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Jack Shepard passes the torch

Jack Shepard

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[b] Pork shrimp Announcement[/center][/b]

Greetings one and all.

I'm here to both celebrate the winning of our round 12 flag chase, and to pass on the torch for round 13.

In round 12, we set a goal to win, if you had different goals or ideas on what TE is about, thats great for you, but this was our goal, we set out to achieve it and with discipline, planning and precision we came home with the flag.

Flag running is hideously stressful though, and now, I need a break ;) so, after 11 rounds at the helm of this proud alliance, with two flags won, I am giving some new blood a chance to lead, allowing me to step back and enjoy TE as just another player.

This was a great high note to finish my leadership reign on, in round 12 we finished with 4 of the top 5 nations, 7 of the top 11, and a top 10 filled exclusively with PS and our good friends at TPC... I couldn't have asked for much more.

As I step back, I just want to again thank the guys who made this possible, honestly, I may have drawn up the plans but plans are nothing without guys to carry them through, and everyone in round 12 right up and down the line did their bit no matter how big or small and were a valued piece of the puzzle. It truly was a total team effort and from that came some pretty special results.

To the allies we have had over the rounds, thank you to TPC and the Warriors for being an honourable group of friends, for many rounds now, and I am sure we will remain good friends moving forward.

So, onto the torch passing, In round 13, PS will be led by RocDogg, bcortell and White Chocolate, so please feel free to contact them with any PS government enquiries, as I slip back into the shadows, like the Basketball Ninja I am ;)

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Jack, you've been an incredible ally and friend since we crossed paths in TE almost a year back. I honestly can't say how amazing the ride has been together my friend. My best rounds of TE has been when I've worked with Pork Shrimp or when we developed Nordic Ballers together.

If anyone deserves a break, it is you. And your supporting staff is far more qualified than anyone here will ever expect.

We'll have a toast of mead together after all the dust settles and the cleaning crews finish wiping our mess off the floors of Steve.

Here's to many more years as friends and thanks for the ride.

And to this I say I am very anxious for how Pork Shrimp will play out this round as a member with you guys (again)

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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I've said it a few times, but you're a crazy person, Jack...the amount of work that you've put into our many projects is incredible, and the results that we've had speak to both your ability to plan at the macro level and your attention to even the smallest detail. It might be only a temporary retirement, but it's one well earned.

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I fully understand the burn out stuff. Been there, getting there.

While we approach the game in very different ways, you and PS (or what ever your members are calling themselves at any given time) are to be respected for what you end up achieving.

Best wishes to tou in your down time.

Edited by Thomasj_tx
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Jack is probably the only person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing who focuses in on one thing so intensely. And he does it for three or four things a day, CN and otherwise. Glad to still have you in the fold, and I can't wait to see what the plans are for the round you return to.

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Burn out.?
I know how it feels Jack.
Sitting back a round is harder still imo.
The finger is always going to be on a trigger.
Fighters are not as easy to come by in TE as they used to be.
Be interesting to see you at round end.

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1282319133' post='2424574']
Burn out.?
I know how it feels Jack.
Sitting back a round is harder still imo.
The finger is always going to be on a trigger.

Perhaps. But right now he's sitting back in my office with his feet up and snickers now and then while eating popcorn. So, I guess he's enjoying himself :P

Hail Jack, one of the best coaches around!

- Sylvia Midnight of Dark Chocolate
Pork Shrimp Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

Edited by White Chocolate
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It was an honor to work with you and PS those two rounds oh so long ago, Jack. I was so happy to see you guys take home another flag, and I can't think of a more fitting reward for your hard work in leadership than a well-deserved retirement. Best of luck, Jack; just don't retire completely! ;)

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Jack we've been friends for many rounds...since round 2 or 3. I appreciate the friendship and honor you've given and played with.
Next to the alliance thats closes to my heat (TPC) You guys are as good as it gets all around, its truly been an honor!!
Enjoy the rest, hope your back soon.

Congrats to the new leaders and especially another old friend Sylvia M. :P


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Are you the Jack Shepard aka frank castel,The punisher,Mr wong,black beard,summers eve,The head lopper,green lantern and sally? That jack sheppard?
Your a hell of a leader. My hats off to you my freind.

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[quote name='Burning Glory' timestamp='1282366085' post='2425439']
Congrats to the new leaders and especially another old friend Sylvia M. :P

Can you believe it?! It's not like I've hid anything from my alliance, so they know my views... and they still elected me! :wub:

It's going to be fun, BG :popcorn:

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