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MHA Triumvir Elections


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Ladies and Gentlemen of Bob,

It's that time of the month again when one of MHAs triumviral seats comes up for election. This term, we saw incumbent Triumvir Crushtania retire from upper government to get a breath of fresh air. This left the campaigning up to current Minister of Towels (Economics), Draden and his opponent, Diablofan, who holds many jobs in the alliance.

After a long and hard race, Draden emerged victorious with a majority vote of 63 percent. As such, it gives me great pleasure to announce Draden, our former Minister of Towels, as Triumvir. Please join me in congratulating him and wishing him well during his stint of triumvir. I have no doubt that he will excel in the position and I look forward to working with him as we try to move MHA forward.

Lastly, I would like you all to join me in wishing Triumvir Emeritus Crushtania a happy retirement. MHA owes a great debt of gratitude to him for his hard work and contributions to the alliance. He has been a great Triumvir and friend to many, both internally within the alliance and externally to many of you. I look forward to seeing what you do as a regular hitchhiker. I'm sure it'll bore you and we'll see you back up at the top in no time. In any case, thanks. (Yes, he's so worthy I said it twice, said it twice)

I, along with Pourquoi and the rest of MHA, wish Draden a very successful term as Triumvir.

- Jadoo1989

Triumvir, MHA

Edited by jadoo1989
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We didn't lose Crush, he'll always be there to give a helping hand. He just can't take direct involvement.

Congratulations Draden on what I am sure will be a very successful term. Crushtania you are the heart and soul of MHA and it will be very strange not seeing you in Triumvirate red. MHail both of you.

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