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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289925828' post='2514741']
Because I am not a robot or a puppet and I think with my own brain? Plus, last I checked, I haven't been an MK member in over a year and a half.

I am pretty sure Archon doesn't have his hand up my rear making my mouth move. Though, I do hear some meowing coming from the corner.......

Edit: nvm read your edit :((

Edited by silentkiller
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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1289926058' post='2514745']
Haha, really MK? If this was any other smaller alliance doing this, everyone would be laughing about how worthless and immature this topic was. It might of made it to page 2. Stop trying so hard.
The more you post the longer the thread becomes. Why are you helping us to try so hard?

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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1289926058' post='2514745']
Haha, really MK? If this was any other smaller alliance doing this, everyone would be laughing about how worthless and immature this topic was. It might of made it to page 2. Stop trying so hard.
In the future we will stop doing things altogether and merge into TDO.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289926184' post='2514750']
We didn't like them. Send some better ones, or stop whining :smug:

We kept this guy though;
coz he is [i]original[/i] :awesome:
oh branimir you wound me so...

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289925740' post='2514740']
Good point. We'll start the bidding at 3500 tech each, and proceed from there. Seems much more reasonable. :awesome:

This form of preposterous behaviour is not something I expected from you sir. A generous alliance would use a low, 3m/150 tech conversion rate.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1289927577' post='2514768']
How did this get to 18 pages? This is even more irrelevant than the NSO thing in the long-run.

Because it contained the words MK and NPO in the same announcement.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1289927577' post='2514768']How did this get to 18 pages? This is even more irrelevant than the NSO thing in the long-run.[/quote]
Oh relax, its all in the name of some fun. Better this then nothing, which is what usually is around here.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1289927769' post='2514769']
Because it contained the words MK and NPO in the same announcement.

Now imagine how many pages the thread would have been had you not demasked me and tamerlane, and we were signing that MADP instead. :o

As to the answer of why use the 3mil:100 tech ratio rather than 3mil:150, I figured I could afford that generosity. Just asking for the reps to be converted to tech creates enough hassle to avoid me needing to raise the amount significantly. If you are confident that is no problem, we can easily raise the amount to an even 10,000 tech, to be divided between Tamerlane and myself equally. Hopefully that offer is enough to satisfy your pride, because that is as much extortion as I can stomach for two individuals. Going beyond that we'd have to cut the rest of the alliance in, and that's just unacceptable.

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289928685' post='2514785']
What a waste of time, both your writing of this announcement and my reading of it. This is the kind piss poor drama I would expect to see between two micro alliances. I hope this achieved your objectives.

I'm sorry we failed to meet your entertainment standards. Next time we'll vet any topic by you before posting, to make sure it meets your OWF posting standards.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289928974' post='2514795']
I'm sorry we failed to meet your entertainment standards. Next time we'll vet any topic by you before posting, to make sure it meets your OWF posting standards.


EDIT: Pretty sure that one is going to fly over 99.9% of Bob's heads.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289928974' post='2514795']
I'm sorry we failed to meet your entertainment standards. Next time we'll vet any topic by you before posting, to make sure it meets your OWF posting standards.

By all means if you are lacking in imagination and confidence I am happy to lend a hand. :blush:

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289928685' post='2514785']
What a waste of time, both your writing of this announcement and my reading of it. This is the kind piss poor drama I would expect to see between two micro alliances. I hope this achieved your objectives.
It generated 360-plus posts, proving that our detractors will complain wherever our face appears, even if the only thing they can complain about is that we didn't give them enough to complain about.

Mission Accomplished.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289928154' post='2514774']
Oh relax, its all in the name of some fun. Better this then nothing, which is what usually is around here.
[/quote]I understand that, it's just that Planet Bob's standards for "drama" and "fun" are disappointingly low nowadays.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289929594' post='2514803']
It generated 360-plus posts, proving that our detractors will complain wherever our face appears, even if the only thing they can complain about is that we didn't give them enough to complain about.

Mission Accomplished.

Well that sounds like quite the productive reason to make a thread on the OWF :blink: . I would take the response to this thread as a compliment, people are used to topics by MK being at least worth a read whether they are fond of you or not. This I am afraid was tired and boring, I really doubt you needed a thread to note that your detractors will attempt to portray you in a negative light, by definition that is what makes them detractors. These type of deductions are normally made by common sense but whatever, each to there own I shall be on my way now.

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289930413' post='2514815']
Well that sounds like quite the productive reason to make a thread on the OWF :blink: . I would take the response to this thread as a compliment, people are used to topics by MK being at least worth a read whether they are fond of you or not. This I am afraid was tired and boring, I really doubt you needed a thread to note that your detractors will attempt to portray you in a negative light, by definition that is what makes them detractors. These type of deductions are normally made by common sense but whatever, each to there own I shall be on my way now.
You're right. This formal statement of disdain from one alliance to another was tired and boring. I'll shut up now and let everybody get back to their milestones, minor governmental changes, PIATs, and discussions about why the global population is in decline.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1289932522' post='2514843']
How long before Grand Ayatollah Cortath starts denouncing the Great (MK) and Little Satan (GOONS)?
What does that make Umbrella? Cerberus?

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