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From the Cold North

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On this day, the 24th of May, 2010, we announce the beginning of a new tale; one of brotherhood, honor, friendship, and, of course, vodka and women. I announce to you, nations of Digiterra, The Swedish Empire, a new resident of the Black Sphere.

Also this.

The Swedish Empire's story began months ago, under a different name, The Seleucid Empire. However, planning was abandoned due to the Second Unjust War, and not taken back up until early May. Some of the planners of the Seleucid Empire had strangely vanished, their nations disappearing from the face of Bob, and the leaders not seen anywhere except in the realms beyond Digiterra.

The government proposed for The Seleucid Empire was scrapped in favor of a more defined, structured, and representative one. The charter was written, and agreed upon. A flag was made. Forums were constructed. A protector was gained, and The Swedish Empire came closer to reality.

We encountered minor problems in the process, but ultimately powered through each one. Now, we're here. And without further ado, let me present the Swedish Imperial Charter.

[quote]Article I. Membership
Section A. Applying
Any nation may apply to the Swedish Empire, provided they…
1. Are not on any ZI, PZI, or EZI list
2. Are not at war with any nation
3. Are not in debt to another alliance
4. Have an appropriate ruler and nation name
5. Fill out the application format properly
6. Is not on the No Entry List of the Empire

Section B. Activity
All nations in the Empire are required to post at least one time every week. Failure to do so the first time will result in a warning; failure to do so a second week will result in suspension of voting privileges; failure to do so a third week may result in expulsion from the Empire. These penalties will be waived if the member posts a Notification of Absence, citing a valid reason for future activity. If an emergency occurred, the member may inform the government of the emergency after the inactivity, and should post evidence, if available.

Article II. Government
The Imperial government shall be divided into three groups; the Noble Council, the Grand Council, and the Imperial Court.

Section A. Imperial Court
The Imperial Court is the highest body of the Empire, consisting of the Emperor, Chancellor, and Imperial Adviser.

A1. Emperor
The Emperor (or Empress) is the name of the monarch and overall ruler of the alliance. He or she is authorized to propose bills, charter changes, treaties, and war. War cannot be declared and treaties cannot be signed without the Emperor’s consent. He or she can also authorize the ZI or PZI of a nation. The Emperor can also veto other proposals, but may be overridden by a 75% vote from the Noble Council. During times of crisis, the Emperor may be vested with Emergency Powers by a 75% vote by the Noble Council. The Emergency Powers allows the Emperor to suspend the Noble Council for a period of up to one month, and act as the only authority of the Empire. The Emperor will rule until death or until abdication. In the event that the Emperor resigns, he is to select his successor. Should the Emperor suddenly vanish for an extended period of time, the membership may vote on a new Emperor. Should the old Emperor return within one week of the election’s result, he may choose to return to power. The Emperor may be removed by an 80% vote directly from the members of the alliance.

A2. Chancellor
The Chancellor is the secondary authority of the Empire. He or she is the individual that will assume the role of the Emperor during temporary absences. When the emperor is present, the Chancellor may propose bills, charter changes, and treaties. In the absence of the emperor, the Chancellor will assume all of the Emperor’s powers, but may not request Emergency Powers, and any decrees he makes can be overturned by the Emperor upon return. In the event of the Emperor’s sudden, extended disappearance, the Chancellor will act as Emperor while the election is held. The Chancellor is appointed by the Emperor, and serves until the Emperor relieves him, resignation, or death. The Chancellor may be removed by a 75% direct membership vote.

A3. Imperial Adviser
The Imperial Adviser is a purely honorific position. The Adviser holds absolutely no power, but may view the same things as the Chancellor. He or she is appointed by the Emperor, and will serve until death or resignation. This is a position of great honor, and will only be filled when the Emperor deems a citizen to be loyal enough to be trusted with the information. The Adviser will weigh in on all situations, and may exercise the basic member right to propose charter changes, but has no authority whatsoever.

Section B. Grand Council
The Grand Council are the department heads of the Empire. They are in charge of certain fields in the alliance. Each Chairman may appoint one deputy. The Chairmen are appointed by the Emperor, but must undergo a confirmation from the Noble Council to assume their duties. They may be relieved at any time by the Emperor.

B1. Chairman of Foreign Affairs
The Chairman of Foreign Affairs is charged with managing inter-alliance relations, maintaining the Diplomatic Corps, Q&As, and representing the foreign interests of the alliance in absence of the Emperor and Chancellor. The CoFA may propose treaties

B2. Chairman of Finance
The Chairman of Finance is charged with managing the economic wing of the Empire. This includes finding trade circles for members, alliance-wide tech deals, aid programs, and the banking system. The CoF may propose economic agreements, such as mass tech deals.

B3. Chairman of the Interior
The Chairman of the Interior is charged with managing various internal factors of the alliance. He or she is to maintain lists of the members of the Houses, manage and forward complaints, managing the Academy, and ensuring the good behavior of the alliance in public settings. The CoI is also in charge of the alliance's judiciary system; the Chairman will act as the judge, and the Chancellor and Chairman will both agree on five jurors from the membership body. A majority of the jury must agree for the citizen to be convicted. The Chairman will then propose a sentence, which will be submitted to the Emperor for review, then carried out.

B3. Chairman of Defense
The Chairman of Defense is charged with managing the alliance’s military. In times of peace, he or she must organize squads, deal with rogues, ensure the carrying out of ZI sentences, and ensure military readiness. The CoD may appoint Captains in lieu of a deputy. The Captains are in charge of the military wing of each House.

Section C. Noble Council
The Noble Council is elected by members of their House once every four months. Houses are divided up by nation strength. Each House elects one Noble Councilor, or Prince. The Princes are to represent their House’s wishes during government discussions. The Noble Council collectively vote on certain issues. The Council votes on treaties, bills, and charter changes. A 66% majority is required to pass a treaty, bill, or charter change. The Noble Council will not be enacted until The Swedish Empire exceeds 45 members; until then, the Grand Council shall act as the de facto Noble Council.

Section D. Membership Body
The basic citizens of the Empire are allowed to vote directly on certain issues specified in other parts of the charter, and may propose bills and charter changes.

Article III. Foreign Processes
Certain foreign processes have prerequisites to take effect.

Section A. Treaties
Treaties require a 66% vote by the Noble Council and the support of the Emperor.

Section B. War
War may only be declared with a simple majority from the Noble Council and the support of the Emperor. War can only be proposed by the government. In the event of a direct assault on an MDP ally of the Empire, this process does not apply. In the event that an ally of the Empire is attacked for honoring their own treaty obligations, or if an ODP partner is attacked, the process still applies.

Article IV. Charter Amendments
Any citizen may propose an amendment to the charter. Charter amendments require a 66% Noble Council vote and the support of the Emperor. The Emperor may veto charter amendments, but the veto can be overruled by a 75% direct membership vote. [/quote]

Kejsare (Emperor): Drakedeath
Chancellor: Vince Sixx
Imperial Adviser: Grim Reaper

One does not have to be Swedish to join. [s]Our Emperor is American[/s] WHAT? Blasphemy! Heresy! Lies and slander! >_>
*Drakedeath sends the scribe behind a shed with a soldier and coughs loudly*
What gunshot? I heard no gunshots.
Moving on!

Feel free to visit us on our forums [url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/Swedish_Empire/index/"]here.[/url] or our IRC channel, #sweden, and you shall receive free Swedish Fish and vodka.

Edited by Drakedeath
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<font face="Impact"><font size="4"><font face="Arial Black"><font size="5">Grattis och heja, Svearike! <br /><br />Skål! </font></font><br /><br /><font size="1">(Obligatory translation: Congratulations and hail, Swedish Empire; Cheers!)</font></font></font>

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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Hvor monge om dare snakke og skrive svensk?

(How many of you speak and write swedish - translated from Norwiegian (which is very similar) )

anyway, welcome (Velkommen)

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