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United Purple Nations - Regnum Invictorum Announcement

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='09 June 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1276137806' post='2331085']
Peggy you have a !@#$ storm to ride through i wish you luck but you can not blame most of us for our feelings. It is apparent that UPN wishes to hop in another bed as the one they have left is very cold. I would how ever caution that antagonizing and subtle bring its arent doing you any favors.

Your right UPN is switching sides cutting ties those who stood by them and those they failed to stand by. I find it interesting how ODN supports this neutrality so passionatly especially as they are now part of CnG a bloc who always stands with there bloc partners regardless. Perhaps ODN hasnt changed as much as they would like all to believe and i truly hope im wrong in that.

Yes, Buds the Man, there's been one !@#$storm after another. I do not blame anyone for their feelings for the past. The bring it wasn't meant to be subtle really; I would like to propose a small-scale engagement between an alliance that apparently has a lot of hatred to work through and a portion of UPN. ... A one-on-one interaction with even numbers that just might help create a different relation than the one that exists. Yes, the bed was too cold for my taste and I chose to not put up with one more rude ice cube -- I left. Likely a good thing for both sides of the situation. It sure doesn't have to be permanent, but for the time being I'm just not going to put up with the kinds of ice cubes that were being dealt.

So, what say you, BAPS?

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='10 June 2010 - 03:43 PM' timestamp='1276137806' post='2331085']
Your right UPN is switching sides cutting ties those who stood by them and those they failed to stand by. I find it interesting how ODN supports this neutrality so passionatly especially as they are now part of CnG a bloc who always stands with there bloc partners regardless. Perhaps ODN hasnt changed as much as they would like all to believe and i truly hope im wrong in that.[/quote]

Unlike some, the ODN was able to sympathise with UPN's predicament. We weren't happy at the time, but we've talked and we understand why UPN made the decision. We are supporting UPN here because we are supporting our treaty partners in peace, and in war. UPN are positioning themselves so they wont be caught up again, and we understand this, and so we are accommodating one of our closest friends while they smooth their FA out.

Edited by Banksy
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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1276141740' post='2331187']
Yes, Buds the Man, there's been one !@#$storm after another. I do not blame anyone for their feelings for the past. The bring it wasn't meant to be subtle really; I would like to propose a small-scale engagement between an alliance that apparently has a lot of hatred to work through and a portion of UPN. ... A one-on-one interaction with even numbers that just might help create a different relation than the one that exists. Yes, the bed was too cold for my taste and I chose to not put up with one more rude ice cube -- I left. Likely a good thing for both sides of the situation. It sure doesn't have to be permanent, but for the time being I'm just not going to put up with the kinds of ice cubes that were being dealt.

So, what say you, BAPS?

You do understand that BAPS doesnt play nice(ie: they dont raid they just go balls out) when it comes to war, right Peggy?

This wont end well methinks.... :blink:

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[quote name='Graphix' date='10 June 2010 - 12:15 AM' timestamp='1276143317' post='2331234']
So, pistols at dawn then?

Wow can we take bets on this please? I would pay to see a 1 vs 1, even numbers, BAPS versus UPN fight. Even with the massive warchest advantage you guys should have due to sitting out I think it is clear that BAPS is the safe bet here. Who said we wouldn't see a summer war? Please prove everyone wrong. I'd love to eat the popcorn for this one.

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='09 June 2010 - 11:12 PM' timestamp='1276143109' post='2331226']
You do understand that BAPS doesnt play nice(ie: they dont raid they just go balls out) when it comes to war, right Peggy?

This wont end well methinks.... :blink:

Oh yes, I do fully understand BAPS doesn't play nice. They've gotten angrier and angrier after I let them know I'd not be the butt of their ... um... ice cubes.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1276146087' post='2331311']
Oh yes, I do fully understand BAPS doesn't play nice. They've gotten angrier and angrier after I let them know I'd not be the butt of their ... um... ice cubes.

Peggy Sue, may I ask what the hell you mean by ice cubes? I truly do not understand your innuendo and am beyond curious as to why you have thrown down the gauntlet to BAPS. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you did, but as a spectator I'm quite puzzled. Please fill us all in. :nuke:

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='10 June 2010 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1276146087' post='2331311']
Oh yes, I do fully understand BAPS doesn't play nice. They've gotten angrier and angrier after I let them know I'd not be the butt of their ... um... ice cubes.
I do have to ask, my dear: Is your membership going to be up for this?

Since the war which BAPS is still irate over UPN's non-participation, you've added 100+ members. It'll be a baptism by fire for them should BAPS accept your challenge. Many of them will have no clue why this is going on, and wonder why the heck another Purple alliance is at war with them. I'm sure ground rules will be set out (no aiding/intervention from outside parties, no invocation of treaties, etc.) and a third party will be on hand to enforce the ground rules (pick us! pick us!), but I worry about the future it'll set for our sphere. Even if the sphere is as fractured as it was in the months following Legion's fall in Great War 3, this could set things back even further for most everyone on Purple.

I hope cooler heads prevail, as to be fair, I suspect BAPS will not even post a response to your challenge. Be advised, though, that should BAPS accept, I (with my alliance's ties to both UPN & BAPS notwithstanding) offer myself as a referee for this duel, and I have a name for this conflict already picked out. [ooc]It just happens to be another Missouri politico.[/ooc]

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[quote name='James Saams' date='10 June 2010 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1276147579' post='2331358']
Dear god I can not wait to see BAPS roll UPN. I believe this shall bring great lulz to a world in desperate need of moar lulz. :awesome:

I second this notion. The Gre thing has turned from lulz to being just sad. I demand more entertainment, though I predict this conflict may soon turn that way as well.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1276146087' post='2331311']
Oh yes, I do fully understand BAPS doesn't play nice. They've gotten angrier and angrier after I let them know I'd not be the butt of their ... um... ice cubes.

If you are serious about the one on one, well, props to you, it'd be awful fun to watch (& even more fun to be a BAPSter!) Have you got as far as to consider rules of engagement? Or is this just verbal swordplay?

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Ah, slow down on the speculation.

I am talking a dual here ... not a full scale war. Nobody else involved. Even numbers. Shoot, it could even be 3 nations each side. or 10. whatever would be agreed upon.

My main reasons?

The barbed posts on OWF are getting a bit old.
This would give BAPS a new experience to have with UPN ... and new experiences are needed now.

Purple! There is no need to wring your hands over the thought of purples at war with one another. A dual is not a war. A gentlemen's agreement would not be a purple sphere war ... it would be a beginning to having some kind of different relation than the one that exists now.

Let's think outside of the box a bit, eh?

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 10:46 PM' timestamp='1276148752' post='2331381']
Ah, slow down on the speculation.

I am talking a dual here ... not a full scale war. Nobody else involved. Even numbers. Shoot, it could even be 3 nations each side. or 10. whatever would be agreed upon.

My main reasons?

The barbed posts on OWF are getting a bit old.
This would give BAPS a new experience to have with UPN ... and new experiences are needed now.

Purple! There is no need to wring your hands over the thought of purples at war with one another. A dual is not a war. A gentlemen's agreement would not be a purple sphere war ... it would be a beginning to having some kind of different relation than the one that exists now.

Let's think outside of the box a bit, eh?

So a purple cleansing of the air thru nuke power?

I like it.

Does this offer extend to me/us as well? :awesome:

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='09 June 2010 - 11:46 PM' timestamp='1276148752' post='2331381']
Ah, slow down on the speculation.

I am talking a dual here ... not a full scale war. Nobody else involved. Even numbers. Shoot, it could even be 3 nations each side. or 10. whatever would be agreed upon.

My main reasons?

The barbed posts on OWF are getting a bit old.
This would give BAPS a new experience to have with UPN ... and new experiences are needed now.

Purple! There is no need to wring your hands over the thought of purples at war with one another. A dual is not a war. A gentlemen's agreement would not be a purple sphere war ... it would be a beginning to having some kind of different relation than the one that exists now.

Let's think outside of the box a bit, eh?

I like your moxie. I kinda wish it was us you'd challenged tbh. There is no love lost between our alliances so far as I'm aware, and it sounds like a great way to let some of that out. C'est la vie I guess.

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Do you honestly think a series of limited 1 v 1 raid style battles can make amends for watching on as your allies burned for nearly a month. I can forgive any enemy no matter how hard they beat on us but betrayal by a friend or ally is never forgotten. The whole challenge is a cynical attempt to brush this under the carpet with minimal damage, same old UPN.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Kryievla' date='10 June 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1276149369' post='2331396']
I like your moxie. I kinda wish it was us you'd challenged tbh. There is no love lost between our alliances so far as I'm aware, and it sounds like a great way to let some of that out. C'est la vie I guess.

BAPS needs some good [s]allies [/s]ghosts to help fill things out, no? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='10 June 2010 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1276150634' post='2331409']
It should also be noted that UPN's constitution contains a prohibition against attacking Purple.

I would trust that such a challenge would be made in good faith, and an exception made. If not, then it's grossly insincere, and would reflect quite poorly on those issuing it.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='10 June 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1276150634' post='2331409']
It should also be noted that UPN's constitution contains a prohibition against attacking Purple.

No worries. UPN is more lavender than purple. <_<

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='10 June 2010 - 08:17 AM' timestamp='1276150634' post='2331409']
It should also be noted that UPN's constitution contains a prohibition against attacking Purple.
I didn't know that. Frankly I thought this war would be legally sanctioned by both alliances via a sort of agreement, however from what I know constitution/charter by definition takes precedence over treaties etc.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='10 June 2010 - 01:17 AM' timestamp='1276150634' post='2331409']
It should also be noted that UPN's constitution contains a prohibition against attacking Purple.

For one generally so well-versed in the minutiae of politics I wonder how the difference between the words 'attack' and 'duel' escaped you, Haf.

BAPS, no, I do not think a duel would make up for UPN not standing with her (then) Purple allies in the recent war.
Personally, I argued until I was [s]blue[/s] purple in the face about the need for us to enter the war, especially when one arena turned into a purple theater of battle.
Nobody argued harder or longer than I about the devastating damage that neutrality would bring to UPN.
I was very close to leaving until I decided I could potentially help UPN more by standing to take the consequences than by leaving to fight for purple.

No, I do not think a duel would end the hostilities ... but I do think it would give BAPS and UPN an interaction that would be the beginning of actually being able to do something other than make barbed OWF posts and receive barbed OWF posts.

For a group that made comments similar to "Maybe this new UPN leader will do something to help purple unity" (when Altheus turned over the 'keys' in March) there seems to be a lot of reluctance to actually try something different on the part of BAPS and Invicta ... er maybe just BAPS and Haf. Did anyone think I'd sit around and take the insults ad infinitum? Perhaps BAPS thought that ... perhaps others thought that, too. I am saying that there are other things to use to help blow off steam and begin to alleviate a bit of hatred. I am proposing taking steps to begin to move forward.

Unless BAPS would prefer to continue saying hateful things every time an OWF thread comes up that facilitates a bit of UPN bashing.... in my view, that constitutes hostile actions that are traditionally a part of the war dance performed in this venue.

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P.S. Here's another outside the box thought:

BAPS contains nations that are black, orange, aqua, and red.

So does UPN!

It is possible to have a duel that doesn't involve purple nations, though I'd be more than willing to change my color (pending notification and agreement of trade partners) for a 4-5 day duel.

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