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Somalia Aphrike Protectorate

Sargun II

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"It is with great sadness that upon further inspection, the Somalian regime established under an Aphrike guidance has collapsed. With the collapse of the Sercan government as well, the Sarnungian Republic acts for Aphrike by establishing a protectorate over the Somalian region not claimed by Novak. Thank you - and may Africa come under stability soon again." Prime Minister Klass issued the short statement earlier today. "Twelve thousand Republic soldiers will be sent to establish and maintain the laws of the land."

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[i]"The Sarngunian Republic has too much on its hands in dealing with the Sercan crisis.

We shall secure the Somalian protectorate, as we almost fully enclose the region.

Also, we remind the Sarngunian Republic that, as the Nation of Nod and the Republic have had no previous ties to each other, we must not allow any Sargunian crafts to enter our airspace.

We would gladly open up a corridor for your forces to enter at a later date, should you wish.

That is all."[/i]


100,000 men and accompanying tanks, previously stationed at the Southern Nodic border as per precautionary measures outlined in the Omega Imperium Doctrine have begun to move into the protectorate. Their goal? Beat the Sarngunians to it.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Sarnunga -

"What in the name of God are they doing?"
"I don't know, sir!"
"What in the name of [b]GOD[/b] ARE THEY DOING?"
"WHAT IN THE NAME OF [size=3][b]GOD[/b] ARE THEY DOING[/size]?"
"I have worked too hard for Africa to become some childish playground! I have worked too hard, sacrificed too much, for this petty little nation to ruin Africa! There will be no diplomacy! No surrender terms! I will destroy this country and everybody that lives in it. Get me on the line with Admiral Citique."

King Sargun was furious. In his rage, his bad leg exploded with pain. His pacemaker was working off all the money he paid for it. His cane was busy beating walls. The King was so furious, in fact, that he accidentally destroyed the secure phone he was looking for. By the time the aide got back, the pain in his leg had intensified.

"Admiral Citique? Yes, get me the If I Was a Boy nuclear weapon. Yes, the one intended for EMP-use. Yes. Detonate it at 30 miles. There will be no mercy. I don't give a [b]damn[/b] about civilians, Admiral! Do you hear me? Detonate it!"

The King heaved the phone across the room and into the wall of hard wood. It shattered.

Sarnunga Military Complex -

A nuclear silo opened with the If I Was a Boy nuclear weapon inside of the silo. The missile would be detonated at a height of 30 miles, spreading an EMP that should be enough to take down the upper half of Nod. The EMP would spread into Sudan, but Artemis hardware has always been EMP-proof and the rest of the country was so underdeveloped that the Republic military simply did not care.

If Sudan wanted to pick a bone, they could later. Now was the time for action. If I Was a Boy roared out of the silo.

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The Emperor was happily dining in a quiet location within Aegis Cathedral overlooking foundation when an aide walked in and whispered into his ear. The slight smile on his face slowly disappeared into an intense frown, and he thanked the messenger, who walked out of the room as fast as possible without actually running. Calmly, Kevin gathered up his dishes and deposited them into the sink for washing in the future. He picked up a phone and carefully dialed an internal number.

"You're being repositioned to the Azores Base. Things are happening, Andrew. Wha- Yes, you can bring your command crew. Just make sure you're en-route in..." Kevin's eyes focused on the time-widget constantly shown by his artificial eye, "...about 30 minutes. Yes, it's that big a situation. Out."

The phone dropped gently back into its' cradle. Kevin rubbed his eyes for a second before picking it up again, this time dialing whatever number was preset for the Sarnungian Republic's leadership. Hopefully he would get the King and talk some sense into him.

"Hello, yes. What the HELL are you people thinking?"

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Mad Dog Bob Denard looks at his aide and asks, "What the hell do you mean I can't get Skinemax?"

"Someone corked off an EMP burst," replies the Aide.

"Well we better go to war footing," replies Mad Dog Bob Denard.

"Against who?" asks the Aide.

"Hell if I know, but I'm guessing we'll find out soon," Mad Dog Bob Denard replies. With that being said he picks up the EMP protected satellite phone left in the entire country and places a call to the Samarmungian Republic with the intention of activating their protectorate agreement. He dials the number and mutters, "At least they could have waited till I finished lunch."

[quote][b]The Sudanese Republic Crisis Notice[/b]

We've been hit by some sort of EMP attack. As of this time we have no idea if the attack was specifically aimed at us or we are merely in the vicinity of the attack. All citizens are to remain indoors as we determine the extent of the radioactive fallout. Water and food will be delivered via military vehicles at pre-determined times.

All military units are placed on high alert. The 1st and 2nd Regiments are ordered collapse their perimeters to the outskirts of our controlled territory around Port Sudan. Helicopters and other aircraft, as soon as they are fit to fly, will begin assisting the evacuation of civilians outside of the government controlled zone.

We request that all citizens remain calm. Once more information is available it will be public in a timely manner.[/quote]

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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When he had been informed of his Ally's most recent action, Thomas had at first simply said nothing. From there he has proceeded with the efficientcy precision of the life long bureaucrat that he was. After a morning of calls and last minute preparations he had at last arrived at this moment. Standing before his closest military advisors, excluding his Lord Marshal who was at that point undergoing the surgical procedures as part of Agenda Twenty One, he issued his orders. "Leaders of your respective forces, move a naval task force, and 100,000 soldiers to our outpost at the Kerguelens. Away my further orders." He didn't like what the Sargunian Republic had done- but that could wait until after this most recent crisis was resolved.

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Jack Hawk was sat eating breakfast when his military advisors learned of an EMP burst over the nation of NOD.
Apparently the missile came from King Sarguns realm.
The Prime Minister put New Canada at DEFCON three, given the recent scandel he feared they would be next.

Private to King Sargun
Dear Your Majesty King Sargun,
Whilst this letter may seem very informal we in New Canada would like to simple say that you have balls, and having balls is good, whilst we do not know why you launched your missile, it can only have been for a good reason for you are a wise man your Highness. However, not that you must explain yourself to me, but I wish to enquire as to why you fired the EMP weapon.

Jack Hawk, Prime Minister of New Canada

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[quote name='Shadowsage' date='15 February 2010 - 01:45 AM' timestamp='1266219908' post='2182580']
"Hello, yes. What the HELL are you people thinking?"
"Hello, Kevin. It's been too long." Sargun smiled for the first time in a few days. "If you haven't noticed, old friend, that war has been brought to Africa by the last bastion of corruption and oppression in the continent. An invasion with no casus belli was executed, and the unstable nation of Somalia has been thrown into chaos yet again. A nuclear EMP will cripple the existing military infrastructure and communications network, or so we hope. I am taking drastic action. Remember South America? Remember when Rebel Army launched several EMPs over almost all of South America? This is just the same doctrine. I am sorry if you do not agree, Imperator."

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='15 February 2010 - 03:20 AM' timestamp='1266225606' post='2182647']
"Hell if I know, but I'm guessing we'll find out soon," Mad Dog Bob Denard replies. With that being said he picks up the EMP protected satellite phone left in the entire country and places a call to the Samarmungian Republic with the intention of activating their protectorate agreement. He dials the number and mutters, "At least they could have waited till I finished lunch."
"An unintended side-effect of a nuclear EMP over the Nation of Nod was that it overlapped your southern border. A team of several engineers will be deployed to assist civilians, if requested. I have been told to notify you that any Artemis equipment purchased was indeed EMP proof and should be operational."

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='15 February 2010 - 06:06 AM' timestamp='1266235581' post='2182787']
Private to King Sargun
Dear Your Majesty King Sargun,
Whilst this letter may seem very informal we in New Canada would like to simple say that you have balls, and having balls is good, whilst we do not know why you launched your missile, it can only have been for a good reason for you are a wise man your Highness. However, not that you must explain yourself to me, but I wish to enquire as to why you fired the EMP weapon.

Jack Hawk, Prime Minister of New Canada
[i]To Jack Hawk,
To win. Nod has been prepared for years for this fight, and I am quite certain the one thing they did not account for was the use of African nuclear weapons on African soil. Do the unexpected to win. I have had firsthand experience with much more inhumane methods of warfare. Trust me, this is as pretty as it gets.
Thank you,
Sargun Peaceheart

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The Kingdom of Cochin absolutely condemns this naked aggression conducted by Sarnungian Republic. This is a time to see whether the Diamonds Pact would indeed work towards greater peace or greater bullying. The Kingdom of Cochin calls upon Diamonds Pact nations to enforce a sanction upon the Sarnungian Republic for the unwarranted nuclear attack upon Nation of Nod.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 07:32 AM' timestamp='1266240768' post='2182861']
The Kingdom of Cochin absolutely condemns this naked aggression conducted by Sarnungian Republic. This is a time to see whether the Diamonds Pact would indeed work towards greater peace or greater bullying. The Kingdom of Cochin calls upon Diamonds Pact nations to enforce a sanction upon the Sarnungian Republic for the unwarranted nuclear attack upon Nation of Nod.
It is your opinion that a nation can invade others without consequences, then? The Sarnungian Republic calls upon the Kingdom of Cochin to enforce a sanction upon the Nation of Nod for their unwarranted attack upon Somalia.

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[quote]"An unintended side-effect of a nuclear EMP over the Nation of Nod was that it overlapped your southern border. A team of several engineers will be deployed to assist civilians, if requested. I have been told to notify you that any Artemis equipment purchased was indeed EMP proof and should be operational."[/quote]

"It seems to me the only thing knocked out is our civilian power grid and phone lines. They need upgrading anyway and we have local contractors that can do the work. What we could use is a bit of seed money and such to finance the efforts along with some of your power and communications experts to advise us. This can wait as it seems war has fallen on our footsteps from a person of mutual dislike. Rather than get picky about how much you should pay for blowing out our phone lines, I've been advised to offer any support we can to assist you if ground fighting breaks out," replies Mad Dog Bob Denard.

He continues after consulting a map by saying, "Our 2nd Regiment is now being deployed south, we'll be sending our 3rd Regiment as well to screen our southern border. Should you wish to invade NoD through our territory please let us know. The good people of Artemis have already set up a lovely factory. I'll be consulting with them next for the development of a forward staging area that will be manned and built by Artemis contractors and supported by Sudanese Republic forces."

He grabs another list and resumes with, "We'll be needing certain equipment to protect such a base and our own assets. We'll definitely need air to air missiles and a few wings of fighter squadrons to keep out NoD air strikes. Port Sudan International Airport has been militarized and will be ready to support such a project. Further, the port of Port Sudan will be available for your naval assets to make port."

Bob then decides to be quiet to let the poor chap on the other end of the line figure some things out.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='15 February 2010 - 07:51 AM' timestamp='1266241901' post='2182875']
"It seems to me the only thing knocked out is our civilian power grid and phone lines. They need upgrading anyway and we have local contractors that can do the work. What we could use is a bit of seed money and such to finance the efforts along with some of your power and communications experts to advise us. This can wait as it seems war has fallen on our footsteps from a person of mutual dislike. Rather than get picky about how much you should pay for blowing out our phone lines, I've been advised to offer any support we can to assist you if ground fighting breaks out," replies Mad Dog Bob Denard.

He continues after consulting a map by saying, "Our 2nd Regiment is now being deployed south, we'll be sending our 3rd Regiment as well to screen our southern border. Should you wish to invade NoD through our territory please let us know. The good people of Artemis have already set up a lovely factory. I'll be consulting with them next for the development of a forward staging area that will be manned and built by Artemis contractors and supported by Sudanese Republic forces."

He grabs another list and resumes with, "We'll be needing certain equipment to protect such a base and our own assets. We'll definitely need air to air missiles and a few wings of fighter squadrons to keep out NoD air strikes. Port Sudan International Airport has been militarized and will be ready to support such a project. Further, the port of Port Sudan will be available for your naval assets to make port."

Bob then decides to be quiet to let the poor chap on the other end of the line figure some things out.
"The entire power grid? I didn't know it was that old. I guess the existing protections put in place years ago failed, and the government will apologize after the war. I'm quite sure that the Republic will wish to invade through Sudan, with your permission of course. Finally, ah, AA missiles and F-45A Kestrel squadrons can be deployed for defensive purposes in Sudan. The loss of a few squadrons won't hurt too much."

The young diplomat pulled out a paper himself and sighed. "General McEniry will wish to send troop deployment plans to you. We will be using several C-130s to transport some equipment needed to make our two nations intelligence systems compatible. If-if allowed, of course."

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"We aren't sure of the full extent of the damage. I doubt it is total, but given that electronics that run both systems have been replaced with civilian circuits as the older ones have on occasion broken down, I suspect the damage isn't minor either. I'll directly interface with any representative to keep things simple. I have a battalion of troops, the 10th Battalion, being routed to Port Sudan Airport as we speak to secure the location from possible infiltrators. They've been notified to expect possible guest from your nation," replies Bob.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='15 February 2010 - 07:09 PM' timestamp='1266241171' post='2182868']
It is your opinion that a nation can invade others without consequences, then? The Sarnungian Republic calls upon the Kingdom of Cochin to enforce a sanction upon the Nation of Nod for their unwarranted attack upon Somalia.

Nation of Nod? They had a right to protect stability in the neighboring state, an area where Sarnungian Republic has no direct interests. If there is a conflict of protectorates, then Nation of Nod would have been in the wrong and the situation could still have been resolved without the wanton aggression that has taken place now.

It is now time for Diamonds Pact to prove that they are not a hegemony but a responsible bloc. During the formation of the bloc you had claimed that you woudl act to prevent aggression, now one of the your founding members is guilty of unwarranted aggression. The Kingdom however feels that its outrage would fall on deaf ears, because Diamond Pact is obviously a hegemony. "Might is Right" is obviously your governing motto, else you would act to discipline one of your own who have acted in such aggressive manner. The mirror of hypocrisy is ugly, no wonder the hegemonies of the world are often shy of enforcing their own self governing mandates.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1266243266' post='2182904']
Nation of Nod? They had a right to protect stability in the neighboring state, an area where Sarnungian Republic has no direct interests. If there is a conflict of protectorates, then Nation of Nod would have been in the wrong and the situation could still have been resolved without the wanton aggression that has taken place now.

It is now time for Diamonds Pact to prove that they are not a hegemony but a responsible bloc. During the formation of the bloc you had claimed that you woudl act to prevent aggression, now one of the your founding members is guilty of unwarranted aggression. The Kingdom however feels that its outrage would fall on deaf ears, because Diamond Pact is obviously a hegemony. "Might is Right" is obviously your governing motto, else you would act to discipline one of your own who have acted in such aggressive manner. The mirror of hypocrisy is ugly, no wonder the hegemonies of the world are often shy of enforcing their own self governing mandates.

Maybe the Kingdom of Cochin should get back to his interests in Asia.

Nation of Nod is in the wrong. Any nation that takes a Aphrike Protectorate is considered protected by Aphrike until said nation requests it no further, therefore our protection never ceased to exist over the region and the Nation of Nod is invading a protectorate of Aphrike.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 08:14 AM' timestamp='1266243266' post='2182904']
Nation of Nod? They had a right to protect stability in the neighboring state, an area where Sarnungian Republic has no direct interests. If there is a conflict of protectorates, then Nation of Nod would have been in the wrong and the situation could still have been resolved without the wanton aggression that has taken place now.

It is now time for Diamonds Pact to prove that they are not a hegemony but a responsible bloc. During the formation of the bloc you had claimed that you woudl act to prevent aggression, now one of the your founding members is guilty of unwarranted aggression. The Kingdom however feels that its outrage would fall on deaf ears, because Diamond Pact is obviously a hegemony. "Might is Right" is obviously your governing motto, else you would act to discipline one of your own who have acted in such aggressive manner. The mirror of hypocrisy is ugly, no wonder the hegemonies of the world are often shy of enforcing their own self governing mandates.
"The Sarnungian Republic - and Aphrike - protected Somalia before. We held two elections for Somalia, one of which was sabotaged - and Aphrike, represented by the Sarnungian Republic, helped establish a new government. The government failed and Aphrike took the time to go and protect the citizens again. This area has long been in the interests of all of Africa. The Aphrike protectorate was established first, then Nod invaded with [b]100,000 soldiers[/b]. This is not about Nod wanting to protect the stability, this is about Nod wanting to attack Aphrike because of a paranoid leader."

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='15 February 2010 - 07:48 PM' timestamp='1266243480' post='2182907']
Maybe the Kingdom of Cochin should get back to his interests in Asia.

Nation of Nod is in the wrong. Any nation that takes a Aphrike Protectorate is considered protected by Aphrike until said nation requests it no further, therefore our protection never ceased to exist over the region and the Nation of Nod is invading a protectorate of Aphrike.

The Kingdom of Cochin is an Asian nation, that does not mean we cannot condemn an atrocity in another part of the world. Rather than hedge around your belligerent ally , Novak should try convey some sense to them. Our condemnation is not against using force, the Kingdom would use force to protect its interests, our condemnation is regarding the using of nuclear weapons in such a manner. Any nation that is so reckless in usage of nuclear weapons is a threat to the entire world.

[quote name='Sargun' date='15 February 2010 - 07:50 PM' timestamp='1266243640' post='2182909']
"The Sarnungian Republic - and Aphrike - protected Somalia before. We held two elections for Somalia, one of which was sabotaged - and Aphrike, represented by the Sarnungian Republic, helped establish a new government. The government failed and Aphrike took the time to go and protect the citizens again. This area has long been in the interests of all of Africa. The Aphrike protectorate was established first, then Nod invaded with [b]100,000 soldiers[/b]. This is not about Nod wanting to protect the stability, this is about Nod wanting to attack Aphrike because of a paranoid leader."

"Paranoid? It is Sarnungian Republic who is indeed paranoid, if you think you cannot counter the Nation of Nod's actions with judicious force. This is not a matter of protecting your interests, this is a matter of wanton recklessness."

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 03:14 PM' timestamp='1266243266' post='2182904']
Nation of Nod? They had a right to protect stability in the neighboring state, an area where Sarnungian Republic has no direct interests. If there is a conflict of protectorates, then Nation of Nod would have been in the wrong and the situation could still have been resolved without the wanton aggression that has taken place now.

It is now time for Diamonds Pact to prove that they are not a hegemony but a responsible bloc. During the formation of the bloc you had claimed that you woudl act to prevent aggression, now one of the your founding members is guilty of unwarranted aggression. The Kingdom however feels that its outrage would fall on deaf ears, because Diamond Pact is obviously a hegemony. "Might is Right" is obviously your governing motto, else you would act to discipline one of your own who have acted in such aggressive manner. The mirror of hypocrisy is ugly, no wonder the hegemonies of the world are often shy of enforcing their own self governing mandates.

"The Holy American Empire advises the Kingdom of Cochin to shut it as it is obviously unaware of current discussions in the Headquarters"

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 09:26 AM' timestamp='1266244010' post='2182917']
The Kingdom of Cochin is an Asian nation, that does not mean we cannot condemn an atrocity in another part of the world. Rather than hedge around your belligerent ally , Novak should try convey some sense to them. Our condemnation is not against using force, the Kingdom would use force to protect its interests, our condemnation is regarding the using of nuclear weapons in such a manner. Any nation that is so reckless in usage of nuclear weapons is a threat to the entire world.

NoN has been a threat to Novakian interests since the day they declared war on us so many years ago. EMP use has long been a tactic of the Republic, and it used to be a tactic many world nations used before they went in to battle. This is the reason why so many nations have developed near-EMP proof electronic systems for civilian and military use.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1266244010' post='2182917']
"Paranoid? It is Sarnungian Republic who is indeed paranoid, if you think you cannot counter the Nation of Nod's actions with judicious force. This is not a matter of protecting your interests, this is a matter of wanton recklessness."
"And you are a fool if you think you can just send X troops to Y location and win a war. You call it reckless? I don't give a !@#$. You are not an ally, so why should I listen to a single thing you say? Our motivations were to protect the lives of Sarnungian soldiers, and if you disagree - I don't give a !@#$.

"More importantly, why does everybody seem to forget that EMPs are a fact of warfare? They have been used, both nuclear and non-nuclear, for years. Little has been raised about them until now, and I am feeling that the only reason it's being raised in the first place is... well, nevermind. I wouldn't want to offend the people who think that we should put [b]tutus[/b] on our soldiers and [b]dance [/b]to fight a war. The Sarnungian Republic has long had the policy of EMP-proofing our civilian and military equipment, as have many other nations including a powerhouse such as Viniland. We have long had an EMP-first policy to cripple our opponents to prevent loss of life.

"War is about winning, not some imaginary code of rules."

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Centurius' date='15 February 2010 - 08:01 PM' timestamp='1266244276' post='2182919']
"The Holy American Empire advises the Kingdom of Cochin to shut it as it is obviously unaware of current discussions in the Headquarters"

It is the sovereign right of the Kingdom of Cochin to respond to events that happen in the world. Holy American Empire has no right or place to attempt to censure the Kingdom.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 February 2010 - 09:47 AM' timestamp='1266245237' post='2182944']
It is the sovereign right of the Kingdom of Cochin to respond to events that happen in the world. Holy American Empire has no right or place to attempt to censure the Kingdom.

Then you will continue to sound like a fool.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='15 February 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1266245684' post='2182953']
Then you will continue to sound like a fool.

"Fool? Let the world decide who is a greater idiot, condemning an unwarranted nuclear attack or making feeble excuses to defend it."

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