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An Address from the Grandmaster


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Dear IRON,

Yo'momma is fat.

I mean really, really fat.

Please war me.



Dear Some-Guy, our whole family is fat, it's genetic. We are so fat and greedy we hog our pixels and simply refuse to waste such a pretty decoration for our members. We do however have an epic feast during the festive where we compliment each other on our size and pixels, you look rather large and fat to, so you are welcome to join us in celebrating the magificance of our pixels.

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Dear Bob,

Your face is below the average standard for a face.

Wishing you a prosperous new year,


Dear Some-Guy,

I make up for the shortness of my face's stature in other areas. Like the size of my feet.

Please advise if you have popcorn to share.

Wishing you good times,


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If you believe that NpO does not lead FB, or that Grub did not make demands of Athens/Londo to not go through with that, you will be contradicted in short order. MK made Londo back down cause they knew they were going to get their $@! kicked, and Londo bent over backwards to make sure it didn't happen. As far as FB wanting to be aggressive and take out other blocs such as Cit, and SF, you are correct...it is subjective.

Actually I have not provided facts, but they are available to me should I wish to research and point them out...but I am in fact a lazy SOB. Touche.

Why you think that Grub/NpO leads FB? Just because we are the alliance with more NS? Just because this is how it works in Citadel doesn't mean that the same thing occurs in the others blocs. With leaders like Tygaland and Moldavi, you should be naive or retarded to think that Grub would lead the bloc alone. Make yourself a favor, next time that you want to try make FB look bad, bring facts, not baseless speculations, you are just denigrating the image of good posters/thinkers that citadel/TOP have.

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What's this? Doitzel being an attention whore? Color me surpri.... oh wait... I'm not.

Boo-hoo. You could stop following me around, dabbing at your eyes with a tissue, and do something yourself so I don't have to step up, you know.

Why is it that everyone but IRON is getting all up in arms in a thread directed at IRON?

Well as the Jedi Code concludes:

There is no war, there is infra.

Until the war is over and IRON still hasn't come in, I don't think you can really troll them. Hell, TPF may have even asked their allies not to come in (post mhawks thread). Shocking, I know.

Um. mhawk publicly requested assistance from all treaty partners.

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This is our attempt at letting them know that people that act in this manner shouldn't be left in power, if they don't want to reap even a taste of what he sows. We're not here to destroy TPF.

Graps TeLL us again about the terrible story of the loss of 19/7ths of tech in the horror war that made laughins great and made everything different.

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This is our attempt at letting them know that people that act in this manner shouldn't be left in power, if they don't want to reap even a taste of what he sows. We're not here to destroy TPF.

Graps TeLL us again about the terrible story of the loss of 19/7ths of tech in the horror war that made laughins great and made everything different.

I wasn't talking about whatever you're talking about. I was talking about the MOST HEINOUS ACTS and how he spied on OV to get info that OV "spied" on NPO. Granted, I'm not really sure what you're trying to say because your statement may or may not have been in English.

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I don't see how breaking a forum rule has anything to do with my beliefs on war. Anyway, who really cares if they would have gone any further? Going as far as they did is bad enough. Are you really trying to legitimize community destruction of an enemy alliance as a legitimate act of war? If the only thing you have left to respond with is trying to do what they did, which I don't believe it was, then maybe you're better off not doing anything. I never once saw in the logs that this was being done to defend NPO, anyway. No one expects war to be puppydogs and rainbows, but I don't think anyone expects to have their community destroyed. They committed the MOST HEINOUS ACT on an alliance they were not fighting. Athens did not sign their terms of surrender, and even if we did, this still would have been a ridiculous idea. I may not have supported attacking TPF if we had signed the terms (which wouldn't have made sense), but I still would have been just as pissed.

I guess that's if you believe that trying to destroy an enemy that is not engaged with you on the battlefield by infiltrating their community in order to destroy their community is a legitimate war act. I, personally, don't consider it one, whether it be against an engaged or perceived enemy. [OOC] that's akin to trying to the genocidal killing of your entire enemy, including women and children, in the hope of leaving nothing behind.[/OOC] If you believe all is well and fair in war, then you think genocide is, as well? Plus, we definitely have enough on them to pin a failed attempt to commit the MOST HEINOUS ACTS.

If TPF didn't want more of the same, they probably should have removed mhawk from power after the war. The accusations against him are not particularly shocking given his past. This is our attempt at letting them know that people that act in this manner shouldn't be left in power, if they don't want to reap even a taste of what he sows. We're not here to destroy TPF.

OOC: If an attempted MOST HEINOUS military operation during a war fails, then the perpetrators will probably be tried as war criminals and executed. The people themselves also have a degree of responsibility because their leader is only enabled through popular sovereignty, ergo their support.

You breaking a forum rule was not my point, the fact that you call yourself what you do was my point I just didn't use the actual term because I did not wish to break a forum rule.

Now that this is out of the way I can get to the ridiculousness of this whole "MOST HEINOUS ACT" talking point. You are spouting the same type of garbage that was being thrown around in GW1 about nukes. You are demonizing something unconventional in an attempt to win a PR war when the fact of the matter is waging a curbstomp war against an alliance is far more likely to destroy there community then some half baked plan to infiltrate an alliance by merger.

Also comparing this to genocide is ludicrous unless Mhawk had devised a brilliant method to remove every Athenian nation from the face of bob [OOC] Get Athens to delete all their nations[/OOC] then this is nothing even remotely like genocide.

Finally, Athens gave TPF a valid CB against them, that war plan was terminated upon NPO getting peace and no evidence has been shown that there were any plans to rekindle this operation once it was terminated.

And what would Athens have added to TPF's terms for there war plan that was never executed. I think Athens should be paid 10000000000000X the damage done by this operation. I will get with mhawk to help negotiate if you think that number is reasonable

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Dear Forum Goers,

Posts made by users in this format that do not add anything to the current discussion are spam.

Please stop making these posts or I will have to warn you.

Wishing you the best,


Dear Magistrate Revan,

My Bad.

Wishing you the best,


And what would Athens have added to TPF's terms for there war plan that was never executed. I think Athens should be paid 10000000000000X the damage done by this operation. I will get with mhawk to help negotiate if you think that number is reasonable

Punitive measures, such as the removal of leadership involved in the spying perhaps?

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The planned spying that was set up and all but ready to go when ZH backed out from the evidence that has been shown?

So planning to spy against an alliance that you have a valid CB against (and are arguably in a state of war against) is a valid CB after the war concluded?

Man can I get a lot of alliances rolled.

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I've got popcorn...and mac n cheese apparently....though i'm not sure why.

I find this all very tiresome, can we all just agree that we hate the Judean People's Front and carpet bomb them?

also, I am the Walrus

You know what else is tiresome?


You're a bloody do-gooder - Like that Doitzel fellow.

I was a leper you know, making a good living - I had 16 year behind the veil!

One day, I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up Doitzel comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.

Crucify the lot, I say.

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So planning to spy against an alliance that you have a valid CB against (and are arguably in a state of war against) is a valid CB after the war concluded?

Man can I get a lot of alliances rolled.

I plan on spying on you, Srgt. Roll me.

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If you believe that NpO does not lead FB, or that Grub did not make demands of Athens/Londo to not go through with that, you will be contradicted in short order. MK made Londo back down cause they knew they were going to get their $@! kicked, and Londo bent over backwards to make sure it didn't happen. As far as FB wanting to be aggressive and take out other blocs such as Cit, and SF, you are correct...it is subjective.

I would like to settle this new rumor once and for all (if one guy making stuff up qualifies as a rumor). The leader of Frostbite is based on whose government weighs the most. The NSO is full of hippies who eat carrots and broccoli and crap. So they haven't much of a say at all. The Polar government has Grub. And also a bunch of hippies as well. The STA has Tyga. This should make for a clear leader, however we haven't been able to find a scale large enough for certain sovereigns...

So in short, Frostbite has no leader. Until we get a really big scale. Then my money is on Tyga.

Actually I have not provided facts

You can say that again!

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Umbrella Argent's right behind you.

(I can't believe the timing!)

Edit: wrong cit alliance :v:

We have mac and cheese? I thought we only had Onions and Cheese.

Also, IRON stop hugging stats. Grow a pair. Something something dark side. San Dimas High rules.

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