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[quote name='not adolf hitler' timestamp='1295961411' post='2599979']
This whole declaration is disgraceful :/. I am not a fan of NPO, but this is ridiculous.

Oh, what are you talking about? Since when is "we despise you, we hate what you stand for, we believe this world is a worse place for you being in it, get dead and do it now" a ridiculous reason for war? It is in point of fact the only reason for war, the only true and honest reason to fight, and if seeing an army march beneath that banner does not make your blood sing - if the casting off the petty pretenses of realpolitik does not make your heart soar - then you are a child or a coward.

This declaration is perfect. It is sublime. It is the essence of life itself. It is transcendant. Do not sully it with your unworthy bleating! Stand silent if you are afraid - or if not, scream blood and fury, cast off your shackles, and FIGHT. This is a time for half-measures only if you are half a man.

I think I'm in love.

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[quote name='Darth Andrew' timestamp='1295934137' post='2598912']
May Doomhouse rot in Hell. o/

Why? Because your blitz seemingly failed horribly and you didn't hit the nations that needed hit?

EDIT: corrections in spelling

Edited by KINGKrath
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[quote name='StupidLikeAFox' timestamp='1295961948' post='2599987']
if the casting off the petty pretenses of realpolitik does not make your heart soar - then you are a child or a coward.

This declaration is perfect. It is sublime. It is the essence of life itself. It is transcendant. Do not sully it with your unworthy bleating! Stand silent if you are afraid - or if not, scream blood and fury, cast off your shackles, and FIGHT. This is a time for half-measures only if you are half a man.

I think I'm in love.
Yet we have some MK'ers claiming this move is realpolitik in its motive?!? How did you miss that element?. I am neither a child nor a coward and i find this whole mess repugnant, your own rather erroneous and self-indulgent rant will not stop those who oppose this sort of arbitrary behaviour from voicing their dissent. And if you failed to notice the voices of dissent are from a wide spectrum of allegiances, including those who have fought alongside MK on more than one occasion.

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[quote name='StupidLikeAFox' timestamp='1295961948' post='2599987']
Oh, what are you talking about? Since when is "we despise you, we hate what you stand for, we believe this world is a worse place for you being in it, get dead and do it now" a ridiculous reason for war? It is in point of fact the only reason for war, the only true and honest reason to fight, and if seeing an army march beneath that banner does not make your blood sing - if the casting off the petty pretenses of realpolitik does not make your heart soar - then you are a child or a coward.

This declaration is perfect. It is sublime. It is the essence of life itself. It is transcendant. Do not sully it with your unworthy bleating! Stand silent if you are afraid - or if not, scream blood and fury, cast off your shackles, and FIGHT. This is a time for half-measures only if you are half a man.

I think I'm in love.

That description you provided only applies to the medieval era and before. Last I checked it is 2011, which is not located in the medieval era and before.

Edited by not adolf hitler
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[quote name='not adolf hitler' timestamp='1295962627' post='2600010']
That description you provided only applies to the medieval era and before. Last I checked it is 2011, which is not located in the medieval era and before.

Why does it only apply then and not now?

Because you said so?

Also this might be as close to Godwin as we get.

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[center][b]"The social contract is between citizens, not between citizens and government. A contract is useless against those who are not bound by it. Consequently, [s]Louis[/s] The Orders, who was a party to it, cannot be judged by Civil Law."[/b]
[b][i]Saint Just[/i][/b][/color]

[b][i]Karma was only Bastille... Now is the King's Trial...[/i][/b][/center]

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1295962512' post='2600007']
Yet we have some MK'ers claiming this move is realpolitik in its motive?!? How did you miss that element?. I am neither a child nor a coward and i find this whole mess repugnant, your own rather erroneous and self-indulgent rant will not stop those who oppose this sort of arbitrary behaviour from voicing their dissent. And if you failed to notice the voices of dissent are from a wide spectrum of allegiances, including those who have fought alongside MK on more than one occasion.

Dear lord, why would I care who else claims what about it? As noted, anything said the opposition will spin - why bother? Repgunant? You have no soul. Self-indulgent? Dear god yes, I do plan to indulge. Arbitrary? Oh, please, show me a code of conduct that isn't; you fail ethics forever. Dissenters? Let them stand up and fight. It is more than welcome. It is all but sacred. Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!

[quote name='not adolf hitler' timestamp='1295962627' post='2600010']
That description you provided only applies to the medieval stages and before. Last I checked it is 2011, which is not located in the medieval era and before.

Why yes, in the modern age everyone does hide behind pathetic justifications, masking their hate in a web of worthless treaties and weasal-words. People die no less, wars are fought no less, people hate no less - but simply coming out and [i]saying so[/i] is taboo? Why are we supposed to play by your rules for how we pick our foes?

It is no secret that everyone has been longing for a war. People have been sitting around moaning that nations are dwindling to dust, falling away into the west, for want of a world in which anyone just does the thing their soul cries out to do, because they [i]really want to do it[/i]. Heaven forfend I should admit I just want to bathe in the blood of our enemies! What a monster I am. Deal with iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

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[quote name='StupidLikeAFox' timestamp='1295963416' post='2600029']
Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on![/quote]
haha yeah I heard this before from the very same guys your rolling now. And the criticism is aimed at the champions of Karma, MK. It was MK who raised the bar in terms of conduct during the Karma war, and while the principles for which Karma was fought may not matter one iota to you they did matter to a whole raft of us who fought for it.

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On the one hand, I've been saying for years that, the best reason for war is simply something along the lines of "$%&@ you, I don't like you guys" so, I can't say anything bad about the reason for this war. I mean, that's basically what you guys are saying to the NPO.

On the other hand, I can't see what your overall goal is, so it's a bit of a headscratcher. What's your end game for this? When does it stop?

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[i]"two shots of hate from a mouth as loud as a gun,
like an assasin ... who does it for fun.
two deafening blows in a war that has just begun,
life gone away...i'm done.
two red roses sitting on my coffin, the wind blows, leaving only one
the world i know disappears...like the setting sun."[/i]

- Unknown Pacifican writer

Keep on riding the razor blade express guys. It suits you well [/center]

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1295963839' post='2600039']
haha yeah I heard this before from the very same guys your rolling now. And the criticism is aimed at the champions of Karma, MK. It was MK who raised the bar in terms of conduct during the Karma war, and while the principles for which Karma was fought may not matter one iota to you they did matter to a whole raft of us who fought for it.

Good. I like to fight people who know how to talk a good fight, it means their heart is in it.

Personally, I think this is another raise to the bar of conduct; fight for what you believe in, fight for how you want the world to be. If everyone did that, everything would be about karma, in its truest sense. Let what goes around come around, and around, and around.

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1295963913' post='2600042']
On the one hand, I've been saying for years that, the best reason for war is simply something along the lines of "$%&@ you, I don't like you guys" so, I can't say anything bad about the reason for this war. I mean, that's basically what you guys are saying to the NPO.

On the other hand, I can't see what your overall goal is, so it's a bit of a headscratcher. What's your end game for this? When does it stop?

There is no end game...

Everyone has said things are stale...and that certain alliances were not using their positions to effect change for the greater benefit of bob...

Post-conflict a precedent will have been set and nations and alliances will once again be able to act upon their feelings of dislike for one another rather then bottling it up or trying to fabricate cb's against one another to win PR. That was essentially the problem...every war needed to have a solid cb but would have to also pass the PR test...

Edited by Affluenza
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I'm disappointed in many ways but one of the sadest thing to see here si the amount of paradoxians hailing MK & Co. Very sad...

[quote name='Affluenza' timestamp='1295964840' post='2600059']
Post-conflict a precedent will have been set and nations and alliances will once again be able to act upon their feelings of dislike for one another rather then bottling it up or trying to fabricate cb's against one another to win PR.

Don't give yourself too much credit... Preempting a target is nothing new and you dont create anything... You just used a technic you criticized last war.

Edited by Seipher Caim
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[quote name='Affluenza' timestamp='1295964840' post='2600059']
There is no end game...

Everyone has said things are stale...and that certain alliances were not using their positions to effect change for the greater benefit of bob...

Post-conflict a precedent will have been set and nations and alliances will once again be able to act upon their feelings of dislike for one another rather then bottling it up or trying to fabricate cb's against one another to win PR. That was essentially the problem...every war needed to have a solid cb but would have to also pass the PR test...

I understand that, which is why I think it's about time people started wars simply for dislike, rather than trying to manufacture something (even VE $%&@ed that one up, they should have simply said "we don't like NpO" but whatever), but .. what's your overall goal here? Disbandment? Do you just want to knock NPO below a certain NS/Member count?

I'm more than a little confused, because wars like this really have no practical end, or at least, they have no need for a practical end, so I was curious as to whether you guys had set a hard or soft goal for this war.

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1295963941' post='2600043']
Keep on riding the razor blade express guys. It suits you well

You realise we suggested this to you in the first place, right?

If we hadn't, who knows when you might have gathered the immense courage you needed to use superior numbers to strike a foe without any possibility of intervention.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='KINGKrath' timestamp='1295962108' post='2599992']
Why? Because your blitz seemingly failed horribly and you didn't hit the nations that needed hit?[/quote]
Um, no? Everything MK claimed to fight for in the Karma War was all one big lie. At least NPO never claimed the moral high ground, only to reverse later.

The eighth circle of Hell awaits NPO, while the ninth awaits MK.

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