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Another new record for CN!


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[quote name='Chickenzilla' date='04 February 2010 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1265335447' post='2160034']
This isn't about CT, this is about Oyababy, and His [s]awesome powers at not only war, but life[/s] trip to ZI.

Some people need to lighten up some, this is suppose to be a fun thread. :v:

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='05 February 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1265411955' post='2162262']
The level of tech LM has is not random. A nearly 1K nuke is newsworthy. Winning a lot of battles isn't.
Indeed. There's a fundamental difference in a statistic which reflects some non-random part of your CN ability (like having the most tech), and a dice roll. While there is some nation building skill required to defend against GAs, the luck factor is far larger (I'm sure we've all won at 20% and lost at 70% in our time in CN); air attacks are entirely random once you have the 1000 infra/500 tech for level 9 aircraft, unless you do something stupid like having 50 bombers.

And yeah, I see o ya is at ZI now. That's a poor strategy if you think you're going to win the war, because not being able to win GAs reduces your damage output (as well as meaning you have to rebuy to 1000 to restock nukes or planes).

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[quote name='Sunstar' date='05 February 2010 - 06:01 PM' timestamp='1265410885' post='2162224']
Firstly, he isn't doing the bragging. Other people are commending him.
Secondly, the people who are commending him are doing so for kicking $@! in 6 wars against much stronger nations. I'm sure the damage he's dealt far exceeds what he's taken.

I made sure I commended him for being willing to fight but I'm sorry kicking $@! is just false. Stats of the only attacks that are really interesting from he and I this round:

My GA attacks on him I won 13 of 16 (11 of 12 after the first night)
My Air attacks on him I won 12 of 16

His GA attacks on me I won 5 of 9
His Air attacks on me we split 5 of 10 each

Though he did fairly well I'm not sure there was much kicking of anything.

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[quote name='Sunstar' date='05 February 2010 - 05:01 PM' timestamp='1265410885' post='2162224']
Firstly, he isn't doing the bragging. Other people are commending him.
Secondly, the people who are commending him are doing so for kicking $@! in 6 wars against much stronger nations. I'm sure the damage he's dealt far exceeds what he's taken.

Most of my damage has come from CT, Neo Arcadia, and Hellas in the last 3 days or so. While oyababy indeed did a great job and my GA's were mostly unsuccessful, most of the dmg was coming from people with higher tech levels. When you have 3 people in the top 10, fighting 1 on the way down with few coordination partners, the damages start to add up (similar to how it was when I and other Gremlin members hit Matt Miller during Karma).

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Responding to Matt and LM:

I didn't say exactly what I meant before. I guess its pretty obvious that oyababy took more damage (him being at ZI and you guys not), which realistically was expected given the situation of wars he was in. What wasn't expected is that he would be as successful as he has been in fighting back through these wars (he was especially successful near the beginning, which is when this thread was made). This thread isn't to belittle your accomplishments, but merely to give a compliment on impressive fighting abilities (because oyababy's success was due to proper preparation and reaction, not all luck) where one is due.

And for the record Matt, you're a champ. For so many reasons dating back before Karma, I have the utmost respect for you and your nation.

Edited by Sunstar
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[quote name='Sunstar' date='06 February 2010 - 09:17 AM' timestamp='1265469432' post='2164516']
Responding to Matt and LM:

I didn't say exactly what I meant before. I guess its pretty obvious that oyababy took more damage (him being at ZI and you guys not), which realistically was expected given the situation of wars he was in. What wasn't expected is that he would be as successful as he has been in fighting back through these wars (he was especially successful near the beginning, which is when this thread was made). This thread isn't to belittle your accomplishments, but merely to give a compliment on impressive fighting abilities (because oyababy's success was due to proper preparation and reaction, not all luck) where one is due.

And for the record Matt, you're a champ. For so many reasons dating back before Karma, I have the utmost respect for you and your nation.

While I will continue to agree with oyababy's capability at war, the thread is most definitely there to belittle. Just take a look at the subject line directed at me. What I put up in my thread was something unique and cool for all to see (something that had not happened in CN prior), this thread was made to mock, saying otherwise is just ignorant.

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Lets be honest, war in this game requires no real skill at all, all you need to do is understand the mechanics. The only other variable is being able to spend all your time at your keyboard. So O ya baby, clearly for having nothing better to do with your life, you are CN's greatest exponent of the RNG that is war.

Edited by Nobody Expects
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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' date='05 February 2010 - 02:01 AM' timestamp='1265335318' post='2160028']
CT, if you have finally found the courage to risk your nation's stats in order to support your alliance, then I commend you. But I must point out that the "NPO gov spoke to you like crap" only when you flamed alliance military policy and then (much more vehemently) when you surrendered on the eve of war after making promises in your application that you would defend Pacifica no matter what the cause. At the time, it certainly seemed like you were only interested in protecting your own behind and had no concern with abandoning the comrades who would have fought to their own deaths to protect you. Perhaps people can change.

BTW, I have no problem with TR whatsoever. If you have been able to make CT feel that your cause is something for which sacrificing his own interests is worthwhile, then I salute you.

Its not about courage its about having friends that are worth fighting for so keep your cocky comments to yourself. I felf that NPO was certainly not worth fighting for and u r a perfect e.g of that. I would never fight for the low likes you lmao.

I did not surrender get your story right first, wow you really are a joke! I went into peace because about 7 out of the top 10 nations were also sent into peace. Anyway s u and have fun paying your reps LMFAO.

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[quote name='christian trojans' date='07 February 2010 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1265549174' post='2166744']
Its not about courage its about having friends that are worth fighting for so keep your cocky comments to yourself. I felf that NPO was certainly not worth fighting for and u r a perfect e.g of that. I would never fight for the low likes you lmao.

I did not surrender get your story right first, wow you really are a joke! I went into peace because about 7 out of the top 10 nations were also sent into peace. Anyway s u and have fun paying your reps LMFAO.

Christian trojans, peace mode warrior, alliance desserter.

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