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An Address from the Grandmaster


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actually, doitzel said that the was is just to stomp IRON again here:

Again? I haven't even gotten in my first stomping!

Elyat, really. You are better than this.

It would take more than this 8-page thread to list all the things I'm better than; I really think we shouldn't go there.

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I just hope someday you realize the harm an excessively sweet diet can do to your wasteline.

Speaking of lines and back on topic perhaps, the line between taunting and warning an alliance is a curious one.

Hey, we weren't using my waist as the reference for the new unit of time, the waist? Were we?

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Yeah, that's how I meant it. As an insult. Well, kinda. I wasn't simply trying to insult Karma, but pointing out your hypocrisy has to feel insulting. I am sorry if Karma feels this way. When you stop being hypocritical, I will stop pointing it out. I hope you will do the same, when we stop being cowards.

You should do a better job at pointing out the hypocrisy by responding to my reply to iamthey. We can be both pissed at TPF for spying and pissed that its allies may have decided to abandon them despite their standing promises of protection. Both cases would involve deceit. I'm not saying that this is specifically the case, but, since none of TPF's allies have really made a statement about their stance on this which backs up their existing treaties, I'm hypothesizing.

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Indeed, yet I've tried numerous times to apply myself, but nothing seems to stick.

It may be dirt or oil that is preventing adequate adhesion. I suggest cleaning and drying both points of contact so as to allow you to not only apply yourself but also to stick to that you are applying yourself to for as long as is necessary.

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It may be dirt or oil that is preventing adequate adhesion. I suggest cleaning and drying both points of contact so as to allow you to not only apply yourself but also to stick to that you are applying yourself to for as long as is necessary.

If only I had a shower in my executive chambers.

You know, I'd better stop before I get off topic again.

Canik and George the Great seem engaged in an interesting round of parlay.

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You should do a better job at pointing out the hypocrisy by responding to my reply to iamthey. We can be both pissed at TPF for spying and pissed that its allies may have decided to abandon them despite their standing promises of protection. Both cases would involve deceit. I'm not saying that this is specifically the case, but, since none of TPF's allies have really made a statement about their stance on this which backs up their existing treaties, I'm hypothesizing.

As I said before,

You honor your treaties, they bash you for defending criminals. You cancel your treaties, they bash your for being cowards. Then later they bash you anyway.

It's a little different from Iamthey's argument. As it pertains to the hypocrisy post-war.

Anyway, there are PLENTY of instances where Karma has been extremely hypocritical, and I'm sure we'll see many more. I'll point them out as I see them, and you're free to post behind me and get your word in.

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As I said before,

It's a little different from Iamthey's argument. As it pertains to the hypocrisy post-war.

Not really, I addressed that in my reply to Iamthey. You can also defend your allies if they didn't violate the treaties, which I don't believe they did (if such action could violate your treaties, you should have at least pointed it out by now), while also condemning their actions.

For example: TPF screwed up and we don't agree with what they did, but we did promise to defend them and since such actions were not covered in our treaty, we must defend them as promised.

You can then cancel after the war is resolved.

They may have done something wrong, but you can't void your promise because they did something that your treaty did not forbid. If you wanted to avoid defending them for such crimes, maybe you should have looked into becoming their ally a bit more and maybe not made such a commitment. I'm rather certain such a post would garner a lot of hails from all over the treaty web (not that hails are really indicative of righteousness).

The possibilities are endless; don't limit your scope so narrowly.

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Anyway, there are PLENTY of instances where Karma has been extremely hypocritical, and I'm sure we'll see many more. I'll point them out as I see them, and you're free to post behind me and get your word in.

You'd be one of those people who never got the true meaning of Karma.

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I think my annoyance here goes all the way back to GW3. When GATO was being attacked and AEGIS didn't come in immediately, WUT said "Thank you for understanding our CB and staying out." That was hilarious at the time, but not because they were wrong in saying it, but because they were wrong in the judgment of our actions. When certain folks associated with the coalition known as Karma should be doing nothing more than WUT did, they instead harass and attack people for taking a reasonable stance. It shows the general turn the world has taken and I don't like it much.

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The Irony of this is just too funny. I mean if you agreed with the CB, it is easy to not defend TPF...as there is a clause that is anti espionage...the original CB is what? Espionage...lol.

So, assuming that IRON is still deliberating, and calculating, they would have to disagree with the CB, as the treaty is clearly contingent on the fact whether the CB is valid.

I'll assume Doitzel believes the CB is hogwash. If that is the case, which side of this war will the Jedi be on?

So what the hell is the problem, as this is clearly subjective.

Of course, I am certain the alliances that declared, and are calling for war are begging for IRON and others take the bait. It's the best shot you will have, and you know it.

Ironic, how you bait them for war when you have the advantage, when you would back down yourself in a heartbeat as you have proven over the last couple months if you thought you would lose.

Keep thumping your chests.

Comparing this to AEGIS staying out when GATO was getting beat down is just ignorant. Really, how much weight does an already beaten down alliance give to the overall confrontation? Very little, if you look at the overall picture.

Yet, the comparison as far as FAN and GOONS crashing Legions IRC channels calling them wimps and baiting them into joining the fray is very accurate. (As I believe that is what Kroknia was getting at.) Sounds like there is a new Hegemony to me.

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Not really, I addressed that in my reply to Iamthey. You can also defend your allies if they didn't violate the treaties, which I don't believe they did (if such action could violate your treaties, you should have at least pointed it out by now), while also condemning their actions.

For example: TPF screwed up and we don't agree with what they did, but we did promise to defend them and since such actions were not covered in our treaty, we must defend them as promised.

You can then cancel after the war is resolved.

They may have done something wrong, but you can't void your promise because they did something that your treaty did not forbid. If you wanted to avoid defending them for such crimes, maybe you should have looked into becoming their ally a bit more and maybe not made such a commitment. I'm rather certain such a post would garner a lot of hails from all over the treaty web (not that hails are really indicative of righteousness).

The possibilities are endless; don't limit your scope so narrowly.

How many possibilities result in not ending on Karma's bad side? Because it seems like that's the only one, and it's Karma's way or the highway. Being on Karma's bad side sure seems a lot like being on NPO's bad side.

You'd be one of those people who never got the true meaning of Karma.

Maybe not, but I remember reading lots of glory posts of Karma's righteousness, and how NPO was holding us all back and was so evil and if we got rid of them things would be so much better.

If Karma was not to change things for the better, then it was simply revenge on NPO and a shift in power. Karma couldn't win a war with that kind of propaganda however.

And here I was, thinking Karma have finally come to rescue us all from hegemony. (I mean the word not the group)

But, ohh.. what's that? What's that I see over there? Is that? Is that a hegemony forming from the Karma coalition? I believe it is! Way to become the thing you hate, Karma!

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There is too much talk in CN nowadays. Wheres the proof of the labours, stand up for what you want and believe in.

Doitzel, has been here long enough to state his "taunts", so stop breaking down and crying when it happens.

- I guess all thats left to say is, well said.

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There is too much talk in CN nowadays. Wheres the proof of the labours, stand up for what you want and believe in.

Doitzel, has been here long enough to state his "taunts", so stop breaking down and crying when it happens.

- I guess all thats left to say is, well said.

They are tears of joy because of all knowing doitzel.

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