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Your declaration of war is false. Your pretext for declaring war is false. There is no concrete evidence to support your claim, unless it has yet to be provided, and I personally have never seen anything justifying your assertion. \m/ asked our permission a half dozen times over the last year to reform, and every single time we gave them permission. Not in an attempt to goad them to reforming so we could attack them, but because the grudge between our alliances was genuinely dead. This attack was a combination of factors, but a feud that has been dead for two years is not among them.

On the same grounds that you accuse us of attacking \m/ for an old grudge, I accuse you of attacking us for a similar one. Clearly, you still hate us from the Second Patriotic War. Clearly, you are jealous of our economic success despite your efforts to curb our growth. Clearly, you are settling a score. Despite your overwhelming victory, similar to our overwhelming victory against \m/ approximately a year before you destroyed us, you still hate Polaris and everything it stands for. Treaties or not, causes or not, this declaration is because of a grudge, and the only thing that has changed between now and two weeks ago is convenience.

Please. Disprove me.

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When it comes to OOC matters, you should not be this naive. At least when you take a look at your own history. In fact, many great alliances has fought the old hegemony to make sure that OOC stuff stay out of this world

OOC Matters? What are you going on about?

I said \m/ is an abortion. That is an opinion. I said FOK is Dutch. That's simply observation.

The oxygen must be thin on the moral high ground you're standing on.

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FOK is supporting \m/? This is not surprising. The Dutch have liberal views on abortion, and the 'reformed' \m/ certainly qualifies as one.

This is horribly OOC, but I need to tell you Nordreich is based on a Northern Europe theme, and in most North European countries they have the same liberal views. So I don't see what kind of point you are trying to make.

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This is horribly OOC, but I need to tell you Nordreich is based on a Northern Europe theme, and in most North European countries they have the same liberal views. So I don't see what kind of point you are trying to make.

i like fok, so I can't say anything bad about your DoW, but I'd suggest ignoring the people from NoR altogether.

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OOC Matters? What are you going on about?

I said \m/ is an abortion. That is an opinion. I said FOK is Dutch. That's simply observation.

The oxygen must be thin on the moral high ground you're standing on.

Want to know my opinion?

-Nordreich is a God awful alliance. That is an opinion.

-Nordreich 1.0, or its reroll Norden Verein, were not very liked by the powers-that-were/be on Maroon. That is an observation.

-Most of Maroon is quite happy that Nordreich did not reroll on Maroon. Call us elitists all you like, the fact of the matter is we don't like what you were before. Do I like you now? I haven't really gotten to know you. That is a fact.

-When something is aborted, it's not alive. :facepalm: Next time you make an observation, don't suck at it.

-Not many people liked the old Nordreich, or its reroll Norden Verein, or the new Nordreich (I honestly could care less). Stop acting like you are relevant.

-Before you say "CSN IS NOT RELEVANT EITHER!", I will be preemptive and say "NOU". Honestly, I don't care if you think I'm the most relevant person alive or the equivalent of a monkey defecating in its hands and using it as suntan lotion. When I see idiotic posts, such as the one you made about FOK supporting \m/ or whatever point you were making, I will call you out. I don't care what side you're on.

-And just so you know, opinions can be wrong, as can observations.

EDIT: I had it as OOC, but I believe everything can be considered ICly.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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OOC Matters? What are you going on about?

I said \m/ is an abortion. That is an opinion. I said FOK is Dutch. That's simply observation.

The oxygen must be thin on the moral high ground you're standing on.

They seem to think that you literally mean \m/ is a dead fetus. Not a mistake on your part though.

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Your declaration of war is false. Your pretext for declaring war is false. There is no concrete evidence to support your claim, unless it has yet to be provided, and I personally have never seen anything justifying your assertion. \m/ asked our permission a half dozen times over the last year to reform, and every single time we gave them permission. Not in an attempt to goad them to reforming so we could attack them, but because the grudge between our alliances was genuinely dead. This attack was a combination of factors, but a feud that has been dead for two years is not among them.

On the same grounds that you accuse us of attacking \m/ for an old grudge, I accuse you of attacking us for a similar one. Clearly, you still hate us from the Second Patriotic War. Clearly, you are jealous of our economic success despite your efforts to curb our growth. Clearly, you are settling a score. Despite your overwhelming victory, similar to our overwhelming victory against \m/ approximately a year before you destroyed us, you still hate Polaris and everything it stands for. Treaties or not, causes or not, this declaration is because of a grudge, and the only thing that has changed between now and two weeks ago is convenience.

Please. Disprove me.

Do you happen to look like this guy?


Edited by Mwanatabu
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On the same grounds that you accuse us of attacking \m/ for an old grudge, I accuse you of attacking us for a similar one. Clearly, you still hate us from the Second Patriotic War. Clearly, you are jealous of our economic success despite your efforts to curb our growth. Clearly, you are settling a score. Despite your overwhelming victory, similar to our overwhelming victory against \m/ approximately a year before you destroyed us, you still hate Polaris and everything it stands for. Treaties or not, causes or not, this declaration is because of a grudge, and the only thing that has changed between now and two weeks ago is convenience.

Please. Disprove me.

Clearly your [OOC: e-peen] is larger than we could have ever imagined. Good for you. Instead of gawking at FOK, how about you just fight the damn war and argue justifications later... just an idea?

EDIT: What's my point? Easy: FOK declared war on you. Instead of doing the ever-so-classic "NO U", which your argument is, it might be better to just take a deep breath and just keep it to yourself for a later time. Why? I highly doubt FOK is even going to remotely give your arguments justification.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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No Nordreich member below Herzog shall post in this thread.

Sorry to \m/ and FoK for the poor respect of our member.

Austin, another wise decision from you and I will bake a cake with them.

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No we don't. We like our friends @ PC and decided to help them.

I disagree. Treaty or otherwise, you have been planning this strike for months. It is the result of a grudge. Just like you, I have no proof of this accusation.

There is no proof we attacked \m/ because of an old grudge. There is no proof FOK attacked us because of an old grudge.

Clearly your [OOC: e-peen] is larger than we could have ever imagined. Good for you. Instead of gawking at FOK, how about you just fight the damn war and argue justifications later... just an idea?

EDIT: What's my point? Easy: FOK declared war on you. Instead of doing the ever-so-classic "NO U", which your argument is, it might be better to just take a deep breath and just keep it to yourself for a later time. Why? I highly doubt FOK is even going to remotely give your arguments justification.

I'll try my best with this cluster of stupidity and simplification. I am asserting that FOK declared war on us because they still have a grudge against us from the SPW. I am also fighting a war. I do not understand why writing messages here, and fighting wars in nation, are mutually exclusive? What aren't you doing, that you are spending time here? Surely, if my time could be spent more productively, yours could be as well.

I do not care if FOK gives my arguments attention or heed. I have little hope of changing their minds. They claimed that Polaris attacked \m/ because of an old grudge, a claim for which I have seen absolutely no proof. I think that FOK attacked us exclusively because of an old grudge. I asked you to disprove me. You have not, and basically opted to not engage and challenge me, but to simply bluster. That's fine, bluster all you would like. In the mean time, try and find proof that FOK is not attacking us because they hold a grudge against us.


EDIT: OOC: Made it a bit more IC

Edited by Proko
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It's not that difficult, because the bottomline is:

PC is drawn into a war by NpO ---> FOK helps friends out.

Read the OP.

They're entering the war because they have some tinfoil idea about NpO wanting to destroy \m/, the treaty with PC is merely the vehicle by which they're entering.

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