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Forest Clan Wolves DoE


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Yep, that's right, we are back! With a longer Charter, more laws, and higher quality annoyance!
So, here is our new charter, itz purdy, ain't it?


This document, re-written on the first of December, of 2010, shall be regarded as the new charter of the Forest Clan Wolves, and the highest law. It shall protect the liberty of the alliance, whilst maintain order, and justice. It will be effective from December first, until, or if, it is deemed out of date, or unjust. May our Wolven ancestors shine upon it, and guide us into freedom, and success.

[b]I. Joining the Clan.[/b]

The Clan follows a set of simple guide lines, that keep order, and limit criminals and thieves from entering as regular members. They are as follows:

1: No tech deal thieves
2: No traitors
3: No former ZI'ed
4: No current ZI's
5: No Rouges

If any current members are found to have lied to gain entry, they will be punished in a court of law.

Any person that wishes to join with those offenses, may still join, may be thoroughly background cheacked, and will join as a fringe member, with limited abalities. After three months of being a limited member, they may become a full member.

[b]II. Social rankings.[/b]

The social rankings in FCW are simple barriers between Government, ministers/teachers, and regular members. They are as follows.

Chancellor- The eternal leader. In overcharge, and has over ride status on Internal affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Wars.

Barons- Elected officials, based on strict experience levels. They have sub levels,

Minister of Foreign Affairs- Deals with foreign diplomats from FCW and to FCW. Writes all treaties unless instructed that the other alliance will write it. If the other alliance is, they will request updates on its progress.

Minister of Internal Affairs- Observes the alliance, deals with problems that are less severe. Also answers Questions.

Minister of Economics- deals with the "Tech Deals", "Resource Trades", and "Mass-Foreign Aid" deals.

Minister of War- Deal with training and orders for troops. Sits in on diplomatic talks.

Minister of Education- Teaches all of the newer members, and is in charge of assigning mentors to assist the newer members.

All Barons may have one apprentice.

Apprentices- The replacements for the Barons, if they resign. All Barons and the Chancellor may have one, single, apprentice. If A Baron requests more than one, they must send a letter of 'why' to the Chancellor. They can only be appointed by the Chancellor.

Citizens- The baseline members.

Homeless- Inactive members, or members joining on parole.

[b]III. Mentors.[/b]

FCW has a mentor program that conscripts Citizens and the Homeless. The "Conscription" forces a member to teach a younger member all he/she knows. A mentor-ship lasts up to two weeks, during this time both the mentor, and the apprentice are expected to be getting to know each other better.

[b]IV. Authorized wars, Defensive wars, and Un-authorized wars.[/b]

There are several versions of war allowed, and un-allowed in FCW. The AUTHORIZED ones are as follows,

1: Raids on nations WITHOUT an alliance.
2: Defensive Wars.
3: People on FCW ZI list.
4: Targets directed by the Chancellor.

In an AUTHORIZED war, you must prompt the Chancellor, and Barons, one day ahead if you plan on launching a nuke.

In defensive wars, you may nuke your opponent without discussion if the war is offensive towards the entierity of FCW.

In an UN-AUTHORIZED war, you will be punished, you will pay reparations, if the other member is allied you will be placed on a 'watching' list, which is the first step to getting yourself onto a ZI list. If you nuke an allied member of a friendly alliance, you [b]WILL be expelled from FCW and immediately placed on the ZI list.[/b]

[b]V. Nuking.[/b]

Nuking damages EVERYONE, Every Single Nation will feel it. However in wars that seem fit, you may launch some of your nuclear arsenal if you inform the Chancellor, and Barons, one day before you launch.

If you happen to accidentally raid an ally, and you nuke them, you will have to pay reparations.

[b]VI. Punishments.[/b]

If you have committed a crime against FCW you will be punished by the following method,

First, you will be tried in the court, if your case fails,

Sanctions. If you commit a crime, such as not paying tech, we will have you sanctioned on your current team and you will be forced to pay. If you deny, you will be watched, you may become upon a ZI list, or you may be banished.

[b]VII. Leaving.[/b]

If a member wishes to leave, he/she shall post a resignation, or PM it to the Chancellor.

Any members are free to leave whenever they please, however excessive coming and goings will be punished.

If a member is to suddenly leave the member will be placed on a tracking list, to attempt to ensure said member was not a rouge.

[b]VIII. Court.[/b]
The court shall consist of the Chancellor as Judge, and five randomly chosen members as Jury.
Trials shall be conducted in a 3 day period.
First day: Prosecutor presents case,
Second day:Defendant presents defense
Third day: Jury votes

[b]IX. Amendments.[/b]

The Chancellor, Barons, Citizens, and Homeless may propose an amendment.
The amendment will be voted on by the Barons and Chancellor.


May these laws shine upon us and give us strength, and show our alliance for what it is, a strong reliable home for those who need one, for those who want one, and a reliable community for help, as a benovalent state.


Xeno, Chancellor of Forest Clan, Queen of Wolves
Mach10chocobo, Foreign affairs of Forest Clan

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0STS6xDQW7I"]Our Anthem![/url]

And our new Flag!
(Given by Davian Thule, Thank You!)

Blah blah blah, yap yap yap, *Hears party horns, and sees confeti*


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[quote]Effective immediately upon signing this treaty, Legacy will become the protectors of The Forest Clan Wolves (FCW)


Both Parties agree to not use any act of violence, including in game and forum spying, on one another. Both parties recognize that rogue nations tend to occur to all and if said rogue attacks a member of the opposite party, both parties will use diplomacy to solve the issue at hand.


Both Parties agree to provide one another with economic and military support when they feel necessary or if either party feels the need to ask for said support.


FCW shall not sign or announce any diplomatic agreements without consent from Legacy and FCW shall not go to war without consent from Legacy.


Both parties can be unbound from this treaty five (5) days after proper notice has been given to the other party. At the end of the five days the termination of these terms are to be announced on the Cybernations Forum.


Other Specifics have been detailed and accepted in private.


This treaty shall take full effect when both parties sign this protectorate and it is announced on the Cybernations Forums.


Sarmatian Empire, Lord
Wappas, Regent

Xeno, Chancellor of Forest Clan, Queen of Wolves
Mach10chocobo, Foreign affairs of Forest Clan[/quote]

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Nice charter. I could back this. Just a few points I thought interesting...

[quote]If you happen to accidentally raid an ally, and you nuke them, you will have to pay reparations.[/quote]

What happens if you nuke an enemy after peace? Any reps then? Or if nuking some other raid target who isn't an ally?

[quote]First, you will be tried in the court, if your case fails,

Sanctions. If you commit a crime, such as not paying tech, we will have you sanctioned on your current team and you will be forced to pay. If you deny, you will be watched, you may become upon a ZI list, or you may be banished.[/quote]

So if someone tech scams and is found guilty, he's immediately sanctioned even if he wants to pay the penalties?

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[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1291490220' post='2530115']
Nice charter. I could back this. Just a few points I thought interesting...

What happens if you nuke an enemy after peace? Any reps then? Or if nuking some other raid target who isn't an ally?

So if someone tech scams and is found guilty, he's immediately sanctioned even if he wants to pay the penalties?

I never said I was great at making charters. :U

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[quote name='Xeno' timestamp='1291489926' post='2530111']
We accept people who have been ZI'ed we just thouroghly inquisite them. :U
[color="#0000FF"]I believe the words you are looking for are "thoroughly" and "inquire." Also, if you do accept them even after inquisition, wouldn't you be violating your charter. I see this alliance going places.[/color]

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