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A Statement about Mario Kart


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Well, KingAdam, you have. You're dumb enough to lump your guys into 2 AAs. I never said there might not be any more, but League of Rogues, Mario Kart, the guy hiding in CTA, those are your guys lumped in a bit more than 2 AAs.

I would just like to point out that, of all the actions KingAdam could take, no matter how dumb they would be, this thread of yours can eclipse them with minimal effort :rolleyes:

We would never sell a flag. So you might want to revise your conspiracy theory :P

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Well, KingAdam, you have. You're dumb enough to lump your guys into 2 AAs. I never said there might not be any more, but League of Rogues, Mario Kart, the guy hiding in CTA, those are your guys lumped in a bit more than 2 AAs.

You got a lot to learn man.

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Another pseudo-problem bawwing topic. As long as CN policy allows this kind of a "stealth tactics" dividing your alliance into multiple AAs and then "playing war" with each other there is no point to argue. All that is not forbidden is allowed. :psyduck:

In his defense, there are some borderline tactics in CN that when issue is risen they are handled. Such as the Rodentia slot filling last round, that was not slot filling by practical definition but was a very technical and unfair work around that prevented anyone from combating the top ranked nation.

As for this thread, it really needs to end or become constructive.

Everyone should know TFD goes through many means in order to solely win. I gave them the benefit of the doubt as being guys buying their time until they would eventually go to a war, but they are merely in it for the flag. As such, just combat the infra huggers of TE. Not much more to it than that, stop whining and go after those nations which have 0 casualties come day 30. Unless it's an alliance as a whole without casualties then most likely your members that never went to war and have a fairly good NS are sitting for them.

I think I told most alliance leaders that 40 Sippen and TFD were the same last round, some believed me, some didn't, and then we saw them win.

However, I do have one thing to say that is something that goes beyond their skill at the flag maneuvers and goes beyond warring in TE, it's mainly TPF in origin.

TPF has protected them from harm by being the big body shield. So they can go without an alliance war so long as they want, or if one happens TPF has their back and they take as minimal damage as possible sacrificing themselves for the flag runner essentially. Without TPF & RE protecting everyone alliance which comes to them, is a friend of theirs or gives them puppy eyes we'd see less of these kind of situations most assuredly. For example, I probably had 15 friends come to me through when I lead MHA looking for a protectorate or treaty, you know what my response was? "I can't commit, but you're a friend and we'll always do what we can to support you." That broke down into a few messages to let anyone conducting a severely unequal war to know we'd come after them if it escalated or they didn't back off a bit. It also included war once, in which we backed LE when TPF severely outnumbered them at the DoE of WOLF and evened the war by hitting RE as well.

Basically, you don't need to protect everyone. Support your friends in ways that don't entail war unless you are a balancing factor. And by no means, if an alliance like Rodentia (example) had not been hit and wanted to take on Mario Kart (they'd have similar size nations, both do similar techniques) should anyone get involved. This would be an ideal case, but it is not the way leaders play TE currently, which I am hopeful is beginning to change. It seems to be heading in that direction, but I'm not sold yet.

~ TL;DR Quit protecting your friends and let the infra huggers be mugged.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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Those who are trying to discredit the original poster are also the ones most likely involved in this little scheme. TPF, TFD, and probably some in OP.

in general, it's not too difficult to tell who is hiding and getting ready to take the #1 spot at the last minute though. It's usually nations with pretty high infra levels and very low tech levels. And usually those with no armies. Here's an example.


and others



Last round I actually declared on the eventual winner and he smooth talked his way into getting peace from me by offering a lot of tech in standard cn. I didn't think his odds of winning were good when I offered peace, but apparently he had an insane amount of money saved up (and probably donated too). Only wish I had some nukes this round :P

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Where does Porking Hellfish come in at? I see they have a few wars against Mario Kart, but I don't see any of their opponents losing NS? Not to mention 2 or 3 PH members have 0 attacking? Kind've fishy for a two day war, no?

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Those who are trying to discredit the original poster are also the ones most likely involved in this little scheme. TPF, TFD, and probably some in OP.

in general, it's not too difficult to tell who is hiding and getting ready to take the #1 spot at the last minute though. It's usually nations with pretty high infra levels and very low tech levels. And usually those with no armies. Here's an example.


and others



Last round I actually declared on the eventual winner and he smooth talked his way into getting peace from me by offering a lot of tech in standard cn. I didn't think his odds of winning were good when I offered peace, but apparently he had an insane amount of money saved up (and probably donated too). Only wish I had some nukes this round :P

Only the first one has enough infra to win the round.

I've estimated the winner will need between 2600-3200 infra in order to win because of infra hugging inflation and nation building prowess growing,

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Where does Porking Hellfish come in at? I see they have a few wars against Mario Kart, but I don't see any of their opponents losing NS? Not to mention 2 or 3 PH members have 0 attacking? Kind've fishy for a two day war, no?

As much as I hate to ruin a perfectly good conspiracy theory, a quick compilation:

storm (materia) of the Blue team of the alliance Kleos was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Hannah Land (Hannah Montana) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/15/2009 12:01:39 AM.

Leaf Nation (conistonslim) of the White team of the alliance Cyberian Tiger Alliance was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Hannah Land (Hannah Montana) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/15/2009 12:00:34 AM.

Mario (The Parasite) of the Blue team of the alliance Mario Kart was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Lucky (detlefschrempf) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 10:00:51 PM.

Kamek (Kamek) of the Blue team of the alliance Mario Kart was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Lucky (detlefschrempf) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 10:00:34 PM.

Caledonia (hiyou uk) of the White team of the alliance Cyberian Tiger Alliance was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Phobia (stylusiam) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 9:03:02 PM.

Altered (Spencer) of the Black team of the alliance Kleos was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Phobia (stylusiam) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 9:02:45 PM.

DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Phobia (stylusiam) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 9:00:10 PM.

Imnotanation (ZeApple) of the Blue team of the alliance Mario Kart was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Bibbsneria (J Bibbs) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 8:04:33 PM.

NeoGondor (NeoGandalftheGrey) of the Black team of the alliance The Fellowship was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Bibbsneria (J Bibbs) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 8:03:45 PM.

Forest of the Elves (Racer75) of the White team of the alliance Cyberian Tiger Alliance was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Bibbsneria (J Bibbs) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 8:02:48 PM.

JaboG36 (PhantomII) of the Blue team of the alliance Mario Kart was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Crackyourtoa (Spinedoc) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 6:00:46 PM.

United Nations2 (AndrewC202) of the Purple team of the alliance Cyberian Tiger Alliance was attacked with a nuclear weapon by Crackyourtoa (Spinedoc) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/14/2009 6:01:19 PM.

I see a number of Mario Kart nations on the list; if they're bluffing an attack, it's a pretty convincing feint.

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As much as I hate to ruin a perfectly good conspiracy theory, a quick compilation:

I see a number of Mario Kart nations on the list; if they're bluffing an attack, it's a pretty convincing feint.

If you don't see the obvious scam going on you must be a part of it. It's blatantly obvious and I agree with a previous comment that anyone coming in here stridently trying to deny it are themselevs suspect. I have reported the scam that's being operated on me. A scam in which one of the participants blatantly lied about carrying out attacks. Failed to appreciate that I had taken note of the infra and tech of the nation he was claiming to be attacking. An infra tech amount that never moves unless I attack myself.

There are some who put real money into this game and played fairly within the rules and the spirit of the game who are being cheated and that alone is good enough reason for people to abandon TE as a total sham if this freely goes on.

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If you don't see the obvious scam going on you must be a part of it. It's blatantly obvious and I agree with a previous comment that anyone coming in here stridently trying to deny it are themselevs suspect. I have reported the scam that's being operated on me. A scam in which one of the participants blatantly lied about carrying out attacks. Failed to appreciate that I had taken note of the infra and tech of the nation he was claiming to be attacking. An infra tech amount that never moves unless I attack myself.

There are some who put real money into this game and played fairly within the rules and the spirit of the game who are being cheated and that alone is good enough reason for people to abandon TE as a total sham if this freely goes on.

I'm afraid that I don't quite follow; what's the obvious scam at play? I'm not here to deny anything (the next conspiracy to include me in their scheming will be the first), but I'm definitely struggling to connect the same dots that you have. My attempt ended up with a lovely picture of a pony, but I'm guessing that you reached a different conclusion.

Exactly who is scamming who, how, and why?

Edit: unless I'm very much mistaken, isn't the nation that you mentioned [ooc]and posted about in the Game Abuse forum[/ooc] one of those that just traded nukes?

Edited by Schad
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Frankly, I prefer this meta-carnage to the pseudo-carnage of CN:TE. A "good fight" is only interesting if you're a newbie to the CN:TE environment; it's a lot more interesting when it's not just a good fight you're going after, it's a flag.

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Where does Porking Hellfish come in at? I see they have a few wars against Mario Kart, but I don't see any of their opponents losing NS? Not to mention 2 or 3 PH members have 0 attacking? Kind've fishy for a two day war, no?

Porking Hellfish are pretty much people who came over from Pork Shrimp. All of Hellfish's nations have "protected by TPF" in their bio. Some ran off to basketball ninjas, but have started moving around.

Only the first one has enough infra to win the round.

I've estimated the winner will need between 2600-3200 infra in order to win because of infra hugging inflation and nation building prowess growing,

Here are two more in hiding



Not quite 2600 infra, but 1 man alliances and low army levels. Wouldn't be surprised if they go rogue soon.

Also, pretty funny to see Mario Kart nations ghosting other aa's and going rogue. Like this guy


pretty obvious where a nation named "Thwomp" originated from :P

Edited by ReadyFireAIm
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Just some information about KingAdam:

I know most of you have never heard of me. I am also known as General Raam of LastDitchEffort. I am making this post to give a congratulations to my friends and fellow members that made my win possible.

Round 7-

Divisioners, you guys did awesome. Canuck, PJS, Lusitan, gpn777, tgsx, MrAnderson, Parasite, Koala, Tag, Viper, Herbert and anyone else I may have missed. Without you guys our victory would not have been possible. You did everything I asked of you and more. It was an honor fighting and leading all of you in battle. A general could not ask for a better group of soldiers. I thank all of you for your hard work and loyalty to the cause.

To all the other TE participants. Here is the story of The Fightin Division. In round 6 we started with a large target on our back. We played to win, but at the end to many people knew us. We were defeated by the rogues by the time the round was over. This round I decided to try something different. Knowing the target would still be on our back, I decided to split The Fightin Division membership up. The new alliance we created would be known as The 40 Sippin Panty Grippen Gangstas. Thats correct. The Fightin Division and The 40 Sippin Panty Grippen Gangstas were the exact same alliance. My "minions" as they have been called took down the main competition 1 by 1. All in silence. All without ever being detected. Hypertechnologies and SameOldNation you guys did great for the majority of the round. The "rogue" you received was compliments of me. TE my friends is not only a game of nation building. Strategy is equally if not more important in TE. To those who plan on winning in the future my words of wisdom to you are this. Think outside the box. I don't care if you are the greatest builder around. Without taking into account strategy you will never win a round. Neogandolf is a perfect example of this. An absolute amazing builder. Better than myself no doubt. However, he lacked the dedicated troops around him to make his victory possible. Remember, having a large alliance is not always a benefit. Being in the spot light does not get you a flag. If you want to win a tournament you will not do it alone. Teamwork is the key.

Special shoutout to Burning Glory. Your a good guy BG. We appreciate all you did for us behind the scenes. I am sure in the future we will get together again.

Shoutout to toasty toast of the alliance UJA as well. Toasty, here is a link just for you. Also, next time you send a rogue on someone make sure that they do their job.

A sad song to accompany the complaining

Round 8-

The Fightin Division and The 40 Sippen Panty Grippin Gangstas are hereby disbanding. We have accomplished our goals. TFD now has a peace and war flag now uploaded. We are the first alliance to have a war flag uploaded. We had a good time these past few rounds. In round 8 some of our previous members will be joining different alliances to have fun with the rest of you.

Our custom flags are now 61 (Peace time) and 64 (War time).

Good luck to all of you in round 8. I personally will be taking the round off. Have fun guys.

By this point, do you believe a word out of him?


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If you don't see the obvious scam going on you must be a part of it. It's blatantly obvious and I agree with a previous comment that anyone coming in here stridently trying to deny it are themselevs suspect. I have reported the scam that's being operated on me. A scam in which one of the participants blatantly lied about carrying out attacks. Failed to appreciate that I had taken note of the infra and tech of the nation he was claiming to be attacking. An infra tech amount that never moves unless I attack myself.

There are some who put real money into this game and played fairly within the rules and the spirit of the game who are being cheated and that alone is good enough reason for people to abandon TE as a total sham if this freely goes on.

Dude I don’t know what you’re smoking but can I have some?

I have an idea, why don’t you stop wasting the Moderation team’s time with your false accusations and next time you report someone for game abuse support it with facts.

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If you don't see the obvious scam going on you must be a part of it. It's blatantly obvious and I agree with a previous comment that anyone coming in here stridently trying to deny it are themselevs suspect. I have reported the scam that's being operated on me. A scam in which one of the participants blatantly lied about carrying out attacks. Failed to appreciate that I had taken note of the infra and tech of the nation he was claiming to be attacking. An infra tech amount that never moves unless I attack myself.

There are some who put real money into this game and played fairly within the rules and the spirit of the game who are being cheated and that alone is good enough reason for people to abandon TE as a total sham if this freely goes on.

Actually, that nation you are speaking about (Altered- Spencer) has in fact been nuked already by the guy who went rogue on you. Kleos is one of the alliances being hit hard by rogues from The Phoenix Hatchery and Pork Shrimp (both have ties to TPF).

The other being hit hard by rogues is CTA.

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Kleos is one of the alliances being hit hard by rogues from The Phoenix Hatchery and Pork Shrimp (both have ties to TPF).

One nation from the Hatchery (Sin City) went rogue and hit two Mario Cart and one Kleos. The Hatchery is TPF's training alliance. The nation in question joined and grew for about 3 weeks, and never bothered to move on. He was a semi-clever plant. We have no official rogue program - though all things considered, we really should start one.

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Actually, that nation you are speaking about (Altered- Spencer) has in fact been nuked already by the guy who went rogue on you. Kleos is one of the alliances being hit hard by rogues from The Phoenix Hatchery and Pork Shrimp (both have ties to TPF).

The other being hit hard by rogues is CTA.

Open your eyes and look very closely at what I said about it.


Is it becoming clearer?

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Frankly, I prefer this meta-carnage to the pseudo-carnage of CN:TE. A "good fight" is only interesting if you're a newbie to the CN:TE environment; it's a lot more interesting when it's not just a good fight you're going after, it's a flag.

If you don't want someone to get the flag then just nuke them. If you aren't big enough to do so then it really doesn't matter in the first place. These threads are pointless.

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i am simply waiting to see if Lost Island is going to be nuked as Dragon Slayer is now able to nuke him.
The Lost Island (Jack Shepard) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues on 12/15/2009 10:22:00 PM.

Looks to me like your wait is over.

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Open your eyes and look very closely at what I said about it.


Is it becoming clearer?

Yes, I understand what you were saying. But there is no collusion between the two. That would make no sense. Why would the larger nation allow a smaller (and allied) nation to nuke him? It defeats the purpose of working together to either slot fill or gain a flag. Besides, the guy going rogue on you is basically dead.

The good thing is that as the days pass it'll be clearer who is planning a last minute push to the top spot. Which is why this thread is important. To make it easier for other alliances to track down nations that switch aa's and are planning to win in the last minute before reset. Nations like Lusitan and Ostego, who just switch aa's to avoid detection, are the reason.

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Yes, I understand what you were saying. But there is no collusion between the two. That would make no sense. Why would the larger nation allow a smaller (and allied) nation to nuke him? It defeats the purpose of working together to either slot fill or gain a flag. Besides, the guy going rogue on you is basically dead.

The good thing is that as the days pass it'll be clearer who is planning a last minute push to the top spot. Which is why this thread is important. To make it easier for other alliances to track down nations that switch aa's and are planning to win in the last minute before reset. Nations like Lusitan and Ostego, who just switch aa's to avoid detection, are the reason.

The point is it leaves me to expend resources on it alone while that attacker is at war with 3 nations the other two of whom are doing NOTHING. Keeping him in the game longer. Ask yourself why the one I questioned lied about attacking.

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kewl by me.

Heh, works for me too...at some point I ended up opening my mouth and becoming part of an international incident, but I'm exactly not adverse to anything that causes stuff to blow up.

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Ganymede (Bebop) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues on 12/15/2009 10:32:27 PM.

DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues was attacked with a nuclear weapon by SimplyAmazing (h0rdes) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish on 12/15/2009 10:30:58 PM.

SimplyAmazing (h0rdes) of the White team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues on 12/15/2009 10:23:58 PM.

The Lost Island (Jack Shepard) of no team of the alliance Porking Hellfish was attacked with a nuclear weapon by DragonSlayer (Hammer Bros) of the Blue team of the alliance League of Rogues on 12/15/2009 10:22:00 PM.

I am Dragonslayer. What are you guys possibly complaining about? As far as my old post. I planned to take the round off. However, building a nation in TE is easy and I have to check it only every few days. Something that no matter how busy you are you can make time for. Check your facts before you make stupid comments.

Edited by KingAdam
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