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\m/, I just want to help


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I see... so they did come to us... funny how they are good friends with our attackers and this could be a good back up plan for \m/ goons and pc to get out of paying reps if we had signed with a stronger alliance. Maybe, Maybe not, this is still a huge insult.

Oh conspiracy, its been a long time seen a good ole tinfoil hat theory was suggested

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This was a few back, but I'm going to answer it here because it's an important point. We acted well in accordance with law and we followed our charter to the letter. I quote:
In times of peace, GOONS recognize the sovereignty and security of other alliances. An "alliance" is defined as a group with diplomatic ties. "diplomatic ties" may be of the form of MDP, ODP, Protectorate, or any variation thereof.

We are not mere 'bandits' we have a very well defined system of laws and rules pertaining to raiding.

This was a few back, but I'm going to respond. Just because you follow your charter doesn't mean your any less of a threat to others. Bandits care nothing for the common good, only their purses and sadistic entertainment. Even if they sat down and penned up their own constitution, they would still be a threat to those around them who were less prepared. Public opinion won't stop you, and even if the majority of alliances got together and decided to punish tech raiders who broke their de facto law with any international police action, would you obey their demands? Probably not, especially if you could get away with it, and so with all the characteristics combined, your organizations resemble little more than the highway robbers and rogues of days past.

We acted within our charter, when the protectorate was inked we stopped, therefore I will say it flat out: do not bother seeking reparations from us.

Apparently you've confused me for some one who cares what your business with FoA is.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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We are not mere 'bandits' we have a very well defined system of laws and rules pertaining to raiding.

This was a few back, but I'm going to respond. Just because you follow your charter doesn't mean your any less of a threat to others. Bandits care nothing for the common good, only their purses and sadistic entertainment. Even if they sat down and penned up their own constitution, they would still be a threat to those around them who were less prepared. Public opinion won't stop you, and even if the majority of alliances got together and decided to punish tech raiders who broke their de facto law with any international police action, would you obey their demands? Probably not, especially if you could get away with it, and so with all the characteristics combined, your organizations resemble little more than the highway robbers and rogues of days past.

Apparently you've confused me for some one who cares what your business with FoA is.

I can't speak for Goons and PC but I don't think anyone at \m/ has ever denied what I bolded in your post.




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Cyfe, As your future leader, I am asking you to let it drop and not make any further posts here. Nothing can be achieved by doing so. This thread was made for no other purpose but to troll \m/, and I do not encourage any further posting.


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I can't speak for Goons and PC but I don't think anyone at \m/ has ever denied what I bolded in your post.




Yep. I've never heard otherwise. As long as those know the proper course for dealing with your sort then there is little more to be said on it.

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Has this actually gone anywhere? Or is it just chest thumping?

well, lets take a look, \m/ continues to raid so no change there. People continue to snivel so no change there, looks like things have gone nowhere.

I would like to thank Alterego for taking the time to arrange 2 days worth of free and awesome publicity though.

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Cyfe, As your future leader, I am asking you to let it drop and not make any further posts here. Nothing can be achieved by doing so. This thread was made for no other purpose but to troll \m/, and I do not encourage any further posting.


Yes, the OP was made by your enemy and its intent was to make you look bad.

But guess what?

By not participating here and sticking so stubbornly by the side of these attackers, quite a few people now look worse than they ever did after the KoN incident.

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40+ pages later to add to the aid sent by TJO and that one guy from SOS Hyperion has since sent off 6 million and International has sent 9 million. but theres no aid from people like Alterego, Bob Janova, Timeline

If you're as outraged as you say you are then help these people out you keep asking "Why should i" well the answer is simple you are posting here to express outrage at \m/ you arent going to do anything militarily(sp) so why dont you put your money where your mouth is unless of course you dont really care about FOA and are just using this as a sad excuse to hate on \m/ and PC for doing the same thing your alliance does afterall look at all the tech raiding Valhalla is doing or IRON yet you arent outraged at these people

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40+ pages later to add to the aid sent by TJO and that one guy from SOS Hyperion has since sent off 6 million and International has sent 9 million. but theres no aid from people like Alterego, Bob Janova, Timeline

If you're as outraged as you say you are then help these people out you keep asking "Why should i" well the answer is simple you are posting here to express outrage at \m/ you arent going to do anything militarily(sp) so why dont you put your money where your mouth is unless of course you dont really care about FOA and are just using this as a sad excuse to hate on \m/ and PC for doing the same thing your alliance does afterall look at all the tech raiding Valhalla is doing or IRON yet you arent outraged at these people

Every time you post this "update" you remind us that PC, \m/ and the goons are refusing to send any aid.

You do realize this, right?

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Every time you post this "update" you remind us that PC, \m/ and the goons are refusing to send any aid.

You do realize this, right?

Wait, why would any of us send aid to people who we attacked? If it's for the attacks that came after peace mode, I'm fairly sure someone in this said (in this thread, no less) that that's all been resolved. Not sure where you're coming from here, but nice try.

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Every time you post this "update" you remind us that PC, \m/ and the goons are refusing to send any aid.

You do realize this, right?

We're not morally outraged with ourselves.

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Geez why are you all still arguing?

FoA got raided and then iClean came in and saved the day. Now all is well. You should all stop arguing and go bow before his righteous glory.

EDIT: Kev got upset that I forgot him, so I thought I should give him a mention. He also saved the day, so you should all go bow before him as well. That's all.

Edited by Legend of the Skies
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Every time you post this "update" you remind us that PC, \m/ and the goons are refusing to send any aid.

You do realize this, right?

You're new around here arent you?

it's cool ill help you out. you see when a person tech raids the goal is to profit 99.9% of the time they dont pay reps for the damaged caused..occasionally youll find someone who does(See: KofN raid) but otherwise its a case of 'too bad so sad'. Ive no beef with FOA nor do i care who tech raided who but FOA knew the protectorate was being dropped if a small, tech selling, alliance cant get some kind of protectorate in 48 hours then you are doinitrong

So actually the ball is in YOUR court, you continue to rage against what was done, well...put up or shut up time

E: Please address my post of other alliances who are raiding and yet dont have a thread dedicated to their actions

Double edit: I just looked at your nation/AA. a 24 man AA is being tech raided by someone from MHA and FCC...wheres your outrage at them?

Triple edit: KOA != FOA(fail, i know...)

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