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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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Are you really that terrible at war?

You aren't making any sense. I'm not at war, I'm not in any alliance involved in this conflict.

I simply note, as a bystander, that \m/ started screaming "bring it" as soon as people complained about the attacks on FoA, an started moving into peace mode as soon as Grub started rattling sabers.

Your alliance talks a lot, but when confronted, 30% of you jumped to peace mode as fast as possible.

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I hunger for the day when we shall drag Polars to our altars and sacrifice them to the dark gods. I pray it is soon.

Amazing, simply amazing, Grub. Bring the world police, bring Big Brother, bring all your petty rules that enslave the populace. \m/ will meet you guns blazing, every time. There will be no retreat and there will be no surrender from us, of that you have an assurance. Remember this day as the day the tables turned, for I promise you Justice will not be kind to you, Polaris.

\m/! Let one of you be as a thousand, and let your guns be like the vengeance of God! \m/ >_< \m/!

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I don't get how in good consciousness you can just freely admit you didn't try to obtain clarification for something and instead just base hate off of something that I just proved to you was wrong. If polar didn't find their apology good enough then that's fine, but the fact of the matter is that they did apologize.

I admit I did not read the entire posts in the \m/ apology thread. I just read the OP, which is an alliance formal statement. And from that, and that alone, I am under the impression that the apology is not sincere at all. If they truly feel sorry and regret it, and want people to know about it, they better made a better apology and put it in the OP instead in some post ten pages later where nobody even care to see.

Perhaps you confused me with somebody else? I do not hate \m/. I will hate them, if they disband again. But may be you are not accusing I am, anyway.

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I admit I did not read the entire posts in the \m/ apology thread. I just read the OP, which is an alliance formal statement. And from that, and that alone, I am under the impression that the apology is not sincere at all. If they truly feel sorry and regret it, and want people to know about it, they better made a better apology and put it in the OP instead in some post ten pages later where nobody even care to see.

Perhaps you confused me with somebody else? I do not hate \m/. I will hate them, if they disband again. But may be you are not accusing I am, anyway.

I've never heard of two threads being made for one apology where just a clarification in one can suffice. It'd probably be marked as spam as far as I know. Again just because you didn't venture to see their clarification in the thread doesn't mean they were not sincere.

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I believe Grub was the first one to pick a fight considering the whole situation didn't require him to butt in.
Mediating requires someone to butt in at some point.
And I won't get pulled into just putting random name, when branimir and whoever did it it was kinda weird.


So you'd only punch those you're capable of? Sounds familiar...
In Chronorica, assault is a felony. Tragically.
Negotiate what? I've yet to see what needed to be "negotiated" in the first place.
Doesn't matter, Grub attempted to begin negotiations, and \m/ picked a fight rather than be diplomatic about it. Seems pretty cut and dried.
This isn't an argument about qualifications. The Corp were the ones whom just got to it first and this it was handled by the time polar got there, thus disqualifying the need for polar to do anything. And no there was no mixup at all as the official announcement was made here rather quickly.
So maybe Grub missed it, or still felt his assistance was necessary in resolving the situation? You're still arguing how Grub had "no business" getting involved.

That is an argument about qualifications, it seems you're the one making throwaway lines.

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You aren't making any sense. I'm not at war, I'm not in any alliance involved in this conflict.

I simply note, as a bystander, that \m/ started screaming "bring it" as soon as people complained about the attacks on FoA, an started moving into peace mode as soon as Grub started rattling sabers.

Your alliance talks a lot, but when confronted, 30% of you jumped to peace mode as fast as possible.

He asked because heading to peace mode is the first step of planning a counter-offensive.

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Do not let my signature make you question my sincerity when I hail this as a very classy move.

The hate is reciprocal B-)

So you admit this is a blatant attack on a smaller alliance. So GRUB if ROK flipped you the bird

are you going to send your personal army after them too?

A blatant attack on a smaller alliance? You are talking about \m/ raiding a 30 men alliance right?

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To the Sith who are endorsing this moralist crusade:

I know it is tactical. I know it is for your own benefit. But it is disgusting, and an embarrassment. Just remember; if you give the moralists back their power, if you support the crusades that they embark upon, they will bring their guns against you in the last. They cannot tolerate free people; we must be slaves, or we must be dead. Remember that you too are a force for the self and the self alone, and the people you support today will be calling for your hanging tommorow.

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Well yeah, but that's not my point. My point was you said destruction of communities was bad. Maybe FoA should have thought of that before they let their protectorate with Sparta drop.

See, it works both ways.

If you're going to say that the destruction of communities is a bad thing, then it holds in all situations of violence.

FoA was passive about their "letting of their protectorate drop", and potentially not entirely to blame, \m/ on the other hand was active about everything they did, being undeniable responsible.

I said that the destruction of communities for the sake of the destruction of communities is a bad thing.

Having a CB makes said destruction be due to something, expressed on the CB.

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Mediating requires someone to butt in at some point.

What needed mediating then?

In Chronorica, assault is a felony. Tragically.

Good thing we're not talking about assault.

Doesn't matter, Grub attempted to begin negotiations, and \m/ picked a fight rather than be diplomatic about it. Seems pretty cut and dried.

So like I said, negotiations for what? And they already apologized for their actions there.

So maybe Grub missed it, or still felt his assistance was necessary in resolving the situation? You're still arguing how Grub had "no business" getting involved.

That is an argument about qualifications, it seems you're the one making throwaway lines.

Grub did not miss it and I know for a fact his advisers did not. Now what situation needed "resolving"? I'm waiting.

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You aren't making any sense. I'm not at war, I'm not in any alliance involved in this conflict.

I simply note, as a bystander, that \m/ started screaming "bring it" as soon as people complained about the attacks on FoA, an started moving into peace mode as soon as Grub started rattling sabers.

Your alliance talks a lot, but when confronted, 30% of you jumped to peace mode as fast as possible.

Tell you what Mr. Expert, why don't track those nations through out the duration of this war, you may learn something.

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To the Sith who are endorsing this moralist crusade:

I know it is tactical. I know it is for your own benefit. But it is disgusting, and an embarrassment. Just remember; if you give the moralists back their power, if you support the crusades that they embark upon, they will bring their guns against you in the last. They cannot tolerate free people; we must be slaves, or we must be dead. Remember that you too are a force for the self and the self alone, and the people you support today will be calling for your hanging tommorow.

And if that day comes, we will face them standing proudly, etc etc.

But your leaders brought this on your heads, no one else.

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