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[i]Somewhere in the North Atlantic onboard HMS Astute[/i]

"Captain we have a fix on the enemy submarine"
"Is it in range?"
"Yes Sir, 12 miles away, it will take 12 minutes 11 seconds"

Captain Whitebred surveyed the screen infront of him before turning to his weapons officers.
"I trust our sonar has given us an accurate firing solution?"
"Yes sir"
"Ok, make tubes one and two ready, get a message to the Vanguard. They are further away from our position running on passive sonar and in silent mode, we will drive this enemy submarine right into their jaws."

The echoes of the men down the boat releying the order and giving confirmation that the tubes were ready didnt miss a beat as it returned to the captains ears.
"Open the outer doors, all ahead slow, steady course and return to passive" he commanded quietly.
"Aye Aye Captain" came a whispered response from his Commander.
"Outer doors open Captain"
"Fire tubes one and two"

The moment the order was given, two MK-48 ADCAP torpedos rushed out of the submarine, being guided by a fiberoptic wire directly onto the enemy submarine. The wire guidance meant it couldnt be fooled by decoys.

Spyroll to find your sub

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294251363' post='2564505']
We can agree to Monaco's concession.
We also believe in a fair trial, but we shant have its terms dicated to us by an unaffected Nation across the world.
We thank you for your concern but we believe the nations involved should decide the punishment to be handed out.

A very English thing to say, but in law, do the victims ever get to dole out punishment? No, the punishment becomes too harsh for the crime, and that is why a third, rational, unemotional party is elected to make sure everything ends as it should.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294257100' post='2564594']
[i]Somewhere in the North Atlantic onboard HMS Astute[/i]

OOC: In the OP he said his subs were in the Pacific Ocean I believe... or the second post.

New Cadia strongly condemns this course of action by these rogue officers and will use the entire extent of our naval capability (albeit currently short and weakened) to find those responsible. Likewise, though, we find it ill-advised that England be allowed to exact justice when it was also Koreans and South Americans who lost their lives, and in greater numbers unfortunately. A life is a life, but it is probably [i]best[/i] if you tend to your own wounds before making a stalwart stand while your nation's fallen suffer.

The fact is that this attack could have happened to any nation in any vicinity to the victims; it is grossly disturbing that Monaco sits just north of New Cadia's territorial waters, yet we were spared of this senseless strike. The motives random and the intent still remaining unclear, it would be deeply irresponsible to actuate [i]true[/i] blame on Monaco, or any of her citizens, before all information is available. Until then, our main objective should be to find the actual culprits before any more harm can be done... especially if they have any additional nuclear capabilities that have yet to be unleashed upon innocent victims.

Our condolences and sympathies to all those affected by this heinous crime.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1294250123' post='2564488']
While the Empire finds the actions of these rogue submarine captains abhorrent, the fact remains that these were, in fact, rogue elements and not sanctioned actions by Monaco. The how and why of this matter are also painfully obvious to those with even an ounce of logic. The how is that several captains and their crews decided to cut off contact with their command and do what they thought was right. As to why, we seriously cannot believe you are asking such a question. Why would Monaco, or any nation for that matter, reveal that nuclear submarines, carrying most of thier strategic aresenal, had dissapeared without a trace? Beyond the international ridicule and condemnation, they would also now be revealing to potential enemies that they were now exceptionally vulnerable.

The Empire is preparing fallout response teams throughout the nation to deal with any radioactive fallout that drifts across our lands. We support the calls for an international tribunal in regards to this matter on two conditions: 1) The death penalty is not a consideration in terms of punishment and 2) The tribunal consist of one judge each from three NEUTRAL nations. The Empire believes in a fair trial for all, no matter how heinous the crime. Having this matter judged by the countries who were attacked would not provide a fair trial, especially when their own prosecutors are presenting the case against Monaco.

The Empire also wishes to speak with Monaco concerning the Bahamas, as they have shown that they are not capable of proper governance of far away lands, and ask that the Bahamas be transferred to Imperial Protectorate Control.

The Empire is also available as a land to hold the tribunal in.

The Kingdom of Ireland echos what its ally said, further, the Kingdom will remind the world that any sort of act of aggression against Monaco will be seen as a declaration of war against the Kingdom itself.

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The Athenian Federation shall gladly agree to hosting a potential trial or tribunal within our borders.

Furthermore the Federation will stand by both her allies in Monaco as in England.

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"Finally, one last nuclear missile was launched from the Northern Atlantic at London."


England is exacting justice in our our way and settling our...issues in a one on one senario, it is down to Korea and the Holy American Empire to attend to their own way of dealing with the situation and dealing out justice.

We have chosen the legal route through the court system to exact our justice. Monaco has agreed to cooperate with the investigation

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Launch blooms from the missiles over the Pacific had given the UFE an idea on where the submarine force could be found. The missiles fired over the North Pacific towards Japan were assumed to be traveling at top speed for an advanced UFE ballistic submarine at silent speed to avoid detection. Two groups of planes would be prepared. A long range multi-mission maritime P-8 aircraft would be launched from Fort Beihai over alaska to begin the search. The ASW squadron was equipped with both thermo imaging IR scopes, sonobouys, and magnetic anomally detector which were specialized in detecting submarines. Additionally they were armed with short range depth charges, and the [url=http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/foas/images/foas4.jpg]UFE offensive air system[/url], which allowed to to launch a long range attack with two stage anti-submarine missiles, the first a cruise missile booster rocket and the second a short range anti submarine missile with a remote kill charge.

A second squadron would be launched from Guam to cover the Southern area of possible movement using similar tactics. Additionally a second squadron from both would be prepared for launch. The hunt had begun.

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While we have had our differences with Korea in the past, the magnitude of this unprovoked destruction far exceeds any unwarranted attack East Asia has seen in years. Selenarctos offers both immediate humanitarian and long-term financial support to the Korean government, as well as logistic support to distribute both.

[b]CLASSIFIED to Security Division Units:[/b]

The DEFCON level for the time being shall remain unchanged, however all Naval units, radar emplacements, the SOSUS network and UAV patrols are moved to Alert status, and data collected is being related to the UFE through the dedicated fiber optic line. While we do not believe the supposedly rogue submarines will venture towards the Philippine islands or our allies, all units are authorized to engage upon confirmation of the target's identity.

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"The fact that there are countries in the world who sanction this type of behavior sickens me, but to hear a treaty partner say they’d “stand by” a country with incompetent leaders like Monaco makes it that much worse. We expect countries like Ireland to support this kind of thing, but not Athens. Some sort of punitive action, like trade sanctions should be imposed on Monaco to ensure they get their affairs in order. These sorts of mistakes happen far too often, an example needs to be made. A criminal trial is not enough. Something more must be done." -Tsar Regent Grigori

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Incompetency is not a crime nor a reason to be guilty of murder. Retribution? Yes, Monaco ought to be held responsible, as a state, for the burden of the clean up processes in the disaster areas. But we, in New Cadia, do hope that "something more must be done" relates to something of a diplomatic and non-violent resolution, lest we add more blood to the millions of lives already lost in this international tragedy.

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Whilst England cannot speak for the other nations involved in this... Disaster, we shall not be taking up arms against anybody but those responsible. The officers in Monaco responsible for this outrage will have to face up to their mistakes/negligence in a court of law. Further repercussions depend entirely on the level of cooperation.

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“You’re right, incompetence is not a crime in and of itself, but when it leads to death, the person, persons or institution who were negligent as a result of their incompetence are held liable for the aforementioned deaths. Monaco was clearly negligent with it't naval officers and naval assets and should be held repsonsible, not protected from punishment. If you were paying attention, which you clearly were not doing, you would have known that I wasn‘t advocating violence against Monaco or the Monegasque people.” -Tsar Regent Grigori

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Greater Pacifica condemns the attacks and offers humanitarian aid and logistical support to its allies in the Holy American Empire.


Somewhere in central Asia Michael Atrevier was laughing over a cup of tea.

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Clearly you failed to pay attention as well, it seems, as we explicitly stated that Monaco (as well) should be held liable. However, in the past, and throughout history, "something more must be done" resulted in continued violence and senseless war; our apologies that we are more cynical than most.

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A loose group of demonstrators would assemble outside of various government offices throughout China, nothing extremely serious as.. well.. this wasn't about the homeland. The activists that gathered carried signs that said, "Denuclearize Monaco" and "No Responsibility. No Weapons."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1294257100' post='2564594']
[i]Somewhere in the North Atlantic onboard HMS Astute[/i]

"Captain we have a fix on the enemy submarine"
"Is it in range?"
"Yes Sir, 12 miles away, it will take 12 minutes 11 seconds"

Captain Whitebred surveyed the screen infront of him before turning to his weapons officers.
"I trust our sonar has given us an accurate firing solution?"
"Yes sir"
"Ok, make tubes one and two ready, get a message to the Vanguard. They are further away from our position running on passive sonar and in silent mode, we will drive this enemy submarine right into their jaws."

The echoes of the men down the boat releying the order and giving confirmation that the tubes were ready didnt miss a beat as it returned to the captains ears.
"Open the outer doors, all ahead slow, steady course and return to passive" he commanded quietly.
"Aye Aye Captain" came a whispered response from his Commander.
"Outer doors open Captain"
"Fire tubes one and two"

The moment the order was given, two MK-48 ADCAP torpedos rushed out of the submarine, being guided by a fiberoptic wire directly onto the enemy submarine. The wire guidance meant it couldnt be fooled by decoys.

Spyroll to find your sub


Captaine Zootzoot suggestively gyrated his hips on the command deck of the rogue submarine while waving his hands in the air. This celebration dance had been going on for the past eight hours and the Captaine could still feel the thrill of watching the solitary nuke fly away from his submarine. God, he hated England, and he shouted with joy when his crew member reported the successful launch. Ensuring that some of the English scourge was wiped from the planet was the happiest moment of Zootzoot's life and he and the submarine crew were living it up.

Little had they known but the prepubescent music on full volume had actually given away their position. While one of the crew members was demonstrating how they do it on the Discovery Channel, the sonar operator heard an irregular noise.


"What the hell are you talking about, son" the Captaine hollered as he walked over.

"You know, the bleeps... the sweeps... and the creeps." the sonar operator demonstrated, "It means torpedos have been fired at us!"

The Captaine wasted no time assessing the situation and immediately getting his men into their positions. "All hands to battle stations, turn me around to face this son of a !@#$%*, and for god's sake make sure my Miley Cyrus special edition CD doesn't get scratched," bellowed the old grouchy man to his subordinates. The crew immediately obeyed and in minutes they squared off with their enemy right in front of them.

The launch tubes of the rogue submarine opened and at the command of the Captaine all six torpedoes were fired in rapid succession at the English ship, each with magnetic guidance that had locked on to the English ship.

Captaine would not live to see if the torpedoes hit their target. His submarine was hit dead-on by the two incoming torpedoes. Though it's likely he had a grin on his face as he died, praying another ship would be sent to the bottom. Damn, he hated the British.

The submarine would sink quietly to the bottom with nary a trace. Though if one searched closely enough, he might find a single Miley Cyrus CD floating on the surface of the water, unscratched.

OOC: All in good fun Zoot, it's been a pleasure RPing with you.

Edited by Californian
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Nations would pick up the signature of two more nuclear warheads being fired. One was on a trajectory towards the Maritime Republic of J Andres, and the other was headed towards the capital of Nod.

Edited by Californian
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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1294295099' post='2565518']

Nations would pick up the signature of two more nuclear warheads being fired. One was on a trajectory towards the Maritime Republic of J Andres, and the other was headed towards the capital of Nod.

OOC: You already fired all 20 of your missiles.

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"We will not give up any land holdings at the time as all our territories have been governed well. Though we are open to a diplomatic discussion to listen to the concerns of the Empire of Pravus Ingruo. We thank our allies for standing by us during this turbulent time. Monaco has always been a peaceful nation and will remain so. We are temporarily shutting down of our Nuclear Program till our investigations into the matter of missing submarines are completed. Any attack on any of the Principality's holdings shall be considered an act of war against Monaco and be treated as such."

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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1294295099' post='2565518']

Nations would pick up the signature of two more nuclear warheads being fired. One was on a trajectory towards the Maritime Republic of J Andres, and the other was headed towards the capital of Nod.

[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1294303811' post='2565660']
OOC: You already fired all 20 of your missiles.

[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1294206147' post='2564035']
Everyone was silent as the timer slowly counted down.

Captaine Louis-David gave one final nod to the Janitor who had been given the privilege of firing off the nukes. In less than a second the button was pressed and 10 nuclear missiles fired from the submarine somewhere in the Pacific ocean while 10 other nuclear warheads (all 10 MT), were launched from the other submarines.

The [size="5"]ten[/size] missiles from Louis-David's submarine exited, each on a trajectory to Korea. Four would be aimed at the capital city while two would be sent to each of the most populous cities in the nation.

[size="5"]Nine[/size] missiles were launched from somewhere in the Atlantic at the Holy American Empire. Four would be aimed at the city of Foundation while the others were aimed at the most populous cities.

Finally, [size="5"]one[/size] last nuclear missile was launched from the Northern Atlantic at London.

It was finished.

Edited by J Andres
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