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Sure you can, It might even be the case you don't have to defend 2 alliances in case of a war, looking at the way the treaty's could chain.

Fighting on two fronts might seem odd, I'd try to help both of my friends, even if they are on opposite sides.

You should've thought about such a possibility before, I do understand were you are coming from though.

thing is we have been here before 6 months ago, either we help or not, there is no in between

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We simply don't want treaties with alliances that oppose each other, nothing cowardice

You do realise how difficult this is to uphold, right? Unless you're very careful or ally to very few people this will backfire eventually. Instead why not try mediating for peace between both your allies? However you've chosen to cancel on NATO when it looks very likely they'll be dragged in to defend.

At least this has shown NATO who their true allies are.

Edited by Halicore
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At least we know where you stand...goodbye...

really a piece of work..no notification behind doors, no discussion, just post it on the OWF and then post a thread in our forums..classy, real classy...you all need to go back to FA school 101.

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So we're back to the treaty chaining of the Great Wars?

Speaking hypothetically, If NATO were to enter a war on an MDoAP and was retaliated against, we would have every right to ask GO for assistance. However, they wouldn't have to come to our defense considering it would not be a defensive war in sense that our initial aggression led to the attacks on us. The way I see it, in the event of a war, GO could have said, "look, defending TPF is cool and all, and imma let you finish, but Fark is the greatest ally we have, of all time." Understandable, they could do what they wish, our treaties are non-chaining i believe. For instance, in the Karma war, GUN had an MDP with NATO, fought on the side of Karma, and still remained our strong friends.

I can understand the reasoning behind this move, what I can't understand is the timing, and the fact that I learned of the cancellation here, since there was no warning. It is no surprise to me that GO would choose to end this considering the other allies they have, while being decent alliances and all, aren't exactly walking down the same path. Treaty should have been dissolved months ago.

Fare thee well GO, it's a shame an otherwise decent relationship had to end this way.

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Speaking hypothetically, If NATO were to enter a war on an MDoAP and was retaliated against, we would have every right to ask GO for assistance. However, they wouldn't have to come to our defense considering it would not be a defensive war in sense that our initial aggression led to the attacks on us. The way I see it, in the event of a war, GO could have said, "look, defending TPF is cool and all, and imma let you finish, but Fark is the greatest ally we have, of all time." Understandable, they could do what they wish, our treaties are non-chaining i believe. For instance, in the Karma war, GUN had an MDP with NATO, fought on the side of Karma, and still remained our strong friends.

I can understand the reasoning behind this move, what I can't understand is the timing, and the fact that I learned of the cancellation here, since there was no warning. It is no surprise to me that GO would choose to end this considering the other allies they have, while being decent alliances and all, aren't exactly walking down the same path. Treaty should have been dissolved months ago.

Fare thee well GO, it's a shame an otherwise decent relationship had to end this way.

That's basically my entire opinion on the matter.

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I can't understand is the timing, and the fact that I learned of the cancellation here, since there was no warning. It is no surprise to me that GO would choose to end this considering the other allies they have, while being decent alliances and all, aren't exactly walking down the same path.

About the notification we talked to Iskander before we posted, a few hours in advance

Treaty should have been dissolved months ago.

You are right there

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Bygones. Despite the bad feelings, we did enjoy the time we helped bring you into Aqua and share responsibilities for your protection for all that time. The bad feelings will fade, and we'll still like GO. We are both but pawns anyway.

"War brings out the worst in people. Never the best, always the worst."

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Sadly, I pretty much expected this for a long while.

NATO :wub:

This post right here proved it was in the works a long time before the latest shens started. So stop jumping to conclusions people. Not to mention the NATO members who have said as such.

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This post right here proved it was in the works a long time before the latest shens started. So stop jumping to conclusions people. Not to mention the NATO members who have said as such.

Really, this is the truth. As I told mentor, the timing is horrible, horrible, horrible in the world's eye. Live and learn. Every alliance learns through trial and error, eh?

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We simply don't want treaties with alliances that oppose each other, nothing cowardice

Isnt that something you should have thought about a long time back.....not at the last minute when a war is impending...

I think a lot of people missed this, but why should GO defend TPF? They don't have a treaty and treaties aren't supposed to chain...
It's not an MADP - GO didn't promise to defend someone with NATO. They promised to defend NATO from aggression. NATO getting into a war with someone because they have a treaty with them isn't really GO's business. Superfriends, interestingly enough, is an MADP bloc.

GO isnt defending TPF. Ideally, if the treaty chains, GO will defend NATO, if NATO is attacked by someone else. To avoid chaining, there are anti-chaining clauses used in treaties. Now that GO has canceled this treaty, GO's allies can attack NATO, which would have been rude if this treaty had still been in place...

Correct! Thing is Fark (our main ally) happens to be in SF, we cannot defend 2 alliances on opposite sides :mellow: This is all hypothetical speaking though as both alliances are not in war.

Either way we did not violate any part of this treaty, if NATO was being attacked when we cancelled then it would make sense, that is not the case though, so find another topic to troll ;)

You basically helped clear the web a little so that your allies can plan better...without having to worry about hitting your other allies on the opposite side of this conflict.

Wentworth pretty much summed it in his post......if relationships were dwindling, then this should have been canceled a while back....not when war is impending. Given the timing....it definitely doesnt look good....

Really, this is the truth. As I told mentor, the timing is horrible, horrible, horrible in the world's eye. Live and learn. Every alliance learns through trial and error, eh?

you are one to talk about !@#$%* timing...my my....

so what have you learnt thro trial and error :rolleyes:

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sad to see this canceled......always sad to see treaties canceled when a war is impending....

Also, thats a pretty sad reason for cancellation. All you had to do was inform NATO that you did not wish to participate in defense of TPF.....i am sure they would have understood the sentiment. You would not have broken any terms of the treaty either i guess...

It's not just sad...it's pathetic.

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