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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282211614' post='2423008']
Ok to help NSO then? I guess then this is not really off base.

If TOP had asked me before they started sending that aid I would of told them not to, I never would of wanted anywhere close to $90m paid on my behalf in order to get peace, especially not $90m. Although I was told about the deal after they agreed to pay it and had started sending it out, so I accepted their help. Regardless I don't think they would pay reps for me again and I wouldn't ask them to either.

Also that's not how it went or even similar to how it went. :P

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HAHA man you're the best methrage. One day you'll start an alliance where your buddies won't have a 95% chance of getting rolled due to you're idiotic and selfish "quests for justice". They are in a state of war, if you want to aid the losing side wait until the war is over. The money is better spent helping out rebuilding than it is keeping them afloat nuke after nuke.

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I'm really enjoying these comics, they are fantastic... almost worth listening to Methrage whining.

Also, Methrage, how can you admit all this stuff and then claim that it's not what happened? You need to be consistent with your made up drama or it's no fun for all of us watching.

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Enjoy your war. I can't really believe you chose war over sending $6m to compensate our side for the aid you gave to NSO, but if you want to fight that badly, have fun with it. (In case anyone still didn't get it, the reason we were demanding money from him is because he sent aid to NSO who we are at war with.) In the past people have been asked to pay 2 or 3 times what they sent to an enemy, so we were being pretty nice by only asking for the same amount.

And yes, I rejected the aid offer because obviously incoming cash aid is nothing but a waste of a slot to me, and suggested that he should send the aid to smaller nations in VE instead.

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Here is a little back story on this whole thing. A member of Tetris tech raided and subsequently bill locked the member of Methrage's alliance who accepted the aid from NSO. It seems as if Methrage was paying NSO back for their help, which has active enemies, and then this thread appears. Tetris claims all credit and responsibility for this lulz and drama. Yay us.

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[quote name='Logan' timestamp='1282231702' post='2423140']
Here is a little back story on this whole thing. A member of Tetris tech raided and subsequently bill locked the member of Methrage's alliance who accepted the aid from NSO. It seems as if Methrage was paying NSO back for their help, which has active enemies, and then this thread appears. Tetris claims all credit and responsibility for this lulz and drama. Yay us.


Good luck VE, I'm sure you'll need it to deal with this global superpower. </sarcasm>

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To: Methrage From: goldielax25 Date: 8/17/2010 3:18:19 PM

Subject: Aid to NSO

Message: You've been around the block and understand the implications of your actions. [b]I'm not sure of your motives but I'll assume you wish to be declared on to provide yourself some cannon fodder for the OWF.[/b] If that isn't the case then I will ask you to rescind those aid offers. If that is the case then we will oblige you.

To: goldielax25 From: Methrage Date: 8/17/2010 3:31:21 PM

Subject: RE: Aid to NSO

Message: I rescinded the aid offers except for RV since I owe him from previously, is that enough to satisfy you guys?

To: Methrage From: goldielax25 Date: 8/17/2010 3:36:21 PM

Subject: RE: Aid to NSO

Message: Please rescind that one as well, and postpone it until the war's conclusion, which will hopefully be soon enough so that you can satisfy your obligation to him.

To: Methrage From: goldielax25 Date: 8/17/2010 3:46:42 PM

Subject: RE: Aid to NSO

Message: Since one aid has been accepted already, [b]it would be a good idea for you to send a matching aid offer to a warring Ragnarok nation of similar strength, to offset the aid that could get you into hot water. [/b]

To: Methrage From: goldielax25 Date: 8/17/2010 3:52:06 PM

Subject: RE: Aid to NSO

Message: Please respond to these messages to myself as well as Impero (ruler name Julius Cesar) as I need to be off to work, and he can handle it from here.

To: goldielax25 From: Methrage Date: 8/17/2010 4:04:50 PM

Subject: RE: Aid to NSO

Message: Going from past precedent upheld by Superfriend and allies in the last war when GOD made NPO pay them reps during their war with NSO. I don't think anything I did was wrong in sending aid, although I canceled most of them as a good gesture. I'm not afraid to lose some pixels if someone wants war, but I don't have anything against VE or SF. I think this war is unbalanced and some aid to let some of them pay their bills so they can fight back is fair considering how much you guys stacked the odds against them. Those fighting the ones I aided should be thanking me for doing so they can get off more ground attacks and actually fight...

As you can see from this correspondence, Methrage basically did this so that he could make a big stand so that he could post exactly this thread, and attempt to be relevant. To that end I commend him, as a multiple page thread for a three man alliance is impressive.

But as you can also see through the logs, he was dealt with fairly, and offered a simple solution to squash the issue so that war could be avoided. Simply send 3 million to a nation on the other side who was fighting. No, sending cash to a 170k NS nation is not an acceptable counterbalance to what he did, as any rational person can see.

He knew exactly what he was getting into, and sadly for him he will suffer the full weight of our policy of ZI'ing rogues.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282209308' post='2422987']
You might consider it VE has sovereignty to decide who you can aid and demand aid from you at will, [snip]

No. Just No.



Really, No.


That's not what happened here at all.

You aided one side, so they said make it fair to aid the other, which, mind you, is perfectly legit.

And then you had to go and say "well, he didn't accept it", so you really should've sent aid to anyone else, just to appease them, to be honest.

So no. No.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282208308' post='2422977']
You guys threaten me with war and then you whine when I declare war in response, as well as nitpick and lie to misrepresent the situation completely. I declared because this war seemed like something you guys wanted anyways, but still thought of you guys as a decent alliance overall and looked forward to a good fight against honorable foes. However seeing how you respond to getting declared on and how much you guys complain despite everything you've done has made any respect I had for you guys disappear, especially all the lying you do despite having the advantage in this fight already statwise.

No, I told you at least 10 times in our conversation that I wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted support NSO militarily as well as financially, war is fine, we thoroughly enjoy it. The point is your lieing about why your declaring war and acting like a middle school girl who is getting ignored in the lunch room.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282235003' post='2423184']
No, I told you at least 10 times in our conversation that I wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted support NSO militarily as well as financially, war is fine, we thoroughly enjoy it. The point is your lieing about why your declaring war and acting like a middle school girl who is getting ignored in the lunch room.
I didn't lie and you're nitpicking over semantics to try forming your case here.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282235311' post='2423189']
I didn't lie and you're nitpicking over semantics to try forming your case here.

If almost every response since the OP hasn't told you that no one is going to buy your immature garbage no matter how many times you say it, I'm not sure what will.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282235686' post='2423191']
If almost every response since the OP hasn't told you that no one is going to buy your immature garbage no matter how many times you say it, I'm not sure what will.
Where did I lie? Your responses so far have been full of pointless lies that wouldn't even make a difference if they were correct, so I'm not sure what your trying to do in this thread other than prove yourself a liar...

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282235902' post='2423192']
Where did I lie? Your responses so far have been full of pointless lies that wouldn't even make a difference if they were correct, so I'm not sure what your trying to do in this thread other than prove yourself a liar...

...what you just said makes no sense at all.

Try [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90887&view=findpost&p=2422808"]here[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90887&view=findpost&p=2422850"]here[/url]. Dude, really, its as plain as day you made things up to be overly sensational and try to get people to feel bad for you. Obviously, that didn't happen and it backfired. Just let it go, stop saying your telling the truth because the logs that say your definitively not are right here in this damn thread. Saying the sky is made of provolone 100 times won't get anyone to believe you, as all they have to do is look up to see its not made of damn cheese.

Now, have fun screaming and flailing your arms like a crazy person, and we will destroy your nation for you. Sound good?

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282236879' post='2423206']
...what you just said makes no sense at all.

Try [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90887&view=findpost&p=2422808"]here[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90887&view=findpost&p=2422850"]here[/url].

Now, have fun screaming and flailing your arms like a crazy person, and we will destroy your nation for you. Sound good?
Did you see the quote I posted in the OP where I was told my last option was to send aid to two nations at war with NSO? That was after I talked with you and I've had it in the OP from the start so people can easily see what the most recent option I was given.
To: Methrage From: Julius Cesar Date: 8/18/2010 11:42:48 PM

Subject: RE: Well

Message: Well the only option you have left is send two 3 million dollar aid packages to two nations at war with NSO at some point tomorrow.[/quote]

Was Julius Cesar not speaking on behalf of your alliance?

Edited by Methrage
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VE, and especially Impero, I am so so so [b]so[/b] sorry. Sorry that you have to deal with this raving lunatic, and sorry that we didn't stop him the first time around. That $90m was just so tempting! We are weak!

Reading through this thread, though, I can't help and laugh at how "textbook Methrage" this is. Really guy, do you only have this one act? We've seen it all before! I mean, yeah it's good for a momentary diversion, but I was starting to get bored by page 3.

Get a new shtick. Get some new argument deflections. At the very least find [i]some[/i] way to get yourself in the spotlight other than aiding nations at war. It's old. It's tired. You aren't as good at this as you think you are.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1282238630' post='2423236']
VE, and especially Impero, I am so so so [b]so[/b] sorry. Sorry that you have to deal with this raving lunatic, and sorry that we didn't stop him the first time around. That $90m was just so tempting! We are weak!

Reading through this thread, though, I can't help and laugh at how "textbook Methrage" this is. Really guy, do you only have this one act? We've seen it all before! I mean, yeah it's good for a momentary diversion, but I was starting to get bored by page 3.

Get a new shtick. Get some new argument deflections. At the very least find [i]some[/i] way to get yourself in the spotlight other than aiding nations at war. It's old. It's tired. You aren't as good at this as you think you are.
The reasoning behind how this war started is very different from how my war started with you guys started, although I think discussion of our previous war is best left for discussions in other threads. It seems all the damage I did during that war left a lasting impression on you guys, although I think you're mostly just jealous VE is getting all the attention this time. :P

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Creeping Death' timestamp='1282239241' post='2423250']
Pathetic. If you help the enemy you pay the same consequences as that enemy.. buck up or knuck up
Considering I declared war putting myself in the same position as them, I wasn't trying to avoid facing the same consequences as them. The one you're referring to as an enemy I consider a friend, also I'm not complaining and realize we'll both be hitting each other with attacks, so might as well enjoy the war.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282207335' post='2422966']
‎To: Methrage From: Shakira [b]Date: 8/17/2010 3:10:49 PM (When the first aid package was accepted)[/b]
To: Methrage From: Pope Bubba XIII [b]Date: 8/17/2010 3:54:27 PM (When the second aid package was accepted)[/b]

My conversation with Impero ended around Tuesday, ‎August ‎17, ‎2010, ‏‎6:33:50 PM and started well after both aid packages had been accepted. I saved the chat right after our conversation was done and that's what it shows for the date created. Clearly Impero is intentionally lying as he tries painting me as a liar with lies of his owns, but facts are something people can verify.

[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282232080' post='2423146']
To: Methrage From: goldielax25 [b]Date: 8/17/2010 3:18:19 PM[/b]

Subject: Aid to NSO

Message: You've been around the block and understand the implications of your actions. [b]I'm not sure of your motives but I'll assume you wish to be declared on to provide yourself some cannon fodder for the OWF.[/b] If that isn't the case then I will ask you to rescind those aid offers. If that is the case then we will oblige you.

What lie was he making again, Methy?

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282239880' post='2423257']
Thanks for aiding Shakira, that money went straight to me. :smug:
I told your leaders they should of been thanking me for sending the aid instead of trying to extract reps from me, as I had a feeling those fighting would appreciate being able to do some ground attacks rather than fight someone who can't re-buy troops or do anything. Seems you have the right idea though.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282240374' post='2423266']
I told your leaders they should of been thanking me for sending the aid instead of trying to extract reps from me, as I had a feeling those fighting would appreciate being able to do some ground attacks rather than fight someone who can't re-buy troops or do anything. Seems you have the right idea though.

I was joking :v:

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