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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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\m/ was always the most vocal of the 3, well, goons were pretty vocal but apparently things got worked out in the back rooms, whereas \m/ merely tossed around some racist remarks in the back rooms. PC was largely ignored because they were largely silent when their actions were brought to light, but as Grub has said, if they want war.. well..

Well what, take a little damage? Ha ha, I really do hope you don't have any idea what you're talking about, because that is just priceless. If that's the logic of Polaris, then I applaud \m/ even more for exposing such a spineless catastrophe of a group. However, logic suggests to me the former, meaning that it was strategic and not out of fear. And \m/ was the most vocal of the three? I didn't know you had to be vocal to be criminally involved. So does that mean if I kill a person silently, and say nothing afterward, I can get off scot free? That sounds like an awesome plan!

And God forbid we can't act like !@#$@#$ grown ups and shrug off profanities. Christ, it's like we're all in elementary school and saying "suck" gets you stuck on the wall at recess for 10 minutes.

But, I like my planet bob where people are held accountable to the things they say and do. All alliances do it on the individual level, and although I applaud CSN and SuperFriends for their wannabe UjP nature, I can't agree with it.

Our wannabe UjP nature? That is a gem of many. Do I think \m/ was stupid for being their usual selves and saying "bring it"? Yes, I do. Do I denounce them for doing so, no. Should they have been so aggressive? No.

I can't agree with defending petty thugs, idiots, and my idols and watching as alliances around me, those that are supposedly my allies, turn into petty thugs, idiots, and my idols too.

Nice name calling. Glad you haven't changed mate.

That's all you guys are now. You call THIS opportunist, but you applaud and cheer when your allies wait 72 hours to raid an alliance that had the misfortune of not being able to find a protectorate quick enough.

Your ignorance delights me. Point to me where CSN and \m/ are allies, and I'll smack you on the knuckles and tell you to check your facts. I always had a thing for old parochial school punishment.

You applaud when all they do is say "don't like how we do things? do something about it." and then you call THIS opportunist when someone finally does?

If that had been Polar's casus belli, I would not be here saying anything. No, they are masking it as "we are so offended by this tech raid, we are going to destroy \m/ lol Taste our icy blue wrath lawl". So yes, I call this opportunistic, especially when they only attacked \m/ and not PC. So perhaps opportunistic is the wrong word... perhaps strategic? As much as it is admirable to be strategic, I didn't know Lady Justice was selective in who should and shouldn't be punished.

!@#$@#$ pathetic.

No need to be too hard on yourself.

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Grub puts his word and his honour above his infra, and we support him in that.

What? That has no relation to the comment you quoted. I don't think most folks are questioning the fact that you don't care about taking a bit of a beating. It's the situation you've put several of your friends in, that has people disgusted with you.

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What makes you so sure Polar isn't expecting PC to attack them?

PC will attack them. Polar did not attack PC, from what I can speculate, because of their treaties with Umbrella. If Polar was truly outraged, and put their honor above their infra, they would have sucked it up and attacked PC as well. They did not and now here we stand with selective punishment.

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What? That has no relation to the comment you quoted. I don't think most folks are questioning the fact that you don't care about taking a bit of a beating. It's the situation you've put several of your friends in, that has people disgusted with you.

Perhaps if this has become an uncormfortable spot for said friends, said friends aren't?

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But you just raised an interesting point...why not even a treaty cancellation or downgrade with GOONS? Oh that's right, GOONS talked their way out of it. So now it's about how "defiant" they were in the interrogation room? Does being contrite make you less guilty? Because I see GOONS walking out of the courthouse free to pursue a life of raiding with their MDoAP with Polaris intact and no consequences.

Thats cos GOONS know what serious diplomacy means...and how to go about doing it....ensuring that all involved parties reach a mutually acceptable solution....

Congratulations on putting your allies in a horrible position if this escalates

elaborate please.......specific ally or all allies ??

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If that had been Polar's casus belli, I would not be here saying anything. No, they are masking it as "we are so offended by this tech raid, we are going to destroy \m/ lol Taste our icy blue wrath lawl". So yes, I call this opportunistic, especially when they only attacked \m/ and not PC. So perhaps opportunistic is the wrong word... perhaps strategic? As much as it is admirable to be strategic, I didn't know Lady Justice was selective in who should and shouldn't be punished.

When the tech raid on a large alliance happened, Polaris was upset. Upset that this is what CN has come to. Grub expressed his distaste with this behaviour. Of the bunch \m/ was the only one to respond with arrogance, disrespect, and down right vulgarity. I'm not talking about calling people poo poo heads, I'm talking about nothing but filth rolling off their lips, racial slurs, mixed with taunting and chest thumping.

You don't have to support what we're doing. Grub is taking a stance that he thinks will make the CN community better for the 400+ members of Polaris, amongst others. We do this against calls of opportunistic infra huggers and global police. Do you think that Grub would spend a year and a half rebuliding Polaris from nothing, sitting on the sidelines of a major war when there are quite a few parties we would have loved to fight, just to throw it all away because he doesn't like \m/?

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PC will attack them. Polar did not attack PC, from what I can speculate, because of their treaties with Umbrella. If Polar was truly outraged, and put their honor above their infra, they would have sucked it up and attacked PC as well. They did not and now here we stand with selective punishment.

That's only if we presume Grub is a complete moron and couldn't figure out for himself that PC would attack Polar if Polar declared on a Raider Alliance.

Punishing m with a declaration and letting PC get themselves punished with a declaration of their own is hardly selective. Most would consider it a wise means to the desired end.

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Random points, since that's all you're deserving of.

1) I'm probably the most consistent ruler here, outside of a few old standby's. My values and opinions are the same, regardless of what side of the treaty web I happen to be on. You could ever actually say the same.

2) You're asking for specific information in a roundabout way that has either already been presented to you in the OP or by Grub in a later post, or it's information that I can't give you. You're never going to be satisfied with any answer I do provide you, so you wanna know why \m/ is the only alliance being attacked? Read the OP again, or go talk to Grub. I'm sure he'll deal with you in a more diplomatic fashion than I ever would. I don't like you enough to be diplomatic with you. And liking someone and tolerating someone are two vastly different things, and I can tolerate just about anyone. Remember that before you comment about what I just said.

3) You are allies to \m/ by proxy (through SF via RoK). You have also cheered on their behaviour since day one.

4) It is about \m/'s attitude and your attitude, and just about everyone else's attitude who claimed that they wanted something to be done about it if "you all" didn't like it. You can tell WickedJ that this is better than any aid package any day. Of course, you're all still !@#$%*ing about this, even though you were all begging for someone to do something about it.

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What? That has no relation to the comment you quoted. I don't think most folks are questioning the fact that you don't care about taking a bit of a beating. It's the situation you've put several of your friends in, that has people disgusted with you.

My mistake, I misread that line that I quoted.

The only ally directly involved is RoK I believe, and all allies were contacted before any action was taken.

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That's all you guys are now. You call THIS opportunist, but you applaud and cheer when your allies wait 72 hours to raid an alliance that had the misfortune of not being able to find a protectorate quick enough.

!@#$@#$ pathetic.

Kronos eagerly await the countdown on terminations of protection for alliances.

Are you going to attack Kronos for such outrageous, immoral raiding?

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When the tech raid on a large alliance happened, Polaris was upset. Upset that this is what CN has come to. Grub expressed his distaste with this behaviour. Of the bunch \m/ was the only one to respond with arrogance, disrespect, and down right vulgarity. I'm not talking about calling people poo poo heads, I'm talking about nothing but filth rolling off their lips, racial slurs, mixed with taunting and chest thumping.

Perhaps, then, it is a matter of how offended one can be. I find no harm from words, thereby finding no offensive meaning in them when directed at me. I usually take them as a joke when directed as me, though I do not make it usual policy to purposely go out and offend people. This is a different debate for a different time, but that is just giving those slurs more and more power.

You don't have to support what we're doing. Grub is taking a stance that he thinks will make the CN community better for the 400+ members of Polaris, amongst others. We do this against calls of opportunistic infra huggers and global police. Do you think that Grub would spend a year and a half rebuliding Polaris from nothing, sitting on the sidelines of a major war when there are quite a few parties we would have loved to fight, just to throw it all away because he doesn't like \m/?

Alliances have been destroyed for less. And by all means, I'm not against the idea of packing a punch to those who say "bring it". I laughed at Athens when they did it, and I laugh at \m/ for doing it now. However, with that said, you are setting a dangerous precedence that you will be expected to uphold, or be seen as hypocritical. I air the question again: why just \m/? Is it just because the manner in which they presented themselves? Or is it based largely on the tech raiding?

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When the tech raid on a large alliance happened, Polaris was upset. Upset that this is what CN has come to. Grub expressed his distaste with this behaviour. Of the bunch \m/ was the only one to respond with arrogance, disrespect, and down right vulgarity. I'm not talking about calling people poo poo heads, I'm talking about nothing but filth rolling off their lips, racial slurs, mixed with taunting and chest thumping.

You don't have to support what we're doing. Grub is taking a stance that he thinks will make the CN community better for the 400+ members of Polaris, amongst others. We do this against calls of opportunistic infra huggers and global police. Do you think that Grub would spend a year and a half rebuliding Polaris from nothing, sitting on the sidelines of a major war when there are quite a few parties we would have loved to fight, just to throw it all away because he doesn't like \m/?

Grub had no buisness getting involved into a mess that was resolved before he even appeared in the channel.

Then he started laying down threats and an ultimatum. As Result he got told to bring it (with the addition of inappropriate slurs which i will not defend in any way).

Would you have behaved differently? If any uninvolved party came to me and behaved like that, i would probably do the same (if i was in a position to make such decisions).

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So....why are we arguing about Polaris attacking an alliance because they were slighted/insulted/turned into a pink prancing pony/had their cookies stolen/got raided/defaulted on tech deals/etc.?

Should it matter the reason?

Seriously, AlmightyGrub is perfectly within his rights to declare war on any alliance, bar his treaty partners, he wishes. And he is also perfectly within his rights to deny assistance against aforementioned target.

I support NpO in this police action.

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My mistake, I misread that line that I quoted.

The only ally directly involved is RoK I believe, and all allies were contacted before any action was taken.

Just because RoK wasn't willing to fight you over this, doesn't mean that it absolves you of having gone after the ally of a friend twice in just over a month now. One has to wonder, since in neither situation you had any involvement, just how high you value those friends.

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