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Nutty North Korean Announcement

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Adolph Hitler. Most of you remember him as that jolly, fun-loving dictator who ruled Germany for a little bit. But did you know that Hitler is actually bad? It's true. Last week, him and his Nazi army invaded North Korea, but were flat out destroyed by our robots and laser cannons that no one knew existed until now but totally do for real. The following documentary, produced by Park Hwang-Bo, highlights Hitler's last days of the war.

[size="5"][center][b]Bitter Ol' Hitler: A Documentary[/b][/center][/size]
[center][url="http://www.transyoutube.com/trans.swf?v=86FqN3raehs&s=2603"]Link to Documentary[/url][/center]

With Hitler defeated, NNK could enjoy its Six Month Anniversary, fittingly named "Kim Jong-Il Day". And in another six months, we'll be celebrating another important day: "Kim Jong-Il Day". Oh, and don't forget in just a day's time to celebrate "Kim Jong-Il Day". But enough about Kim Jong-Il. It's time to talk about NNK. Despite popular belief, that NNK consists only of our Dear Leader:


We actually have members. Members who do things, like get their nations blown up in war, or get their nations blown up in raids, and even get their nations blown up by rogues. So now we are here to celebrate them, with awards.

[u]Grand Prize (But no cash reward)[/u]
[b]Most Like Kim Jong-Il Award[/b]: Gorchin
Gorchin originally proposed the founding of NNK, is NNK's oldest member, and has fought the hardest in every war NNK has been in.
Other Prizes (But still no cash reward)[/u]
[b]Best Announcement Writer and Video Maker in the History of Forever:[/b] Alistair Thorrington
[b]Funniest IRC Duo Award:[/b] Pikachujc and Pimpleman
[b]The Man With No Plan Award (Hey, he wanted it):[/b] Oracular
[b]The Only Member Without Male Genitals Award:[/b] Sarikitty
[b]Dumbest Member Award:[/b] Vesta
[b]Most Inactive Member Award:[/b] Britwarlord
[b]Squishiest Member Award:[/b] Teh Squishy
[b]Biggest Russian Award:[/b] Pluff
[b]Best Peon Award:[/b] Everyone else

[u]Shout Outs to Allies and Friends[/u]
[b]Federation of Buccaneers:[/b] Thanks for protecting us when we were just baby tyrants
[b]United Sovereign Nations: [/b] Thanks for protecting us, and Vladisvok smells
[b]The Immortals:[/b] Sucked, but were still our MDoAP partners for some reason
[b]Aeonic Imperium:[/b] Sucked too, but were our OADP partners for some reason
[b]Menotah:[/b] For being allied to us, despite our quirks.
[b]Nusantara Elite Warriors:[/b] You guys were good sports in the last Global War. Too bad we had to nuke each other.

Well, NNK has never done things the normal way, we don't have a charter, a private channel or written rules. But here we are, six months (Well, [i]almost[/i] six months) into it and still going. Not [i]growing[/i], [i]going[/i]. We don't do any of that progress stuff.

In recent news, North Korea deceisively defeated Brazil 7-0 in their first game of the FIFA World Cup. They were so uplifted after their stunning victory that they immediately went to play The Ivory Coast. FIFA Staff tried to stop them, saying such things as "Your game is pre-scheduled" and "It's 2am, they're all asleep", but the North Korean players knew that was just Capitalist slander and deceisively defeated the Ivory Coast 57-0, because for some reason the Ivory Coast sent no players onto the pitch, and their coach didn't even show up. Looks like this will be an easy World Cup victory for North Korea. Goodbye everyone.

Feel free to post any comments or questions (as long as they're all positive)

And remember:

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I am Kim Il Sung, and I agree... North Korea is Best Korea!

See how I love all Nutty North Koreans!

Edited by Choson
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[quote name='Choson' date='16 June 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1276739719' post='2340160']
I am Kim Il Sung, and I agree... North Korea is Best Korea!

See how I love all Nutty North Koreans!

Kim Jong-Il loves us more, TRAITOR! Why'd you have to go and die? :(

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='17 June 2010 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1276775523' post='2340565']
Kim Jong-Il loves us more, TRAITOR! Why'd you have to go and die? :(

To impress upon you always that the Glorious Leader will be there for you.

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='18 June 2010 - 06:39 PM' timestamp='1276911572' post='2342433']
Wait a minute. Kim Il Sung doesn't know how to use a computer! This is an imposter!

This means that North Korea officially recognizes itself in a state of war with GOONS.

And now we officially surrender to GOONS.

As reparations GOONS demands a private concert performed by long-time favorite of GOONS: Justin Bieber.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='ktarthan' date='18 June 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1276916063' post='2342509']
As reparations GOONS demands a private concert performed by long-time favorite of GOONS: Justin Bieber.

Oh Crap.. that would beat the Video we just saw.. (for hilarity)


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[quote name='ktarthan' date='18 June 2010 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1276916063' post='2342509']
As reparations GOONS demands a private concert performed by long-time favorite of GOONS: Justin Bieber.

I have consulted with Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il, and he has agreed to rent Justin Bieber for a single GOONS concert, though there are a few requirements:

- No girls over the age of 12
- It cannot run later than 9:00pm (His bedtime)
- Most importantly, no revolving doors.

If GOONS can agree to those terms, the concert is a go.

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='19 June 2010 - 09:13 AM' timestamp='1276963974' post='2342934']
I have consulted with Dear Leader Kim Jong-Il, and he has agreed to rent Justin Bieber for a single GOONS concert, though there are a few requirements:

- No girls over the age of 12
- It cannot run later than 9:00pm (His bedtime)
- Most importantly, no revolving doors.

If GOONS can agree to those terms, the concert is a go.
I see these as acceptable terms but GOONS are a truely unreasonable bunch

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