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All hail the hail brigade from MK!

Seriously, MK, you are reading like crap NPO propaganda. How about getting someone of Vladimir's skill to write a wall for us intellectuals to ponder over? This "NO U" stuff was old in 2007 when NPO ran it into the ground.

I want people to quit calling MK the new NPO. MK is a poor imitation of the old NPO. It is a parody, a poor joke with nuclear weapons.

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We don't need a to write a wall of text explaining our position. We don't like the NPO, the NPO doesn't like us and we both want to destroy the other so we're warring each other. You will not get a load of nonsense and lies from us. You get plenty of that from the likes of Schattenmann and Vladimir already.

We're a poor imitation of the NPO because we're not trying to be the NPO.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1296049777' post='2602645']
Well said, Schattenmann. Let us pray that your words are heeded by those with the power to affect change... before it is too late.
This exact post has been made ad nauseum ever since BiPolar. I'm sure repeating it for another year or so will get the wheels turning.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296051189' post='2602662']This exact post has been made ad nauseum ever since BiPolar. I'm sure repeating it for another year or so will get the wheels turning.[/quote]
The need for action has never been as clear as it is today.

If, on the other hand, it is a pointless gesture, then why do you move to criticise it? Surely, you'd want your detractors to [b]continue[/b] pointless gestures, lest they actually move on to something that would threaten your success of late? Seems pretty suspect to me, but by all means continue what you're doing. :v:

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1296051349' post='2602663']
The need for action has never been as clear as it is today.

If, on the other hand, it is a pointless gesture, then why do you move to criticise it? Surely, you'd want your detractors to [b]continue[/b] pointless gestures, lest they actually move on to something that would threaten your success of late? Seems pretty suspect to me, but by all means continue what you're doing. :v:
I, and I would suspect many of my colleagues would love it if you moved onto actually doing something that might threaten our success. Just don't expect us to make it easy or deliberately sacrifice strength for you - real conflict is what makes the world an exciting place to live in.

Edited by Voytek
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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296051745' post='2602672']
I, and I would suspect many of my colleagues would love it if you moved onto actually doing something that might threaten our success. Just don't expect us to make it easy or deliberately sacrifice strength for you - real conflict is what makes the world an exciting place to live in.

Interesting. Here I was thinking you wanted to break everything before anyone got a chance to make good on your empty challenge.

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1296057864' post='2602767']
Interesting. Here I was thinking you wanted to break everything before anyone got a chance to make good on your empty challenge.
This may come as a [i]huge shock[/i] but we're not entirely the LULZ MONKEYS your ilk is fond of portraying us as.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296058165' post='2602770']
This may come as a [i]huge shock[/i] but we're not entirely the LULZ MONKEYS your ilk is fond of portraying us as.


You don't want everything to die?

I'm confused. Honestly let me, as a rep of my "ilk", learn the secret of the gift you act like you're giving us.

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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1296046858' post='2602604']
All hail the hail brigade from MK!

Seriously, MK, you are reading like crap NPO propaganda. How about getting someone of Vladimir's skill to write a wall for us intellectuals to ponder over? This "NO U" stuff was old in 2007 when NPO ran it into the ground.

I want people to quit calling MK the new NPO. MK is a poor imitation of the old NPO. It is a parody, a poor joke with nuclear weapons.

What a poor insult that last line is. Mainly because it is not us who are trying to be like NPO, it's you who is, somewhat desperately, trying to make us look like them. We're not the 'new NPO', we're not the 'old NPO' and we're not the 'somewhere in between NPO' either. We're MK. You can waste your time trying to connect dots all day long, making comparisons and digging through our history and present activities to find a way to justify calling us an NPO, but no matter how hard you try all your efforts will go down the drain. Sure you might, and probably will, find something similar between us and NPO but that in itself tells nothing of our nature; everything is connected to everything in one way or another. Nothing substantial is to be found there. You are - and will be - wrong.

By comparing us you are essentially trying to project your incomplete world view on us. You're trying to fit us into a compartment that isn't ours by labelling us the new NPO - the only familiar devil you known - because that's what one resorts to when facing something strange and frightening or has had a central piece taken away from his world view. You don't take a hammer and try to force a piece from one jigsaw puzzle into another, do you?

A villain we might be, even evil, but NPO we're not.

Of course, if you actually don't believe anything you're saying and are just trying to rally the weaker minds behind your cause against Doomhouse, this post has nothing to do with you. I however do wish you good luck in your quest for world domination. [img]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa38/Jack_Rivers/smileys/brothink.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1296058288' post='2602773']

You don't want everything to die?

I'm confused. Honestly let me, as a rep of my "ilk", learn the secret of the gift you act like you're giving us.
Allow me to introduce you to the concept of engaging in hyperbole for the sake of a bit of propaganda.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296058623' post='2602781']
Allow me to introduce you to the concept of engaging in hyperbole for the sake of a bit of propaganda.

No, I get the hyperbole part. Believe me, as much as you may want to just lump me with some "ilk", I only want to understand your point of view. So you want [i]some[/i] things to die. Like what?

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1296058841' post='2602784']
No, I get the hyperbole part. Believe me, as much as you may want to just lump me with some "ilk", I only want to understand your point of view. So you want [i]some[/i] things to die. Like what?
Just our enemies. Do I need to define the term "enemies" to you or are we pretty clear on that concept?

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1296058841' post='2602784']
So you want [i]some[/i] things to die. Like what?

I want the people that don't realize the truth to die. The truth that you know is there, under all their !@#$%^&*, but you never dare to look. That's what I hate about this !@#$@#$ world. Lies are accepted and praised, but the truth is condemned.

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[quote name='der_ko' timestamp='1296049424' post='2602639']
We don't need a to write a wall of text explaining our position. We don't like the NPO, the NPO doesn't like us and we both want to destroy the other so we're warring each other. You will not get a load of nonsense and lies from us.[/quote]What's funny is your DoW [b]is[/b] basically a nonsense wall of text!

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296058165' post='2602770']
This may come as a [i]huge shock[/i] but we're not entirely the LULZ MONKEYS your ilk is fond of portraying us as.
[/quote]Of course you're not. You have a small cadre of talented, exceptional individuals who managed to control and minimize the large majority of "LULZ MONKEYS". In doing so, they created a successful alliance and converted a mass of foreign skeptics into supporters of the Kingdom.

Unfortunately, however, since BiPolar that small cadre either has either left, stopped caring, or flat out surrendered to the whims of the "LULZ MONKEY" masses. As a result the Kingdom has become erratic, belligerent, arrogant, and rather incoherent. A rather sad state, if I do say so myself.

[quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1296058361' post='2602775']<snip>[/quote]You're oversimplifying.

No one is claiming MK has [i]literally[/i] become a cookie cutter copy of NPO. You have, however, picked up quite a few of their undesirable traits, like aggression for the sake of aggression, unbridled public arrogance, a narrow-minded obsession with the past and a sense of elitist entitlement which leads you write off opposing ideas as superfluous.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296059529' post='2602799']
Just our enemies. Do I need to define the term "enemies" to you or are we pretty clear on that concept?

No, I understand the word "enemies". Do you consider your enemies to be just the alliances you declared on, or is the definition broader? While I understand why you would want to take this attitude with me, I'm not trying to corner you or anything. Please, don't feel so uncomfortable by my question, I'm only trying to see it as you do.

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[quote name='Jacques Cousteau' timestamp='1296021801' post='2602217']
You can spin it how ever you want and you can go all out ad-hom to your heart's galore but it doesn't change the fact that your duty is be the voice of the underdog. Accept your role. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it just needs to be seen as what it is.

he's not the voice of the underdog, he's the voice of himself. The boring, boring voice of himself.

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1296059936' post='2602802']
No, I understand the word "enemies". Do you consider your enemies to be just the alliances you declared on, or is the definition broader? While I understand why you would want to take this attitude with me, I'm not trying to corner you or anything. Please, don't feel so uncomfortable by my question, I'm only trying to see it as you do.
I would say that it's slightly broader. It would be a terribly boring world if we crushed literally all opposition. Conflict and war is what makes things exciting, as I said to Arrnea - we can't have either of those things without a protagonist to match our antagonism.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1296059780' post='2602801']
What's funny is your DoW [b]is[/b] basically a nonsense wall of text!

Of course you're not. You have a small cadre of talented, exceptional individuals who managed to control and minimize the large majority of "LULZ MONKEYS". In doing so, they created a successful alliance and converted a mass of foreign skeptics into supporters of the Kingdom.

Unfortunately, however, since BiPolar that small cadre either has either left, stopped caring, or flat out surrendered to the whims of the "LULZ MONKEY" masses. As a result the Kingdom has become erratic, belligerent, arrogant, and rather incoherent. A rather sad state, if I do say so myself.

You're oversimplifying.

No one is claiming MK has [i]literally[/i] become a cookie cutter copy of NPO. You have, however, picked up quite a few of their undesirable traits, like aggression for the sake of aggression, unbridled public arrogance, a narrow-minded obsession with the past and a sense of elitist entitlement which leads you write off opposing ideas as superfluous.
"Why hello there Mr. Party line! Can I toe you?"

Dissenters of our actions really have a short memory if they wish the NPO safe passage back into the world of supremacy. Doomhouse decided that rather than let the NPO threat continue to fester, that we would dispose of it again. It's not like it hasn't happened before. The alliance you are all desperate to defend, at least with words ;) , is guilty of far greater travesties than our attack on them. Everyone is whining and complaining that our actions are so unjust, and we don't have a CB, etc. But the fact of the matter is that there is no greater justification to war than a threat to ones way of life. Simply put, we could not sit by and let ~your side~ protect the one alliance we all fought so hard to remove from power. Suffice it to say, we acted where others would not. Call us heathen, sinners, whatever you wish, but know this; NPO will burn, and we won't let up until their ~francograd~ lies in ruins.

Edited by Epiphanus
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1296059682' post='2602800']
I want the people that don't realize the truth to die. The truth that you know is there, under all their !@#$%^&*, but you never dare to look. That's what I hate about this !@#$@#$ world. Lies are accepted and praised, but the truth is condemned.
Haha, thta's rich. You'd be the one to know, wouldn't you?

[quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1296060320' post='2602809']
Dissenters of our actions really have a short memory if they wish the NPO safe passage back into the world of supremacy. Doomhouse decided that rather than let the NPO threat continue to fester, that we would dispose of it again. It's not like it hasn't happened before. The alliance you are all desperate to defend, at least with words ;) , is guilty of far greater travesties than our attack on them. Everyone is whining and complaining that our actions are so unjust, and we don't have a CB, etc. But the fact of the matter is that there is no greater justification to war than a threat to ones way of life. Simply put, we could not sit by and let ~your side~ protect the one alliance we all fought so hard to remove from power. Suffice it to say, we acted where others would not. Call us heathen, sinners, whatever you wish, but know this; NPO will burn, and we won't let up until their ~francograd~ lies in ruins.
The stupidity of these shrill cries is readily apparent to anyone who has had the most cursory dealings with NPO in the past year, and indeed it is now MK which poses the great threat to all bystanders.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296060769' post='2602816']
Haha, thta's rich. You'd be the one to know, wouldn't you?

The stupidity of these shrill cries is readily apparent to anyone who has had the most cursory dealings with NPO in the past year, and indeed it is now MK which poses the great threat to all bystanders.
Yes because our declaration on pacifica is a declaration on all of CN. Nice line of logic you have there. inb4 "but it is"

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[quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1296060320' post='2602809']"Why hello there Mr. Party line! Can I tow you?"

Dissenters of our actions really have a short memory if they wish the NPO safe passage back into the world of supremacy. Doomhouse decided that rather than let the NPO threat continue to fester, that we would dispose of it again. It's not like it hasn't happened before. The alliance you are all desperate to defend, at least with words ;) , is guilty of far greater travesties than our attack on them. Everyone is whining and complaining that our actions are so unjust, and we don't have a CB, etc. But the fact of the matter is that there is no greater justification to war than a threat to ones way of life. Simply put, we could not sit by and let ~your side~ protect the one alliance we all fought so hard to remove from power. Suffice it to say, we acted where others would not. Call us heathen, sinners, whatever you wish, but know this; NPO will burn, and we won't let up until their ~francograd~ lies in ruins.[/quote]1. You toe the party line, you don't tow it.
2. Responding to my observations about MK with an attack on me for defending NPO is nonsensical.
3. Saying I have a poor grasp of history by claiming I ignore NPO's travesties [b]despite[/b] after I implicitly label the old NPO as evil is pretty damn nonsensical as well.
4. Change NPO to MK and Doomhouse to TOP and you could have used this post to defend TOP's attack on CnG, which opens you up to justified charges of hypocrisy.

Sigh. You never were a great debater Pip. I suppose I should be happy that you're still trying though.

Edited by Fallen Fool
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