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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1294984098' post='2574751']
Was diplomacy even attempted?
[color="#0000FF"]This is why I like FAN. Whereas other alliances would have done absolutely nothing at all, ensuring further tedium lest someone disapprove, FAN just doesn't give a !@#$ what you think. I like that.[/color]

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I'm split. On one hand I think diplomacy should have been attempted (yes, by FAN :P) before launching a blitz. They wouldn't have done this to any alliance that actually matters after all. On the other hand, why should any of us put up with the stupidity of others. You choose to spy on someone even after you are warned about it by your advisors (the game) then you should suffer the consequences.

So yeah, I'm split. The strong unapologetic PR showing out here sure makes me lean FAN's way though. Good job with that part at least. :)

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[quote name='Andy P' timestamp='1294985573' post='2574783']
For real? Someone goes rogue while having the MFO AA (possibly not even a member), and you go all out without even contacting them?

That spy attack was nearly 24 hours before the retaliation, why didn't MFO contact FAN?

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Now this is an alliance I can get behind, why have I never heard of y'all.

[color="#0000FF"]*President Joseph Black signs executive order #10024 sending Foreign Relief (AKA ammunition, guns, and beer) to the brave men and women of FAN. The nation of Rural Route 3 sends has a moment of silence for this grave act of terrorism[/color]

Its a sad day when your steeling guns from underprivileged children, now is when they need them the most.

Edited by Muddog
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1294985184' post='2574775']
there are many people spied on every day and most people deal with the issue with diplomacy,

The terrorist attack was committed by a nation over 1000 days old. Not a new nation by any means. A nation that is familiar with the world. Are you saying that this experienced nation accidentally attacked us? Or that he maybe thought to himself "Oh those FAN guys are so cuddly. They won't mind"? Are you really proposing that a nation that is several years old did not know who he was attacking and what the possible repercussions of that attack would be?

No. There is more to this than one single attack and we will not sit on our hands while we are under threat.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1294985889' post='2574793']
The strong unapologetic PR showing out here sure makes me lean FAN's way though. Good job with that part at least. :)
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, another thing I like. No self-justifying bull. Some of you people ought to be taking notes as to how not to be an utterly worthless alliance, although the truth is if you haven't figured it out already you probably never will (note: not directed at STA, so spare me).[/color]

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1294985903' post='2574795']
Now this is an alliance I can get behind, why have I never heard of y'all.

[color="#0000FF"]*President Joseph Black signs executive order #10024 sending Foreign Relief (AKA ammunition, guns, and beer) to the brave men and women of FAN. The nation of Rural Route 3 sends has a moment of silence for this grave act of terrorism[/color]

Its a sad day when your steeling guns from underprivileged children, now is when they need them the most.

We're shy and reticent.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated in helping us realize our dream of a gun for every child.

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[quote name='40pirate' timestamp='1294986207' post='2574802']
We're shy and reticent.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated in helping us realize our dream of a gun for every child.

Thats to bad, I was wondering where the other rednecks like me were, y'all got a forum?

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1294986068' post='2574799']
If you honestly think that an alliance is going to face FAN's 3000 nukes for an ODP you're insane.

Thank god I'm not allied to cowards like you.

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People forget that this wouldn't be an issue if MFO didn't spy to begin with. Should FAN have tried diplomacy? Well, heh, should MFO have spied and not sent a rep to FAN to try and explain the situation? I love how it's FAN's fault for getting spied on, not going to MFO (instead of the other way around), and then defending their nation from an unprovoked attack.

When you ask for war, cry kicking and screaming that diplomacy wasn't successful. :(

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='mpol777' timestamp='1294984432' post='2574756']
No. We received no contact from MFO either before or after they launched their terrorist attack against us.

In complete and total agreement with WC here. We have missed mpol and FAN announcements as of late and are quite glad to see a return of that classic style we all have come to know and love. Modspeed FAN!

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[quote name='Andy P' timestamp='1294985573' post='2574783']
For real? Someone goes rogue while having the MFO AA (possibly not even a member), and you go all out without even contacting them?
Some people just don't get it:
[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1294952761' post='2574353']
It seems you are not familiar with the difference in actions of single entities and actions of an alliance body; I suggest you study up.
But hey, this is FAN we're talking about here, they pull !@#$ like this for the fun of it.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1294983444' post='2574731']
Well FAN had a good run this time, See ya later buddies.

Good luck in rolling FAN, MCXA. Your support in this war will help FAN fulfill the program's needs at a much faster pace.


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[quote name='ddog241' timestamp='1294985790' post='2574790']

Alliance Seniority: 1/24/2008 3:57:35 PM (1,086 Days)

don't look like a rogue to me.

have fun FAN

Didn’t you hear ddog? You can still have the alliance name in your AA, still hold a members mask on your alliance forum, still have ops in your alliance irc chan, still get aid from your alliance but you can be labeled a rogue by your alliance government so they are not help responsible for your actions and you get to stay a member. I like to call them Member Rogues, you get to keep them in your alliance and aid them but you are not responsible, win win. So yes by today’s standards he could be classified as a rogue. What has this world become.

o/ FAN shoot first ask questions latter

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1294986494' post='2574813']
Some people just don't get it:

But hey, this is FAN we're talking about here, they pull !@#$ like this for the fun of it.

FAN, unlike your pathetic excuse for an "alliance", took matters into their own hands. Instead of being spied on they decided to act in defense of their spied on nation unlike you incompetently dismissing spy attack after spy attack from SLCB. See the difference? You think SLCB would've pulled that stunt on FAN knowing how severe a response it would warrant? Unlike you, FAN aren't push overs. Them subtly hinting they'd want to roll my nation would hold far more sway then you coming out and saying you want to roll mine. Because guess what? They actually do !@#$.

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