for a week or two and then died.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1296006192' post='2601522']
As I recall (unless we just had a ton of !@#$%* protectorates and this was a different case) we negotiated peace for your alliance. They wanted to instill a viceroy and we told them that was !@#$%^&* but they were sticklers about it. In the end we offered to send one of our members over to help guide the alliance and learn from its mistakes (me) and that was accepted. But there was a huge exodus of people who objected to the surrender and the alliance limped on for a week or two and then died.

Yea they all followed me to the other alliance I was referring to in the OP.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296012239' post='2601685']
All these threads and posts urging people to please please come and join your side are kind of hilarious.

Desperate much?

Well this is the first one I've seen, but I don't care who's side they join. Just come in and honor your treaties. You'll feel better.

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296012239' post='2601685']
All these threads and posts urging people to please please come and join your side are kind of hilarious.

Desperate much?
Hey Penkala, why did VE need other alliances to take down Polar? That seems kinda desperate, doesn't it?

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296012239' post='2601685']
All these threads and posts urging people to please please come and join your side are kind of hilarious.

Desperate much?

At the end of the day it doesn't matter who says what really. You'll still be an idiot.

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