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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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The only alliances it seems NpO bothered to contact were GOONS and \m/. I just want to know what makes PC so special that NpO never bothered to contact them.
Because they aren't our allies, and they didn't poke the sleeping bear. If PC wants to join in on the fun, let them. We've been under the impression they're going to, anyways.
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If you believe this I have a bridge to sell you.

Well, it's what he said. There is enough evidence to believe it. Do I still think it may be slightly motivated by the tech raid? Sure.

Thought i'd throw this in for you.

Umbrella is planning to attack Argent.

Does that make it Umbrella's policy?

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I see you've ignored the whole "capitulate or war" bit. I don't blame \m/ the slightest. Seemed they had more spine then others did responding to Grub's self-importance.

I gotta agree Thick. After the gauntlet had been thrown and summarily rejected by \m/, I dont quite understand why they are supposed to be "nice" to someone who has threatened them. Tbh, that whole issue could have been sorted out by taking \m/ at their word the first time, instead of thinking one's own alliance is the only one who doesn't back up their word.

For that, bravo \m/ for sticking to your guns and your principles.

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So they had nothing to mediate for despite you claiming they were there to mediate.
Hey, I'm not the only one saying it, take it up with the folks who were there.
Yes, because you said you'd hit only those you're capable of hitting while getting away with it.
Sometimes a cocky little brat needs a good punch to the face in order to learn his lesson.
From where I'm standing Grub coming in with no reason at all for a closed matter is provoking.
Just because you don't know the reason, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I mean, that's like saying that whatever you happen to be ignorant of (like gravity), is something which doesn't exist. However, Im not going to try and speak for Grub, he's already made his reasons for war quite clear, and your attempts to muddy the waters wont change that.
So you don't know of anything needing resolving despite you claiming there was something to be resolved? My it's like you have no argument at all.
I'm not the one here who's arguing, you all are with the claims that Grub's CB of "they pissed me off" isn't valid because clearly your strawmen are the real reason for Grub declaring war, and boy, is he evil for declaring war for the reasons you made up.
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Because they aren't our allies, and they didn't poke the sleeping bear. If PC wants to join in on the fun, let them. We've been under the impression they're going to, anyways.

This makes no sense at all. If a resolution to the raid on FoA was what NpO was seeking, why would they not contact PC? Also I don't remember \m/ being an ally, so why contact them in the first place?

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I love our communities double standards on "bold" behavior. Alliance X does something outside of treaties and they are hailed for their action. Alliance Y does the same, and gets yelled at. It's so confusing.

And no, I won't explain what I mean. So, there.

Edited by Nizzle
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I hunger for the day when we shall drag Polars to our altars and sacrifice them to the dark gods. I pray it is soon.

I'm sure all of NpO trembles at the thought of fighting you, with your 1 infrastructure.

You're probably the safest guy in \m/, since it's pretty much impossible for NpO to declare on you. So you keep that tough talk going.

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I'm sure all of NpO trembles at the thought of fighting you, with your 1 infrastructure.

You're probably the safest guy in \m/, since it's pretty much impossible for NpO to declare on you. So you keep that tough talk going.

I would if I had a nation his size. Do you have any idea how much fun that would be?

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The only thing I've learned from seeing WC and MM posting with their panties all up in a bundle here is that, evidently, "Do something about it!" stops being such a fun refrain after somebody actually does.

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I'm sure all of NpO trembles at the thought of fighting you, with your 1 infrastructure.

You're probably the safest guy in \m/, since it's pretty much impossible for NpO to declare on you. So you keep that tough talk going.

I am going to assume you are unfamiliar with Margrave, believe me when I say he has earned his bones.

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Hey, I'm not the only one saying it, take it up with the folks who were there.

So you're claiming it but just unable to back it up and when called on it you lay the blame to others.

Sometimes a cocky little brat needs a good punch to the face in order to learn his lesson.

Only if he's not too big right?

Just because you don't know the reason, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I mean, that's like saying that whatever you happen to be ignorant of (like gravity), is something which doesn't exist. However, Im not going to try and speak for Grub, he's already made his reasons for war quite clear, and your attempts to muddy the waters wont change that.

If he had outlined his reason or responded for it I'd gladly talk to him then wouldn't I? As it stands he had no real reason to contact them since the matter was closed. If he has claimed a reason beside that feel free to point it out.

I'm not the one here who's arguing, you all are with the claims that Grub's CB of "they pissed me off" isn't valid because clearly your strawmen are the real reason for Grub declaring war, and boy, is he evil for declaring war for the reasons you made up.

No you're just the one with arguments full of saying they were going to "resolve" or "mediate" with nothing at all to back up those claims then when getting called out on it you just throw up your hands and say it's a "strawman".

Edited by WarriorConcept
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Because they aren't our allies, and they didn't poke the sleeping bear. If PC wants to join in on the fun, let them. We've been under the impression they're going to, anyways.

Really. If this CB has any water, GOONS and PC are just as guilty for their tech raiding crimes. At least try and make this look like it isn't Polaris trying to complete unfinished business from 2 years ago.

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