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\m/ announcement; Regarding Current Events

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I really can't believe all the crying by both sides. Everyone has a choice, \m/ raided an alliance merely because they could get away with it. Polaris were upset and decided to attack, whether they had the right or not is not disputable; we all have the right to do what we wish, just as \m/ has done with raiding an entity. If this tech was so important, why not do it when they were protected? Oh..cause you couldn't get away with it, right? (This isn't serious)

The point is, people have become too technical to the point where they have become idiotic. If someone wishes to DoW, they don't need a CB so indisputable no one can argue -- such as spying, OOC attacks, etc etc. What happened the whole "We don't like your actions, we don't agree with them, therefore we will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!," because if I recall, that was the slogan around here -- "Do something about it."

\m/ did what they felt was right. Polaris did what it felt was right, essentially, you both are in somewhat of the same category and simply disagree; thus war. Stop crying and stop trying to obtain the moral high ground.

May i have your child for you :wub:

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Throw out Emperor Marx, and perhaps we'll work something out. I'm willing the pay the man that nukes and ZI's him. Just saying.

Otherwise, good attempt, \m/. But sadly, CN is naught else but sheep, led by the few who believe their dictated morals are the wisest thing ever. They portray that same trait here as they do in [OOC]RL[/OOC]. It's kinda pathetic.

Still, tech never tasted so good...

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2) We know we messed up, and if you don't think \m/ is going to be changing as a result of this, whatever the outcome is, prepare to be suprised.

Do not mistake this for a statement that we will not change our behavior. Do not mistake this for an admission that we plan to make raiding 33 member alliances a policy of ours. We will make changes because we desire to, we will make changes because of us, not for you, not for Polar, not for the world.

I hope some take the time to read this and I hope it clarifies \m/'s position somewhat.

So basically you are admitting that you let your 4 year-old thick-headed immaturity get in the way of admitting/correcting a wrong when called out and decided to bring your nations and ally to war? Jesus, \m/ is pathetic. No wonder you're hated by everybody, their mothers, and the ladies they play bridge with.

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I really can't believe all the crying by both sides. Everyone has a choice, \m/ raided an alliance merely because they could get away with it. Polaris were upset and decided to attack, whether they had the right or not is not disputable; we all have the right to do what we wish, just as \m/ has done with raiding an entity. If this tech was so important, why not do it when they were protected? Oh..cause you couldn't get away with it, right? (This isn't serious)

The point is, people have become too technical to the point where they have become idiotic. If someone wishes to DoW, they don't need a CB so indisputable no one can argue -- such as spying, OOC attacks, etc etc. What happened the whole "We don't like your actions, we don't agree with them, therefore we will DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!," because if I recall, that was the slogan around here -- "Do something about it."

\m/ did what they felt was right. Polaris did what it felt was right, essentially, you both are in somewhat of the same category and simply disagree; thus war. Stop crying and stop trying to obtain the moral high ground, be like men, nod at the other's thoughts and use your guns; don't whine and cry. Have fun with it.

Well, Grub's reasoning for this war was pretty much for a moral high ground, but yes, I agree with you, and I'm certain most Polar members do too.

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One last thing. If we were afraid of an even fight, this war would have ended before it ever got to the point it has. We were fully prepared to engage NpO with only PC at our sides, but PC has some great friends of their own, and that means more fun for both of us.

Well, I'm having fun so if that's thanks to your raid on FoA maybe it wasn't so bad after all. I think you guys gave NpO plenty excuse to attack, then your allies move in and fun begins. As long as you guys don't complain when someone attacks you suddenly then I'll just enjoy the war, earlier their were a lot of \m/ complaining about being attack with double standard arguments, which made it seem you only wanted to fight FoA and didn't want an even fight.

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Another post on the "Grub planned this war because he hates \m/" conspiracy theory? Funny

It's not a conspiracy when Grub said it himself.

All i really know is that I'm enjoying this war, and I know all of my comrades are. And I would hope that Polaris is enjoying this war as well. This is a war based game, and we're using the funnest parts of it.

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Well, I'm having fun so if that's thanks to your raid on FoA maybe it wasn't so bad after all. I think you guys gave NpO plenty excuse to attack, then your allies move in and fun begins. As long as you guys don't complain when someone attacks you suddenly then I'll just enjoy the war, earlier their were a lot of \m/ complaining about being attack with double standard arguments, which made it seem you only wanted to fight FoA and didn't want an even fight.

I just feel it was an opportunistic move by Grub to take out old enemies before they could become a serious threat to them. The situation was already resolved days before Grub came barging in, not to mention we had already resolved the issue with our charter before NpO was even in the picture. It just amuses me to see Grub crying foul when our friends do the same to his buddies. :awesome:

Glad to hear you're having fun, hopefully we can keep the good times rolling.

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All i really know is that I'm enjoying this war, and I know all of my comrades are. And I would hope that Polaris is enjoying this war as well. This is a war based game, and we're using the funnest parts of it.

You're right with this statement. This is fun and I, along with everyone in it I assume, are having a fun time.

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So basically you are admitting that you let your 4 year-old thick-headed immaturity get in the way of admitting/correcting a wrong when called out and decided to bring your nations and ally to war? Jesus, \m/ is pathetic. No wonder you're hated by everybody, their mothers, and the ladies they play bridge with.

What? Polar did the exact. same. thing.

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Come on Caliph, man to man, nuke victim to nuke victim and as we're at war with each other be honest to me and everyone else

You say it was a mistake to raid that alliance and that it would have changed anyway, that's rubbish, if you do something stupid and get away with it, of course you're going to do it again, that's the point of crime and punishment and so on. If no one did anything about it obviously you'd do it again.

I mean if you know it's wrong to do it, why did you do it, and if you agree with it then you'd do it again and if you think it's right, fight for your right

Well hello there good looking. I plan on nuking you again tonight and I assume you, or perhaps Fallen Fool is planning on doing the same to me.

Regardless, I joined \m/ the day after Polar declared war on \m/. I did not participate in the FoA tech raid, I was in a different alliance then. I do not condone such behavior, but as I was not in \m/ gov at the time I did nothing to stop it. I am not defending \m/'s right to tech raid FoA or a similarly sized alliance, I am fighting for \m/ because I disagree with several of the reasons Grub stated in the Polar DOW thread, and am utterly against \m/ allowing Grub to tell them how to interpret their own charter. I am not defending tech raiding, nor the FoA tech raid. I don't tech raid, its been over a year for me, and aside from 1 I did in RAD I haven't tech raided since the old \m/.

Regardless of when \m/ realized it made a mistake, the realization is there. I can say this incident has taught \m/ a lesson that it will not soon forget.

So basically you are admitting that you let your 4 year-old thick-headed immaturity get in the way of admitting/correcting a wrong when called out and decided to bring your nations and ally to war? Jesus, \m/ is pathetic. No wonder you're hated by everybody, their mothers, and the ladies they play bridge with.

Calm down there mate. I'm admitting that \m/ made some mistakes in handling Grub, but Grub also made several mistakes in "handling" \m/. Grub's conduct was so disrespectful that he was pushing for war. I truly believe there was nothing we could have done, after the FoA tech raid, that would have satisfied Grub other than to accept his interpretation of our charter. Accepting a foreigners interpretation of our own charter, and essentially accepting their sovereingty (spelling?) over our own is something we will never do.

I disagree with what \m/ did, but I do not disagree with them telling Grub "no".

As for dragging our allies into the war, our ally, Poison Clan, being the great allies they are, had our backs from day 1. They also participated in the FoA tech raid with us, along with GOONS. I'm suprised you are adament about your hatred for \m/ over tech raiding FoA but not so adament about Poison Clan being there too, or GOONS for inviting us both to come along on their FoA tech raid.

I suggest you review the facts of the situation without Polar bias, and you'll probably still be mad at \m/, but perhaps you will refrain from some of the overused propoganda terms against \m/ in future posts.

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Regardless, I joined \m/ the day after Polar declared war on \m/. I did not participate in the FoA tech raid, I was in a different alliance then. I do not condone such behavior, but as I was not in \m/ gov at the time I did nothing to stop it. I am not defending \m/'s right to tech raid FoA or a similarly sized alliance, I am fighting for \m/ because I disagree with several of the reasons Grub stated in the Polar DOW thread, and am utterly against \m/ allowing Grub to tell them how to interpret their own charter. I am not defending tech raiding, nor the FoA tech raid. I don't tech raid, its been over a year for me, and aside from 1 I did in RAD I haven't tech raided since the old \m/.

Regardless of when \m/ realized it made a mistake, the realization is there. I can say this incident has taught \m/ a lesson that it will not soon forget.

So you think what \m/ did was wrong but you disagree with some of Polars reasons for attacking them, so you join \m/ and nuke us.

Is it just me or is that logic perfectly suited to \m/

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So you think what \m/ did was wrong but you disagree with some of Polars reasons for attacking them, so you join \m/ and nuke us.

Is it just me or is that logic perfectly suited to \m/

1) I was nuked first, so I responded in kind.

If you didn't want to get nuked, complain to NBForrest of Wymania for nuking me first. I also fully expect Fallen Fool or EaTeMuP to nuke me tonight, so why are you complaining about me nuking you? Your side nuked me first.

Also, you spied away my nukes first. You have no right to complain about being nuked when you personally tried spying away my nukes prior to me spying away yours.

2) I disagree with the FoA tech raid, I think the way \m/ handled the Grub racist comments was wrong, I agree with what \m/ told Grub when he came into the \m/ channel with his demands, threats of war, and lack of respect prior to the racist comments, and I agree with what \m/ told him at the time, which was basically "no".

I think \m/ could have handled that situation better, but I disagree with Grub's stated reasons for warring \m/. He has stated he is warring \m/ because of the FoA tech raid, for the racist comments, and because he hates \m/.

The only reason I think is valid is the "because he hates \m/" reason. The other reasons are bogus. \m/ apologized for the remarks in question, and it was more than just \m/ in the tech raid. I undestand GOONS got a stern talking to by Polar over it, but I also understand that Poison Clan got absolutely no contact at all, because Grub and other Polar gov thought that by threatening \m/ and warring with \m/ that Poison Clan would enter.

I see those reasons as being intepretted falsely by the community at large. I see the reasons Grub presented as hypocritical (solely focusing on \m/ and only issuing a "stern talking to" to GOONS, and not contacting Poison Clan at all), I see Grub's attempts at solving this diplomatically a complete farse (he was pushing for war the entire time and his conduct prior to the racist comments was subpar and unbefitting of a diplomat or the spirit of solving anything diplomatically), and I see the references against tech raiding as a smokescreen attempting to gather public approval for this war against \m/.

Take that as you will, but I am here defending \m/'s sovereignty against Grub. I do not agree with Grub telling \m/ how to interpret our own charter. I agree with the public backlash against \m/ for the FoA tech raid. I disagree with Grub's DOW bringing up smokescreens and dancing around the real cause of the war, and I disagree with how the lot of everyone on these boards picks and chooses what to see in replies. I disagree with \m/ allowing Grub to tell them how to interpret their own charter, and believe this war to be instigated by Grub with the full intention of bringing Poison Clan in so he could hit both alliances with the good will of the public on his side.

Does this clarify my position at all? I am not so much pro \m/ raiding FoA as I am against Grub's actions in this conflict, and against the concept that Polar can tell \m/ how to interpret their own charter.

Edited by Caliph
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