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One Athenian...

Rush Sykes

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Greetings denizens of Planet Bob. I come before you today, to express an opinion. There seems to be a lot of that going on nowadays. We stand, on the precipice of what one might call, "Judgment Day" in CN history. I have sat, and I have watched, even given commentary where necessary, as the world debated the validity of the Athens-Rok offensive against TPF. CB's for a war, have always been a debatable aspect of the political scene on CN. Everybody is left to their own devices in as far as determining the validity of a CB. From here, to the future, in CN, CB's will continue to controversial and debated. No matter the powers that be.

Why then, do some people's opinions on valid CB's grate on some more than others? History. Your own history. By your own actions, past, present, and future, you shape the way the world will respond to future CB's. Part of the Karma Coalition's mandate was to change the way things happen on Planet Bob. The degree to which it is changed, again, is a debatable concept by any side. Looking at the cast of characters on the receiving end of this CB, and looking at the cast of characters in third parties, whom are blasting this CB as horrific, I say to you, your very own inaction, as well as participation,in the past, as CB, after CB, after CB left vibrant, active alliances a smoking crater leaves the vast majority of you bereft of any credibility to determine the validity of the CB. You stood silent, and did nothing, as tech deals created wars. You hailed and applauded honesty as war was declared because "we don't like you." I saw nobody on the aggressive side of the web, in those instances, publicly coming forth and condemning such actions. No calls for restraint, no calls for diplomacy. Why? Because to side against the powers that be led to almost certain death. It happened over and over again.

Flash forward, to today's planet Bob. Athens has their CB, for better or worse, against TPF. All of you are free to look at is you see fit, and make your judgments of its merit for yourselves, without fear of retribution. I would call that a major, and healthy change. Athens, is painted in all manner of contexts. Most of which, we have brought on ourselves, we have openly acknowledged such. We are, however, not warmongers. No matter the arguments that any of make against us, it is nothing more than attempted spin. What we are, is a conglomeration of alliances, united in our belief that defense of the community that we have worked so hard to build, is of more value to us than infrastructure levels, or tech levels. Some call our leadership incompetent, well, we all have our opinions. I look around me, and I see Londo, Rsox, JGoods, Max, Kazeki, Angryraccoon, and so many others, and I gain a sense of pride just for the pleasure of getting to work with these people. Then I look around at our allies, and I see the absolute most supportive group of friends that anyone could possibly ask for. They are friendships that are genuine. And I , and my Athens brothers, would, without question, burn for them.

Enjoy what Karma has brought to this planet. Freedom of expression, freedom to post your mind without fear or reprisal, and think back...to the past. Ask yourself which was a more interesting time. I know my answer. Now, Athens sets off to the future. We make the journey with our friends. Steeled by the rhetoric of our haters. Unwavering in our commitment to secure our community's safety, and the safety of our allies. Humbled in the face of mistakes we have made, confident that we are moving in the right direction to correct our misjudgments.


Rush Sykes, Athens DMoFA.

ALALA! Athens Forever!

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Without fear or reprisal?

You've missed out on a whole lot of "Shut up or die" posts from your coalition partners I see.

Show me a shut up or die post from an alliance leader....preferable not in NSO, they may be an exception. The fact that posts can be MADE that result in "Shut up or die" by ANYONE, kind of proves my point I think. Nobody had the freedom to make such posts without fear of reprisal a short time ago. You can pretend like they did, but you would be wrong. Many dead alliances are a testament to this. Further, show me where someone has died as a result of a shut up or die post, or maybe where even someone has felt threatened enough to actually shut up.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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The Knights of Ni! incident rings a bell.

Says the same alliance that thretened to roll another alliance because they are incapable of a proper IRC ban. Ni! was an incident that we acted wrongly in. The future will determine whether we learned our lesson or not, I, on the inside, dont need the future for that. I know the answer. I saw the reactions of Athens members not involved. You, sir, know not of what you speak. We paid for it with a portion of our respect, and acknowledge as such. Its a lesson that you could maybe learn.

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Says the same alliance that thretened to roll another alliance because they are incapable of a proper IRC ban. Ni! was an incident that we acted wrongly in. The future will determine whether we learned our lesson or not, I, on the inside, dont need the future for that. I know the answer. I saw the reactions of Athens members not involved. You, sir, know not of what you speak. We paid for it with a portion of our respect, and acknowledge as such. Its a lesson that you could maybe learn.

Actually, I've never tried to defend the claim we are not warmongers. In fact, I embrace the idea that we are. This attack on TPF following the Ni! incident only adds to the idea Athens are warmongers.

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We are, however, not warmongers.

Lol, you pretty much invalidated your entire post with that statement. I'm glad you like being in Athens and you took the time to tell all of Bob all about it. Good for you. :rolleyes:

I will, however, give you a tip of the hat for a nice bit of writing.

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Sorry, but all Karma has brought is another group of alliances controlling Planet Bob. Give it a few years, and there will be another war, this time to overthrow the order that the Karma war ushered in.

You really aren't saying anything new... 'Karma' as you so call the leaders of Bob right now, whom bear in mind are no such leaders as NPO used to be, will get replaced by someone because everything is cyclic. Eventually someone gets bored or fed up, enough people band together and bring change. Whether it is good change or not is a matter of opinion of the winning party. History shows us that the winners are the ones that bring about the atmosphere you are a part of.

For example, if you so rashly despise 'Karma' or the current political climate now (which is a better analogy than Karma) were you more inclined to the previous? Or would you have done things differently than either party? It's simply a matter of opinion, and one which you do not have to agree with, nor participate in. But you surely do not need to take jabs at an imaginary figurehead coalition that was a wartime force brought together to change things. By your logic, if TPF's allies defend them and were to win, whatever they were called would be the new regime by which people could complain to the order of... "Sorry, but all the Phoenixs has brought is another group of alliances controlling Planet Bob. Give it a few years, and there will be another war, this time to overthrow the order that the Phoenix War ushered in."

It fits, no? Because it is not the party that is leading that is the problem, it's the fact that people want change faster than they are prepared to wait and work for.

Hopefully you don't take this the wrong way, this is meant towards others as well.

E: Spelling, meh.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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This probably belongs in many threads, but I choose this one.

To the people who lived as subjects of the Hegemony and now bash Karma as its successor, perhaps you enjoyed life before the Karma War. Perhaps you enjoyed the mindless hails, the fear of an unfair curbstomp and the months of debateless oblivion. Fine, but I didn't. And now I can say what I like and support whichever intepretation of a Cassus Belli I so choose. I can say when something pisses me off and I can try to steer my alliance into joining a vast array of competing Blocs and independent structures which did not exist as they do now under the Hegemony.

If you somehow think life was better under an oppressive, manipulative and all-consuming regime which absorbed anything successful and destroyed anything independent, I feel sorry for you. And if you prefer a world where a war can be waged against an alliance which spied, but where no-one is allowed to question it, I feel sorry for you.

For all its faults, the world now is not like this; it is better and it is freer. And the former Hegemony alliances are permitted more freedom to air their distastte than they gave in the past.

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Lol, you pretty much invalidated your entire post with that statement. I'm glad you like being in Athens and you took the time to tell all of Bob all about it. Good for you. :rolleyes:

I will, however, give you a tip of the hat for a nice bit of writing.

My post had little to do with conveying my love for being in Athens, although it was indeed included. My post had everything to do with the rash of people who hailed, cheered, and stood silent while the past crimes of Planet Bob took place. To point out that so many people who now decry Athens CB, stood and cheered "I dont like you" CB's. Hailed and hooted at "zOMG you did tech deals with someone that we said could no longer play CN", or worse yet, stood silent, and did nothing. Athens has never stood silent. We sacrificed ourselves , knowing it was in vain, to fight that sort of abject nonsense. Most of the rest of you, snuggled up to those committing these acts, whether it be out of fear, stupidity, cowardice, or simply a preferred viewpoint of the time. You especially, and your alliance. Where was your outrage and calls for restraint when Iron said "We dont like you" and marched to war. Where was it when the powers that be marched to war because someone who they said couldnt play anymore...had the gall to play. Hypocrites. The foundation of CN, and CN politics is built on a wall of hypocrisy. And you sir, sit atop that wall. Revelling in the freedom that Karma brought to you.

Edit: removed Athens, and her Karma allies. The context might indicate that I viewed Athens in a greater light than her allies, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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My post had little to do with conveying my love for being in Athens, although it was indeed included. My post had everything to do with the rash of people who hailed, cheered, and stood silent while the past crimes of Planet Bob took place. To point out that so many people who now decry Athens CB, stood and cheered "I dont like you" CB's. Hailed and hooted at "zOMG you did tech deals with someone that we said could no longer play CN", or worse yet, stood silent, and did nothing. Athens has never stood silent. We sacrificed ourselves , knowing it was in vain, to fight that sort of abject nonsense. Most of the rest of you, snuggled up to those committing these acts, whether it be out of fear, stupidity, cowardice, or simply a preferred viewpoint of the time. You especially, and your alliance. Where was your outrage and calls for restraint when Iron said "We dont like you" and marched to war. Where was it when the powers that be marched to war because someone who they said couldnt play anymore...had the gall to play. Hypocrites. The foundation of CN, and CN politics is built on a wall of hypocrisy. And you sir, sit atop that wall. Revelling in the freedom that Athens, and her Karma allies brought to you.

Oh, now I see. I agree, those people suck!

Down with them! Up with those that see a new way of doing things!

Edited by Kzoppistan
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What a crock of propaganda fueled bs.

Come back and try to retype this when you aren't brainwashed.

You see, if it weren't the Christmas season, I would say this applies to you as well, but since it is the christmas season, I'll just have myself a chuckle and move on.

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Greetings denizens of Planet Bob. I come before you today, to express an opinion. There seems to be a lot of that going on nowadays. We stand, on the precipice of what one might call, "Judgment Day" in CN history. I have sat, and I have watched, even given commentary where necessary, as the world debated the validity of the Athens-Rok offensive against TPF. CB's for a war, have always been a debatable aspect of the political scene on CN. Everybody is left to their own devices in as far as determining the validity of a CB. From here, to the future, in CN, CB's will continue to controversial and debated. No matter the powers that be.

Why then, do some people's opinions on valid CB's grate on some more than others? History. Your own history. By your own actions, past, present, and future, you shape the way the world will respond to future CB's. Part of the Karma Coalition's mandate was to change the way things happen on Planet Bob. The degree to which it is changed, again, is a debatable concept by any side. Looking at the cast of characters on the receiving end of this CB, and looking at the cast of characters in third parties, whom are blasting this CB as horrific, I say to you, your very own inaction, as well as participation,in the past, as CB, after CB, after CB left vibrant, active alliances a smoking crater leaves the vast majority of you bereft of any credibility to determine the validity of the CB. You stood silent, and did nothing, as tech deals created wars. You hailed and applauded honesty as war was declared because "we don't like you." I saw nobody on the aggressive side of the web, in those instances, publicly coming forth and condemning such actions. No calls for restraint, no calls for diplomacy. Why? Because to side against the powers that be led to almost certain death. It happened over and over again.

Flash forward, to today's planet Bob. Athens has their CB, for better or worse, against TPF. All of you are free to look at is you see fit, and make your judgments of its merit for yourselves, without fear of retribution. I would call that a major, and healthy change. Athens, is painted in all manner of contexts. Most of which, we have brought on ourselves, we have openly acknowledged such. We are, however, not warmongers. No matter the arguments that any of make against us, it is nothing more than attempted spin. What we are, is a conglomeration of alliances, united in our belief that defense of the community that we have worked so hard to build, is of more value to us than infrastructure levels, or tech levels. Some call our leadership incompetent, well, we all have our opinions. I look around me, and I see Londo, Rsox, JGoods, Max, Kazeki, Angryraccoon, and so many others, and I gain a sense of pride just for the pleasure of getting to work with these people. Then I look around at our allies, and I see the absolute most supportive group of friends that anyone could possibly ask for. They are friendships that are genuine. And I , and my Athens brothers, would, without question, burn for them.

Enjoy what Karma has brought to this planet. Freedom of expression, freedom to post your mind without fear or reprisal, and think back...to the past. Ask yourself which was a more interesting time. I know my answer. Now, Athens sets off to the future. We make the journey with our friends. Steeled by the rhetoric of our haters. Unwavering in our commitment to secure our community's safety, and the safety of our allies. Humbled in the face of mistakes we have made, confident that we are moving in the right direction to correct our misjudgments.


Rush Sykes, Athens DMoFA.

ALALA! Athens Forever!

Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on a Sith Rush Sykes.

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Sorry, but all Karma has brought is another group of alliances controlling Planet Bob. Give it a few years, and there will be another war, this time to overthrow the order that the Karma war ushered in.

there is no dominant group controlling bob as there was before. You could argue that what the last war did, and did successfully, was level the playing field for everyone.

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The CB you presented is that the TPF in a time of a declared war conspired to commit an act of war.

Fancy that, what would shock me more would be if they were conspiring to send you flowers and a hamper.

The view on the CB is a matter of perspective. I will not try to change yours, that issue has been beaten to death. Everyone is polarized(no pun intended) on our CB, and opinions do not appear available for change. The CB is what it is, and the point was, that when stacked against CBs in the past that were roundly hailed, and in which many of the same decriers now, hotted and hollered YAY FOR US, this CB is as solid as it can be....based on the THOSE precedents. The only difference is, now, those who are outraged, are free to express and embrace that outrage. This was not the case prior to the last war.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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