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Official Announcement from the Grand Global Alliance


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[quote name='Mussolandia' date='22 February 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1266864856' post='2197584']
Good god, it's been 3 years. Bilrow hasn't even been remotely involved with GGA politics for over 1 year. Get over it, Free Quebec.

EDIT: the few rank and file GGA members that have managed to post seem to like Bilrow. I'm a little surprised but, like I said, I have no idea what GGA members believe these days. It's been a long time.

The answer to that is simple. Bilrow represented the alliance with a "Head of State" stature (such as it might be to some people) that we have not had since. There was a consistancy there. Whether his influence in the long run was positive or negative is actually irrelevant to most of us. I will always have respect for Bilrow, although I also have respect for many of those who have come after him. I long for that consistancy again and I hope that this government is finally the government that will bring us there.

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[quote name=%26%2339%3BMussolandia%26%2339%3B date='22 February 2010 - 07:03 PM' timestamp='1266865437' post='2197603']
The disbandment of the first Viridian Entente and Bilrow's role in the event. It is what you were thinking about when you wrote that post.

That is [i]one[/i] of things Bilrow did that is in my mind, sure. Pretty major thing too.
If GGA was starting fresh, that's a good start point.

Don't get me wrong. Good luck from me to GGA.
I just don't believe it.

Edited by Free Quebec
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[quote name='WildeKaard' date='22 February 2010 - 07:07 PM' timestamp='1266865667' post='2197615']
The answer to that is simple. Bilrow represented the alliance with a "Head of State" stature (such as it might be to some people) that we have not had since. There was a consistancy there. Whether his influence in the long run was positive or negative is actually irrelevant to most of us. I will always have respect for Bilrow, although I also have respect for many of those who have come after him. I long for that consistancy again and I hope that this government is finally the government that will bring us there.

Thank you, it makes things easier to understand.

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[quote name='WildeKaard' date='22 February 2010 - 10:05 AM' timestamp='1266861942' post='2197528']
I must admit Andre, I agree with most of this right now. I feel like a bit of an expatriate at the moment pending a very detailed explanation from our current crop of leadership. Since none exists on the new forums at this point in time, I have little choice but to spend a little quality time here on the OWF.

I have never in the almost 3 1/2 years I have been a member of the GGA said anything negative about my alliance. I have kept my thoughts to myself because protocol demands it. So here goes.

This was not unexpected by the General participatory membership of the GGA, we had some forwarning that certain actions may be undertaken that would reflect this sort of change in the upper echelons of our leadership. It was my understanding however, that this would be a change in governance rather than a change in personalities and that any change initiated would be done as much within the confines of the standing charter as possible. It has become clear to me that I was mistaken. As I stated earlier, with the exception of a treaty re-organization and a change of personalities, there is little evidence of a change in governance. I hope that I will be proven wrong on this very much.

I have some heavy reservations with the involvement of JB in this whole matter. I am an old enough member to remember JB in leadership. I, for one, liked him very much at the time. But his conduct towards the GGA since that time has been questionable at best, hostile at worst. Be that as it may, at one time I counted him as a friend, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. For now.

I am wholly exhausted with the continued change of direction that we as an alliance undertake with little to see for it. Sadly, after the Post-Karma membership drop, most of our tech deal programs were suspended indefinitely in favor of simpler 1x1 deals. If you want to be an alliance Triumvirate leader, that all fine and great. But I would ask you to please look inward first. As any competent head of state could tell you, treaty negotiations, foreign affairs and international reputation are great icing for a leader, but look to your friggen flock this time around first. The day could come when we won't be there any longer.

I love this alliance for better or for worse, and if I get kicked for this post than I have the answer to my previous post. But I wish us all the luck and I hope that we can become great again. I'm home, and I don't want to find another one.
This is one of the most well written and humble posts I've ever encountered on the OWF. Amid the chaos of your leadership, resilient and intelligent posts like this give me hope for you guys.

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[quote name='DeeLeeshush' date='22 February 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1266865857' post='2197622']
Keeps getting better and better GGA
I await the return of some of your former members

Good Luck Andre, u have made a good choice in PHR

I know. It hurt to see the GGA dragged down like this though, with any luck those who stay in kick-ban this new leadership first available opportunity.

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[quote name='mhawk' date='22 February 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1266867228' post='2197653']
This is one of the most well written and humble posts I've ever encountered on the OWF. Amid the chaos of your leadership, resilient and intelligent posts like this give me hope for you guys.

That means a great deal to me coming from you mhawk. Thank you.

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[quote name='WildeKaard' date='22 February 2010 - 03:03 PM' timestamp='1266869021' post='2197690']
old and tired...
Yes, we know GGA is, hence why new blood is so vital to your continued existance. Accept your new overlords and enjoy the reformation of your alliance.

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[quote name='Locke' date='22 February 2010 - 12:06 PM' timestamp='1266869165' post='2197692']
Yes, we know GGA is, hence why new blood is so vital to your continued existance. Accept your new overlords and enjoy the reformation of your alliance.

You either show your age, maturity, or inability to form a credible argument in this statement. Either way, since the whole 'LULZ GGA I AM TEH EMPERORZ' line contributes nothing to this thread, I won't address it further.

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GGA was always a weak alliance with a largely disinterested membership, which is why crap like this keeps happening. That said, if anyone can help GGA back onto the right track it's Dementual. Good luck, but I believe you all already know how this will end.

Edited by Vilien
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[quote name='WildeKaard' date='22 February 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1266869674' post='2197703']
You either show your age, maturity, or inability to form a credible argument in this statement. Either way, since the whole 'LULZ GGA I AM TEH EMPERORZ' line contributes nothing to this thread, I won't address it further.

Now you take this as a joke, I am not joking when I say that I am the emperor of the Grand Global Alliance. As we speak, I am messaging the whole of the alliance, seeking followers who are willing and ready to accept their true emperor. I have just as much right to make these posts as does the false government of the triumvirates. So can ignore me if you wish, but that does not change anything. Your lack of a reply only tells me that not only has the alliance suffered the quality of it's members ability to hold an argument has as well. As to this relating to the topic at hand, this topic is about a coupe of the grand global alliance, and it's direction from this point forward, I have just as much relevance as the OP.

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brb, registering Vox members on the new GGA forum. Again.

Seriously, good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for. I think it's pretty indicative of things that I don't even know who the outgoing triumvirate is. To me, though, your whole problem is triumvirates; it's a bad system of government which has been especially troublesome for GGA for yearrrrs. Get things going, then pick a system with one head of state.

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[quote name='WildeKaard' date='22 February 2010 - 03:14 PM' timestamp='1266869674' post='2197703']
You either show your age, maturity, or inability to form a credible argument in this statement. Either way, since the whole 'LULZ GGA I AM TEH EMPERORZ' line contributes nothing to this thread, I won't address it further.
Your mistake was assuming I was forming an argument. Age, meh, assume what you like. Maturity, that I won't make any contest on. And I enjoy it too. ;)

Edited by Locke
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[quote name='theArrowheadian' date='22 February 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1266856126' post='2197369']
Derek Jones for Supreme Ruler of GGA
more truthiness was never uttered. Dementual, while I don't know you, I wish you the best of luck, and JB has the activity and dedication GGA needs.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='22 February 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1266870198' post='2197717']
To me, though, your whole problem is triumvirates; it's a bad system of government which has been especially troublesome for GGA for yearrrrs. Get things going, then pick a system with one head of state.

I've been a Triumvir in a couple of alliances. Triumvirates are, without question, the worst form of government possible.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='22 February 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1266870738' post='2197731']
I've been a Triumvir in a couple of alliances. Triumvirates are, without question, the worst form of government possible.
You can go democratic autocracy a la NPO, Assembly Chairman a la GATO, Grandmaster a la TOP, Chief Prophet a la Cult of Justitia--whatever you want to call it, you have to have ONE desk where the buck stops and starts.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='22 February 2010 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1266870198' post='2197717']
brb, registering Vox members on the new GGA forum. Again.

Seriously, good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for. I think it's pretty indicative of things that I don't even know who the outgoing triumvirate is. To me, though, your whole problem is triumvirates; it's a bad system of government which has been especially troublesome for GGA for yearrrrs. Get things going, then pick a system with one head of state.
First time I think I have ever agreed with anything you have said about the GGA Schatt.

Edited by WildeKaard
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[quote name='Locke' date='22 February 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1266870516' post='2197726']
Your mistake was assuming I was forming an argument. Age, meh, assume what you like. Maturity, that I won't make any contest on. And I enjoy it too. ;)

My comments were out of line Locke, I apologize. As you can imagine I've been a bit on the defensive today. :P

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