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Imperial Decree - New Polar

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I do believe in "lolfreedom". I believe it is the right of each individual and alliance to do as they see fight. If a 40 man alliance can't protect themselves, and a larger alliance has the ability and the desire to attack them for tech, then that is their right.

Man this is precious.

So \m/ has the right to attack a smaller alliance, but NpO hasn't the right to make you face the consequences of your attack?

The phrase "When you complain , you advertise your own stupidity." matches perfectly with your post.

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What if what that alliance sees fit to do is to go smack the crap out of \m/? What if they dig playing World Police?

Here's the scarier question for you - what if they win?

If the World Police wins this war, then it'll just be straight back to the Hegemony. Just a Different Order controlling it this time. But I can sleep easy tonight, because the World Police isn't going to win this one.

Nice counter-argument there goober. Did you forget which side you're on?

I'm on the side that doesn't want a World Police telling me what I can do and not do. If i want to raid a 40 man alliance like FoA, then by God I'll do it.

And following your logic you have no right to tell Polaris what they can declare war for, so I expect you will either stop complaining about it or realize you are a hypocrite for using that argument.

I'm not saying that Polaris has no right to attack us. They have every right in the world to make a Sovereign Action. But they have no right to dictate to \m/ what we can and cannot do.
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I love how much \m/ seems to be saying that this is bad because of how NpO will be able to declare war on smaller alliances then them for whatever reason they want because they are easy targets.

Do you remember what started this war or do you have a poor short term memory?

Their standard, not ours.

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What if they do win?

Then we will have an era where the "world police" can go around hitting other alliances because they "want to".

You mean like \m/ did? Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

We've already had several alliances in the past do this, and just because you might get away with it this time, because nobody likes \m/, if you try to pull this with other, more connected alliances, you will eventually be facing a "karma" war of your own.

Other, more connected alliances got that way by not acting like \m/ does.

Make sure this power doesn't go to your head. Its easy to beat up on the outcast.

Oh get off your cross. \m/ are outcasts mostly because they want to be.

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I think you completely missed my point. Your alliance punished one party whilst letting the other two (albeit slightly less public, although equally to blame) go. That is what I meant by setting a precedent. Pure double standards.

NpO has set a precedent where they will act if they don't like the alliance in question and if said alliance is in too weak a position to defend themselves - however they will not act if said alliance is a friend or has the potential to harm NpO.

You still are trying this argument? How much time we will have to say that we don't attacked GOONS because they recognized their error and solved it diplomatically? And regarding PC, why we needed to attack them if we knew that they would attack us and work in the same way? Don't blame us for being smart ;)

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Man this is precious.

So \m/ has the right to attack a smaller alliance, but NpO hasn't the right to make you face the consequences of your attack?

The phrase "When you complain , you advertise your own stupidity." matches perfectly with your post.

I'm not arguing the fact that Polaris has right to attack us. I'm of the belief that any alliance can attack any other alliance if they so choose. What I am saying is that Polaris has no right to dictate what we can and cannot do. The World has existed well enough without a World Police. We don't need one now.

Please don't cover up the real reasons for this war with a BS CB next time tho. It'll let me respect you guys a little bit more.

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I'm not arguing the fact that Polaris has right to attack us. I'm of the belief that any alliance can attack any other alliance if they so choose. What I am saying is that Polaris has no right to dictate what we can and cannot do. The World has existed well enough without a World Police. We don't need one now.

Please don't cover up the real reasons for this war with a BS CB next time tho. It'll let me respect you guys a little bit more.

Who says there's going to be a next time?

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Yeah. That's really funny. What sin did we commit? Tech Raiding an alliance that couldn't defend themselves? Which in turn led them to a protectorate with an awesome alliance. FoA is better off than they were before the raid. We made a sovereign action, which is our right to make. Polaris has no right to tell an alliance how they should act, or what they can and can't do.

The only alliance who needs to pay for their sins is Polaris. I don't need Almighty Walfor.. I mean Almighty Grub telling me how to play an online simulation Game.

LOL, and we dont need people like you running around thinking they can do whatever they want, to whoever they want, without consequences. Its plain and simple here \m/, you do what you like, and if you piss someone off bigger than you, be prepared to get stomped on. Grub isnt trying to tell you what you can and can not do. He's trying to show you what happens when you do what you did. Tech raiding an "alliance" that "could not defend themselves"? Stay classy \m/.

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Man this is precious.

So \m/ has the right to attack a smaller alliance, but NpO hasn't the right to make you face the consequences of your attack?

The phrase "When you complain , you advertise your own stupidity." matches perfectly with your post.

Npo had the free will to attack \m/ just as \m/ had the free will to attack FoA, pretty simple. Now we are both paying the price for exercising that free will.

What \m/ learned from attcking FoA: Just because we can doesn't make it a good or profitable idea.

What NpO learned remains to be seen although I suspect it will be the same lesson we learned.

I have never claimed NpO didn't have the free will to attack us, if you search my comments you will see that I stated if this happens we would both lose, \m/ would lose lots of Infra and NpO would lose something more important(Something \m/ wasn't fortunate enough to have)

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You still are trying this argument? How much time we will have to say that we don't attacked GOONS because they recognized their error and solved it diplomatically? And regarding PC, why we needed to attack them if we knew that they would attack us and work in the same way? Don't blame us for being smart ;)

This was solved diplomatically between all parties involved until Grub barged in afterwards and decided to involve himself in it. You also know very well that declaring on PC would automatically bring in their allies, while waiting for them to declare might force some of yours in without guaranteeing theirs. Unfortunately, you underestimated our resolve.

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I'm not arguing the fact that Polaris has right to attack us. I'm of the belief that any alliance can attack any other alliance if they so choose. What I am saying is that Polaris has no right to dictate what we can and cannot do. The World has existed well enough without a World Police. We don't need one now.

Please don't cover up the real reasons for this war with a BS CB next time tho. It'll let me respect you guys a little bit more.

I agree that the World has existed well enough without a World Police, until alliances like your started to act like idiots and start to raid alliances just because you can. About our CB like it or not but it's the real reason of you being pwned: doing idiotic things and then doing more idiotic things instead of act like adults and solve it diplomatically.

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Polaris fought long and hard to be where it is today and if it uses its power for good, to punish pirates and thieves for their crimes against the nations of the world, then that is a good thing. I am proud to be supporting Polaris in its fight. That other alliances are being brought into this war is no problem: many of us just wanted a good fight, and we're getting it. At the core of the conflict, however, is that \m/ has done wrong and that it deserves punitive action.

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I love how much \m/ seems to be saying that this is bad because of how NpO will be able to declare war on smaller alliances then them for whatever reason they want because they are easy targets.

Do you remember what started this war or do you have a poor short term memory?

I remember who started this war.

Polaris did when they tried to intervene in a situation that all the involved parties agreed was completely resolved. Polar DOW'ed \m/ after \m/ members made some racey comments to Grub after Grub demanded \m/'s compliance, "or else".

Grub fired the first shot, and without Grub's involvement or ultimatums to \m/ there would not be a war right now.

You mean like \m/ did? Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

In a way, but \m/, GOONS, and PC's goals were tech, whereas Grub's goals are trying to tell \m/ what they can and cannot do, and how to interpret their own charter.

Other, more connected alliances got that way by not acting like \m/ does.

Not 100% true, but more and more alliances are not acting like \m/.

Oh get off your cross. \m/ are outcasts mostly because they want to be.

Is that why the \m/ DOE thread got bad mouthed and \m/ got heckled for numerous pages, is because \m/ wanted to be heckled for numerous pages?

Every \m/ post on these boards gets heckled with people saying "oh \m/ when are you going to disband again, lul" or "if \m/ is in a 7 day war again they'll disband lulz zombie alliance".

\m/ are outcasts because not many have come to us with open arms. \m/ are outcasts because much of the world hates us, and it seems whatever we do it just gets worse. I'm not saying the best decisions have been made, but the world hated us before that.

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LOL, and we dont need people like you running around thinking they can do whatever they want, to whoever they want, without consequences. Its plain and simple here \m/, you do what you like, and if you piss someone off bigger than you, be prepared to get stomped on. Grub isnt trying to tell you what you can and can not do. He's trying to show you what happens when you do what you did. Tech raiding an "alliance" that "could not defend themselves"? Stay classy \m/.

Might makes right does it not? That's something the former Hegemony preached, and that's exactly what Polaris is doing right here. They attacked \m/ because they thought we couldn't defend ourselves. That's why they didn't hit PC.

And yes, FOA couldn't defend themselves. That is their problem. But we all know this war isn't about FoA.

<AlmightyGrub> I am not interested in FOA in the slightest

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You still are trying this argument? How much time we will have to say that we don't attacked GOONS because they recognized their error and solved it diplomatically? And regarding PC, why we needed to attack them if we knew that they would attack us and work in the same way? Don't blame us for being smart ;)

Haha - I'm not really debating GOONS to be honest. I'm not surprised NpO didn't attack them and I'm willing to put that aside. As for PC - there has been no mention of punishing PC, there was no mention of forcing PC to change it's public policy and I've heard from several sources that NpO didn't even contact PC with regards to the incident. I'm sorry but no matter how you try and spin PC's entrance into the war (:wub:), it has nothing to do with punishing them.

You pretty much admitted it yourself. You didn't attack them because you knew that'd draw in a lot of other parties. Thus, even though you are fighting them, you chose not too punish them because it'd be dangerous to do so.

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I agree that the World has existed well enough without a World Police, until alliances like your started to act like idiots and start to raid alliances just because you can. About our CB like it or not but it's the real reason of you being pwned: doing idiotic things and then doing more idiotic things instead of act like adults and solve it diplomatically.

Hey uh buddy..

This was solved diplomatically before your Emperor decided to stick his righteous nose into business that wasn't his to be involved in.

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Npo had the free will to attack \m/ just as \m/ had the free will to attack FoA, pretty simple. Now we are both paying the price for exercising that free will.

What \m/ learned from attcking FoA: Just because we can doesn't make it a good or profitable idea.

What NpO learned remains to be seen although I suspect it will be the same lesson we learned.

At least \m/ learned something, what I suspect that Polaris will learn is: Win a war against \m/ one time is good, two times is priceless.

I have never claimed NpO didn't have the free will to attack us, if you search my comments you will see that I stated if this happens we would both lose, \m/ would lose lots of Infra and NpO would lose something more important(Something \m/ wasn't fortunate enough to have)

You no, but tons of yours members are crying because we attacked you just because you were smaller than us or because we have no right to attack you for what \m/ did or because we just attacked \m/ and not PC(this is the most ridiculous one, complaining because we don't attack an ally of yours).

You also know very well that declaring on PC would automatically bring in their allies, while waiting for them to declare might force some of yours in without guaranteeing theirs.

As I said, you can't blame us for being smart.

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I'm glad you all support a system where Polaris can tell alliances what they can and cannot do. I sincerely hope that next time you do something that is "offensive or criminal" in the eyes of the general public that Polaris attacks you too.

See, here's the thing. We in NV, are not so stupid as to do something the general public deems criminal and offensive. We have enough decency to abide by a certain code of conduct, which includes not spitting in a foreign rulers face, whether that be in our own channel or in theirs. Disrespecting a foreign leader is still disrespecting a foreign leader, regardless of the location. Also, declaring war on a defenseless opponent is still declaring war on a defenseless opponent, regardless of if both the CB and DoW is "tech raid."

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You no, but tons of yours members are crying because we attacked you just because you were smaller than us or because we have no right to attack you for what \m/ did or because we just attacked \m/ and not PC(this is the most ridiculous one, complaining because we don't attack an ally of yours).

I really don't think as many \m/ members are anywhere near as bothered as a large proportion of this board seems to believe.

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