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Countdown to Athens Rep Payment


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Locke, why can't you just...read? Read the important post a page or so back where JGoods says they have now agreed an amount and will commence payment. If that is not enough, then just read some more after that where people acknowledge the agreement has been reached. If that is reading too much then consider it extra credit and you going above and beyond the basic reading requirement for this course. Just get over this fear of reading before posting and shut up the people who continue to post without reading.

Eh...missed that post. It was 3 AM, I don't read too well then. <_<

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Locke, why can't you just...read? Read the important post a page or so back where JGoods says they have now agreed an amount and will commence payment. If that is not enough, then just read some more after that where people acknowledge the agreement has been reached. If that is reading too much then consider it extra credit and you going above and beyond the basic reading requirement for this course. Just get over this fear of reading before posting and shut up the people who continue to post without reading.

They still haven't started sending. Locke is giving pretty decent advice IMO.

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They still haven't started sending. Locke is giving pretty decent advice IMO.

They have agreed on the amount and will commence sending soon. Locke already conceded he didn't read the post stating the amount had been agreed so you really are wasting your time trying to make something of nothing.

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They have agreed on the amount and will commence sending soon. Locke already conceded he didn't read the post stating the amount had been agreed so you really are wasting your time trying to make something of nothing.

Be nice Tyga. He was just agreeing that posting without reading is a bad idea. Think of his post as a reenforcing example. :)

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Be nice Tyga. He was just agreeing that posting without reading is a bad idea. Think of his post as a reenforcing example. :)

Oh, I thought he was wanting to corrupt the space/time continuum by suggesting sending out aid before an agreement is made between Athens and KoN! was "decent advice" despite an agreement already being reached before that suggestion was made (for the umpteenth time).

I'll wait for Haflinger's clarification.

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They have agreed on the amount and will commence sending soon. Locke already conceded he didn't read the post stating the amount had been agreed so you really are wasting your time trying to make something of nothing.

Has anyone thought of the possibility that the figure agreed on might simply be zero? With Rsox's previous posts laughing about people who thought they'd actually pay, I wouldn't find it that hard to believe.

With that said, this has to be the most despicable thread I've ever seen on these forums. I don't even think I could start on how reading this made me feel like I need to take a long shower.

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I didn't accuse you of saying anything, I asked questions, re read my post. Another question, you do accept that there are those who are righteously upset over the actions Athens took in this particular "tech" raid?

I took this: "Are you saying I do not now or have never cared or taken action to defend those being raided?" as an accusatory question. Mi malo.

And yes, I do accept that fact. I was one of those in question.

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Has anyone thought of the possibility that the figure agreed on might simply be zero? With Rsox's previous posts laughing about people who thought they'd actually pay, I wouldn't find it that hard to believe.

If KoN! agreed to a figure of zero then what grounds would you have to complain about that?

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If KoN! agreed to a figure of zero then what grounds would you have to complain about that?

If they had agreed to a figure of zero, and KoN's leaders posted to accompany such a decision, then I'd be dissapointed in KoN, but I'd accept the outcome.

However, judging with how 'inactive' Athens claims KoN is, I would consider this possibility to have outrageous odds, and therefore is completely unlikely. Athens has changed their story three times in this thread (at least, I couldn't keep count), be it sarcasm or not, so forgive me if I hesitate to give them my unconditional trust on the matter.

Edited by Shurukian
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If they had agreed to a figure of zero, and KoN's leaders posted to accompany such a decision, then I'd be dissapointed in KoN, but I'd accept the outcome.

However, judging with how 'inactive' Athens claims KoN is, I would consider this possibility to have outrageous odds, and therefore is completely unlikely. Athens has changed their story three times in this thread (at least, I couldn't keep count), be it sarcasm or not, so forgive me if I hesitate to give them my unconditional trust on the matter.

Our story: We have come to an agreement with Ni!

At this point I don't really want to tell anyone because it's more entertaining this way.

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If they had agreed to a figure of zero, and KoN's leaders posted to accompany such a decision, then I'd be dissapointed in KoN, but I'd accept the outcome.

However, judging with how 'inactive' Athens claims KoN is, I would consider this possibility to have outrageous odds, and therefore is completely unlikely. Athens has changed their story three times in this thread (at least, I couldn't keep count), be it sarcasm or not, so forgive me if I hesitate to give them my unconditional trust on the matter.

Or, you know, you could let Athens and KoN do their business and keep your nose out of it?

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If they had agreed to a figure of zero, and KoN's leaders posted to accompany such a decision, then I'd be dissapointed in KoN, but I'd accept the outcome.

That kind of takes the wind out of the sails of your original complaint, doesn't it.

However, judging with how 'inactive' Athens claims KoN is, I would consider this possibility to have outrageous odds, and therefore is completely unlikely. Athens has changed their story three times in this thread (at least, I couldn't keep count), be it sarcasm or not, so forgive me if I hesitate to give them my unconditional trust on the matter.

Perhaps Athens are enjoying toying with those sticking their noses in where it is not needed. To me it seems a large proportion of people complaining here really only have a desire to score points off Athens and won't let fact or logic get in the way of that aim. Even to the point of obvious speculation, such as yours, to sate their need to find something to complain about.

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That kind of takes the wind out of the sails of your original complaint, doesn't it.

No, it doesn't, because I'm not approaching this like a raging pitbull. You asked what my reaction would be, and since I don't usually think in all fire and brimstone, I told you in which ways that situation would be acceptable, and which ways it would not. I'm sorry that I actually took your question as a logical one. I didn't realize you were looking for a hotheaded answer.

Perhaps Athens are enjoying toying with those sticking their noses in where it is not needed. To me it seems a large proportion of people complaining here really only have a desire to score points off Athens and won't let fact or logic get in the way of that aim. Even to the point of obvious speculation, such as yours, to sate their need to find something to complain about.

I don't really care what they're doing, in that regard. They can announce it whenever they feel like. The longer they wait, the longer this thread will get. A healthy discussion involves ideas and points from both sides. If you'd like this game to be boring, I'm sure a thread all about how Athens is a shining beacon of wonderful hope would have been what you were looking for. I don't prefer a 30 page war of words, but occasionally, I feel the need to express my opinion, which I rarely do. I apologize.

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Perhaps Athens are enjoying toying with those sticking their noses in where it is not needed. To me it seems a large proportion of people complaining here really only have a desire to score points off Athens and won't let fact or logic get in the way of that aim. Even to the point of obvious speculation, such as yours, to sate their need to find something to complain about.

You might want to take your own advice there. If you're looking for something to complain about, there's plenty of other things to complain about besides people pointing out the obvious, which in this case is pretty much nearly every single post by both "sides" in this whole thread.

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Or, you know, you could let Athens and KoN do their business and keep your nose out of it?

One would think that with the new, kinder, gentler Athens and the refreshing spirit of openness ushered in with the Karma Crusade, the world in general....and Athens in particular would welcome public inquiry into such matters.

Reparation negotiations and outcomes are nothing to be hidden from the world at large.....unless there is a reason to hide them?

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No, it doesn't, because I'm not approaching this like a raging pitbull. You asked what my reaction would be, and since I don't usually think in all fire and brimstone, I told you in which ways that situation would be acceptable, and which ways it would not. I'm sorry that I actually took your question as a logical one. I didn't realize you were looking for a hotheaded answer.

I don't really care what they're doing, in that regard. They can announce it whenever they feel like. The longer they wait, the longer this thread will get. A healthy discussion involves ideas and points from both sides. If you'd like this game to be boring, I'm sure a thread all about how Athens is a shining beacon of wonderful hope would have been what you were looking for. I don't prefer a 30 page war of words, but occasionally, I feel the need to express my opinion, which I rarely do. I apologize.

I don't think I've ever seen intelligent discussions take place this late into a thread. :P

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No, it doesn't, because I'm not approaching this like a raging pitbull. You asked what my reaction would be, and since I don't usually think in all fire and brimstone, I told you in which ways that situation would be acceptable, and which ways it would not. I'm sorry that I actually took your question as a logical one. I didn't realize you were looking for a hotheaded answer.

Haha, your whole argument was based around the horror of the agreed sum being zero. When I asked you what your problem would be if KoN! had agreed to zero reps you said you'd accept that decision. So, in essense, your argument was nonsense. You told me nothing about what was acceptable and what wasn't. Athens have already stated an agreement has been reached with KoN! to which you speculated over it being zero reps. At least try and maintain some consistency in what you are saying.

I don't really care what they're doing, in that regard. They can announce it whenever they feel like. The longer they wait, the longer this thread will get. A healthy discussion involves ideas and points from both sides. If you'd like this game to be boring, I'm sure a thread all about how Athens is a shining beacon of wonderful hope would have been what you were looking for. I don't prefer a 30 page war of words, but occasionally, I feel the need to express my opinion, which I rarely do. I apologize.

And yet more histrionic nonsense. If you don't care what they are doing why bother discussing it. You clearly do care as you expressed your disgust at the thread in its entirity. A healthy discussion is fine and if you have any evidence where I have claimed that Athens is the shining beacon of wonderful hope then feel free to post the supporting evidence. A healthy discussion requires facts, logic and the ability of those taking part to take in information to form an informed opinion.

What exactly of your post was informed opinion? The bit where you ignored that an agreement had been reached? The part where you made up a hypothetical case of zero reps that was nonsense in light of the fact the agreement between KoN! and Athens had been reached meaning a zero reps scenario would have been agreed to by KoN!? Or was it the part where you departed from your original argument once I pointed out it was nonsense and began shrieking like a banshee about what your perceive I wanted from this discussion?

Edited by Tygaland
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One would think that with the new, kinder, gentler Athens and the refreshing spirit of openness ushered in with the Karma Crusade, the world in general....and Athens in particular would welcome public inquiry into such matters.

Reparation negotiations and outcomes are nothing to be hidden from the world at large.....unless there is a reason to hide them?

I believe they responded to the initial enquiry in the first few pages. I don't see that as hiding. It is not their fault that the peanut gallery ignored it and kept repeating their mantra. :P

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Perhaps Athens are enjoying toying with those sticking their noses in where it is not needed. To me it seems a large proportion of people complaining here really only have a desire to score points off Athens and won't let fact or logic get in the way of that aim. Even to the point of obvious speculation, such as yours, to sate their need to find something to complain about.

But the thing is Athens was quite happy to use this means (publicity) to gain PR points for themselves with all kinds of threads about apologies and changes to raiding policies etc. The fact that it took this long to reach an agreement is rediculus. Bilrow managed to get replies from several KoNi members within a day or two?? including a member of Gov who figured they weren't getting anything. Seems to me that even just rtrading messages they could have reached an agreement a lot faster than this, unless they really didn't want to. Seems funny that an agreement was reached after this was pointed out by Bilrow. And I find it interesting that Athens quickly went back to their old selves.

In any case, I wonder how much longer it will take the aid to start flowing, given that reason for it not starting already was because no figure had been released agreed to.

edit: changed what I said to what I meant.

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Haha, your whole argument was based around the horror of the agreed sum being zero. When I asked you what your problem would be if KoN! had agreed to zero reps you said you'd accept that decision. So, in essense, your argument was nonsense. You told me nothing about what was acceptable and what wasn't. Athens have already stated an agreement has been reach with KoN! to which you speculated over it being zero reps. At least try and maintain some consistency in what you are saying.

All I can say to this is: No, it absolutely was not. It had nothing to do with them being zero. I simply raised the possibility of them being zero. my 'horror' at this thread was simply the conduct in, which it seems you're just adding to.

And yet more hystrionic nonsense. If you don't care what they are doing why bother discussing it. You clearly do care as you expressed your disgust at the thread in its entirity. A healthy discussion is fine and if you have any evidence where I have claimed that Athens is the shining beacon of wonderful hope then feel free to post the supporting evidence. A healthy discussion requires facts, logic and the ability of those taking part to take in information to form an informed opinion.

What exactly of your post was informed opinion? The bit where you ignored that an agreement had been reached? The part where you made up a hypothetical case of zero reps that was nonsense in light of the fact the agreement between KoN! and Athens had been reached meaning a zero reps scenario would have been agreed to by KoN!? Or was it the part where you departed from your original argument once I pointed out it was nonsense and began shrieking like a banshee about what your perceive I wanted from this discussion?

I was under the impression that this was a place for discussion. If all of us ignored what didn't apply to us, nothing would ever happen here. Are you saying you only post in topics directly related to you? Because, funny, I don't see this related to you in any way at all. You're simply doing exactly what I'm doing, and arguing the other side of what I am.

And I never saw the post where hypothetical are illegal. What a big bad person I am. I didn't depart from my original argument at all, you simply misinterpreted what my argument was even about. That is not my fault.

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Or, you know, you could let Athens and KoN do their business and keep your nose out of it?

I don't recall whether it was in this discussion or another, but as I have said before, justice is everyone's business. Every time I hear one of you repeat this "Keep your nose out of this business!" nonsense I'm reminded further how similar you are to the NPO and what you supposedly fought to get rid of in the "Karma" War.

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But the thing is Athens was quite happy to use this means (publicity) to gain PR points for themselves with all kinds of threads about apologies and changes to raiding policies etc. The fact that it took this long to reach an agreement is rediculus. Bilrow managed to get replies from several KoNi members within a day or two?? including a member of Gov who figured they weren't getting anything. Seems to me that even just rtrading messages they could have reached an agreement a lot faster than this, unless they really didn't want to. Seems funny that an agreement was reached after this was pointed out by Bilrow. And I find it interesting that Athens quickly went back to their old selves.

I'm not sure they were happy to do what you say publicly but were forced to due to the public reaction to the raid on KoN! I seriously doubt anyone would perceive those events as a PR win for Athens nor have I seen Athens claim any PR win. What the hold up was in agreeing a figure was, I have no idea. All I do know is that one has now been agreed and Athens will get on with paying whatever that sum is.

In any case, I wonder how much longer it will take the aid to start flowing, given that reason for it not starting already was because no figure had been released.

I believe the delay was due to no total sum being agreed which is perfectly logical. Now that sum has been agreed I would hope Athens would move quickly to pay it off.

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