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[quote name='acrux' timestamp='1293507789' post='2555846']
So youve had this nation for 941 days, this nation.. past nations mean what? Ive had those too.... and?

Fact: in the 20% tile for casualties, @ 941 days.

Dont think I was trying to credit anything else you say youve done in the past. Thanks for 'The More You Know' fact though, not sure what weight it holds though.

You actually think casualties mean you're good at war? War in this game is ridiculously simple and if you think you need casualties in order to be "good" you're delusional. I've probably been involved in more wars in this game than most people around and any old people here will attest to that.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293501691' post='2555721']
A lot higher level than one who posts delegate logs on (that site where logs gets posted and is censored for some reason) and tries to posture on these forums about being "tough"
!@#$ happens, dont like that responce? Well take your own advice

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1293507943' post='2555849']
People questioning WarriorConcept's war prowess obviously do not know the man.

Seriously, you should just stop with that line while you are ahead.

His war prowess was always more hype than anything. And I'm saying that because there's absolutely nothing to war on planet bob.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1293507571' post='2555837']
You put yourself in that spot. My post was directed to a chosen crowd here, those of complainers. It doesn't concern anybody other.


Dear You,

Review the post I quoted from you, and point out where you mentioned others complaining, I think it was more the direction of 'action depraved souls'. I believe you sir tried to tie in complaining once I poked at NPO... Then we can take it to the next step where you said 'I' was complaining, then we moved to try and blanket and back pedal to the 'collective others' was what it was aimed to. I != all

gah.. figure it out NPO.

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293508172' post='2555858']
His war prowess was always more hype than anything. And I'm saying that because there's absolutely nothing to war on planet bob.

There were more tricks in the past regarding war which I wrote a guide about and helped the Initiative kick ass during GWII.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293508295' post='2555865']
There were more tricks in the past regarding war which I wrote a guide about and helped the Initiative kick ass during GWII.

Good for you, I've written a war guide too. Should I give you a cookie? Are we in some kind of club now?

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293508172' post='2555858']His war prowess was always more hype than anything. And I'm saying that because there's absolutely nothing to war on planet bob.[/quote]
There is nothing to this game as well. What we do is just hyping it up.

That being said, my point was directed at the fact that the guy fought in many wars. So that can not be put into question.

[quote name='acrux' timestamp='1293508239' post='2555861']Review the post I quoted from you, and point out where you mentioned others complaining, I think it was more the direction of 'action depraved souls'.
That was them. Figure it out.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293508343' post='2555868']
Good for you, I've written a war guide too. Should I give you a cookie? Are we in some kind of club now?

Obviously you didn't get the point. But ultimately yes war is completely and ridiculously simple in this game and no one needs casualties to be "good" at it.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1293504671' post='2555777']
this too

And this nation has been around for over 1,000 days, and has grown to a pretty respectable size. Why does he need your protection? He's been around long enough to make a conscious choice to be unaligned. Any veteran player such as the nation in question knows the perils of being unaligned.

Also, every major contribution to the game has been done by someone in an alliance, not an unaligned nation. Prove me wrong.

Just because a nation is large and unaligned doesn't mean that it wants to get raided. Who knows, maybe he's creating a new alliance , perhaps he's planning something, or perhaps he just got sick of being in an alliance. Just because he knows the dangers doesn't mean he doesn't deserve protection.

EDIT: I forgot to address your last point. I never said that unaligned nations make significant contributions while they are unaligned. It may simply take them some time before getting used to the workings of planet bob before joining or creating an alliance and then making a contribution.

Edited by kulomascovia
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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293508412' post='2555870']
Obviously you didn't get the point. But ultimately yes war is completely and ridiculously simple in this game and no one needs casualties to be "good" at it.

No, I got that you were trying to toot your own horn, and I've been around long enough to know that you were more hype than anything, even when people were lining up to suck your &#$@.

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293508474' post='2555873']
No, I got that you were trying to toot your own horn, and I've been around long enough to know that you were more hype than anything, even when people were lining up to suck your &#$@.

Like branimir said, the point was the fact that I was actually a person who fought in a lot of wars, and one of the people who didn't rely just on raiding for fighting but actually challenged other nations bigger than me for 1v1s.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293508066' post='2555855']
You actually think casualties mean you're good at war? War in this game is ridiculously simple and if you think you need casualties in order to be "good" you're delusional. I've probably been involved in more wars in this game than most people around and any old people here will attest to that.

Wow people on these forums sure read right past what is presented and add more to it. Did I mention anything about you being horrible at war? I started a fact, age/cas. From what I can see of your setup you wouldnt worry me much. This is a game of numbers and mild randomness. Congrats you think youre good at war, a bananna cracked out monkey hitting keys at will could pull off some battles as well. End of the day its numbers and logic.. not a hard concept.. were not launching satellites here.

Glad were getting somewhere with this.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293508577' post='2555878']
Like branimir said, the point was the fact that I was actually a person who fought in a lot of wars, and one of the people who didn't rely just on raiding for fighting but actually challenged other nations bigger than me for 1v1s.

Does that mean you're in a club with thousands of other people? Because you're not the only person who can claim that, you know.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1293508462' post='2555871']
Just because a nation is large and unaligned doesn't mean that it wants to get raided. Who knows, maybe he's creating a new alliance , perhaps he's planning something, or perhaps he just got sick of being in an alliance. Just because he knows the dangers doesn't mean he doesn't deserve protection.
Perhaps he's trying to attract raiders for a fight? Who knows! You've now deprived him of that opportunity.

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[quote name='acrux' timestamp='1293508627' post='2555879']
Wow people on these forums sure read right past what is presented and add more to it. Did I mention anything about you being horrible at war? I started a fact, age/cas. From what I can see of your setup you wouldnt worry me much. This is a game of numbers and mild randomness. Congrats you think youre good at war, a bananna cracked out monkey hitting keys at will could pull off some battles as well. End of the day its numbers and logic.. not a hard concept.. were not launching satellites here.

Glad were getting somewhere with this.

I've always stated that war is ridiculously simple, heck even in this very thread. You tried to imply I didn't know how to fight so I brought up that I did, regardless of how simple it is.

[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293508669' post='2555882']
Does that mean you're in a club with thousands of other people? Because you're not the only person who can claim that, you know.

Yup, totally.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293508953' post='2555891']
I've always stated that war is ridiculously simple, heck even in this very thread. You tried to imply I didn't know how to fight so I brought up that I did, regardless of how simple it is.

Yup, totally.

Have you informed some lost lemon tree of your protection policy? It would be a travesty if he lost all that back collection by getting into a little ol' war because you were bored and decided to offer protection to a nation on a whim.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1293508863' post='2555887']
No. However, when you talk about war prowess it's good to be able to show it. Having that few casualties really doesn't do that.

This has been discussed already, feel free to read up.

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1293508903' post='2555890']
You didn't ask him first? How rude to suggest that he needs your protection.

I did message him already, I just didn't tell kulo about it.

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