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A MORE Official Announcement from the Grand Global Alliance


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[quote name='JT Jag' date='22 February 2010 - 01:54 PM' timestamp='1266864891' post='2197587']
GGA needs a single, charismatic and decisive leader to come to the fore, reconcile the various factions and bring the alliance to a new era.

GGA needs Prodigal Chieftain.

Never have truer words been spoken.

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[quote name='Kongyr' date='22 February 2010 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1266870494' post='2197725']
*snip* I'm new leader and stuff *snip*

I suggest you get things handled ASAP and post concerning all of the new beneficial changes that you guys do so all of this bantering can cease.

Good luck.

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[quote name='Lennox' date='22 February 2010 - 02:23 PM' timestamp='1266870190' post='2197716']
The NSO welcomes all GGA members to join our ranks. Bring you level 9 fighters :P

Do I sense recruiting letters?

The nation of SuperCoolYellow thoroughly endorses these kinds of coupes and disbandments. You see, our television programming isn't all that great after the war and we need something watch while we eat our popcorn.

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I'd suggest you guys form factions and fight each other for 4 war rounds or so. Please do distribute your level 9 fighter ribbon-bearers and your 5 WRC's equally over the factions.

From the winning faction the new GGA triumvirate will be selected.

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[quote name='erikz' date='23 February 2010 - 01:58 AM' timestamp='1266875881' post='2197855']
I'd suggest you guys form factions and fight each other for 4 war rounds or so. Please do distribute your level 9 fighter ribbon-bearers and your 5 WRC's equally over the factions.

From the winning faction the new GGA triumvirate will be selected.

you can't distribute 5 WRCs between 4 factions. <_<

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[quote name='Kongyr' date='22 February 2010 - 02:38 PM' timestamp='1266867493' post='2197657']

[center][size="4"]Grand Global Alliance
Announcement from Kongyr[/size][/center]

It seems that the government and members of the Grand Global Alliance are not able to operate as an alliance effectively. With the Charter of the alliance suspended, and the authority of the coupe being denounced by it's members. I Kongyr, will here by serve as the Emperor of the Grand Global Alliance. In the history of the GGA only under the watchful eye of a strong, noble, honest, and handsome leader has the alliance ever prospered. It is now that I take my throne, not with the intent to boost my ego, but with the intent to restore the Grand Global Alliance to a place of power, pride, and prestige.

Signed, Kongyr Emperor of the Grand Global Alliance

With the abolition of the previous GGA Charter, I am not sure exactly who is in charge of GGA. Consequently, Aquitaine hereby recognizes anyone flying the alliance affiliation of "Grand Global Alliance" as being the legitimate government of GGA. Thus, Aquitaine recognizes both coups and the disbandment notice as all being valid. To avoid confusion, Aquitaine will interpret all announcements or decrees in chronological order. Consequently, in order:

1) Aquitaine recognizes the original coup by Jonathan Brookbank, Dementual, Shaneprice. I congratulate the new triumvirate.
2) Aquitaine subsequently recognizes the disbandment notice by Momonishiki. I wish the best of luck to all former GGAers in finding a new home
3) Aquitaine recognizes the reformation of GGA with Kongyr as Emperor.

I strongly urge the rest of the Cyberverse to adopt a similar policy.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1266824759' post='2196897']
I have no fancy graphics to make this look pretty. But as one of the oldest members of the GGA and by far its member with the highest nation strength and most casualties sustained fighting for the alliance, I have as much if not more credibility to post "official" announcements on the OWF. This is true in particular because the legitimate government and charter of the GGA have been suspended.

I'll make this brief. The GGA has been a dying alliance for a long time. Frankly, Bilrow carried us on his shoulders and to a certain degree we have never found footing in his absence. Be that as it may, many of us (including myself) have participated in GGA government to one degree or another in an effort to forestall the apparently inevitable demise of the GGA. With the act of banishing Qaianna from her post as Triumvir only a week or so after she assumed office, I can say unequivocally that the GGA has ceased to exist. Removal of Qaianna is a classless act of epic proportions because it was carried out by Shane who clearly knew that she was being set up as a sacrificial lamb whey she was elevated to triumvir. And, considering the organization of tonight's announcement and the things I have heard for weeks now, no one can tell me that this all just came together in the past few days.

So, my recommendation to all my fellow members of the GGA is to not honor their treachery with your presence. If Shane & Co treat the membership of the GGA with such disregard, then they do not deserve your loyalty. Remove GGA from your alliance affiliation.

My recommendation to all alliances who have dealings with the GGA is to follow the lead of Octavo Orden and terminate your treaties with the GGA. The once honorable alliance you knew has long gone. Do not denigrate the good name of your alliances by being treated to these people.

That is it. GGA is dead. It has joined the choir invisible. It is pushing up the posies. This...is a dead alliance.

Dudes like you is what made GGA as fail as it is today..Making fail announcements to make yourself look good and everyone look so bad is just as fail as fail comes...You were part of their problems as well..

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well i have to agree GGA is dead and i am jumping off the dead horse before i get crushed under it. BYE GGA i am gone. this coup was turned down by almost everyone when it was put to a vote. so after a war u can't just decide to say screw everyone that said no and do it now.

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[quote name='tiddles' date='22 February 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1266882783' post='2198121']
well i have to agree GGA is dead and i am jumping off the dead horse before i get crushed under it. BYE GGA i am gone. this coup was turned down by almost everyone when it was put to a vote. so after a war u can't just decide to say screw everyone that said no and do it now.
May I ask what you did to try and save it?

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[quote name='mylife125' date='22 February 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1266881268' post='2198071']
Dudes like you is what made GGA as fail as it is today..Making fail announcements to make yourself look good and everyone look so bad is just as fail as fail comes...You were part of their problems as well..

Repeating "fail" ad nauseum is just as fail, as you would say.

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You (OP) and the other dissenting members could have (and still can) started another forum when the first went down and fought for control of the AA in game while keeping the charter intact. Above all else that would show the members no longer consider coups as being acceptable. Then take this new found energy to rebuild your alliance from the ruins it has inhabited for so long.

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[quote name='Hyperbad' date='22 February 2010 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1266885319' post='2198185']
You (OP) and the other dissenting members could have (and still can) started another forum when the first went down and fought for control of the AA in game while keeping the charter intact. Above all else that would show the members no longer consider coups as being acceptable. Then take this new found energy to rebuild your alliance from the ruins it has inhabited for so long.

I thought I was clear in the OP, but perhaps not. I had no motivation for my post other than to kill the couped corpse of the GGA, whatever people may think of that. Rebuilding has been tried and tried. It is beyond that point now.

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i did absolutely nothing to try and save it. i just stayed around cause i was to lazy to seek life elsewhere. well i take that back i posted in the forums and tried to see what was happening but i can honestly say i just got a decent answer from anyone in power. so i got tired of it and just hung out.

Edited by tiddles
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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1266886153' post='2198199']
I thought I was clear in the OP, but perhaps not. I had no motivation for my post other than to kill the couped corpse of the GGA, whatever people may think of that. Rebuilding has been tried and tried. It is beyond that point now.
You were clear. I was merely stating another option as I don't seem to recall much talk about GGA membership actually challenging the authority and legitimacy of the present and past coup attempts beyond mere statements of disatisfaction.

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[quote name='tiddles' date='22 February 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1266882783' post='2198121']
well i have to agree GGA is dead and i am jumping off the dead horse before i get crushed under it. BYE GGA i am gone. this coup was turned down by almost everyone when it was put to a vote. so after a war u can't just decide to say screw everyone that said no and do it now.

So it seems the membership is not on board for the coup. A forced coup that does not have good support breaks alliances, I hope that GGA in some form or another survives.

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' date='22 February 2010 - 02:29 AM' timestamp='1266827370' post='2196982']
I say we bring back Ochocinco to be King


Also, if this is not sorted out soon, I will seize a hazy rationale and begin making my own announcements on behalf of the GGA.

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