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So, uh, Athens...


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We'll never know. The Knights of Ni may have had really, really bad combat readiness.

well, they do have 5 guys in anarchy

Although it's hard to know which charter is being cited, if i recall correctly, any Ni! nation that didn't accept peace before update was open to another round of attacks, so 4-12 GA's on a given nation not 2.

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I feel that the only reason that people are so up in arms over this is on the scale

15 tech raids on a man 5 alliance, or several tech raids on an alliance such as the Knights of Ni! would not be so uncommon; what's so upsetting would apparently be the fact that we're able to coordinate such events to maximize tech profits.

Also, fundamental difference between tech raid and war, intent is different etc etc

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I'm pretty sure this thread proves that this is not something practiced every day. Hey we get it. This is a non-honorable and goading act by you two alliances. I assume you think nobody will stand up for KofN, which is probably correct. But, if you didn't think this would tarnish your name you were wrong.

Agreed completely.

Bad show, guys. Seriously, bad show.

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I feel that the only reason that people are so up in arms over this is on the scale

15 tech raids on a man 5 alliance, or several tech raids on an alliance such as the Knights of Ni! would not be so uncommon; what's so upsetting would apparently be the fact that we're able to coordinate such events to maximize tech profits.

Also, fundamental difference between tech raid and war, intent is different etc etc

Yes, I'm jealous of you. Has nothing to do with the fact that there's an implied protection - people generally don't raid people belonging to established alliances, let alone mass-tech-raid and really financially hurt an entire alliance "just because".

o/ Penkala

Defender of the righteous and all around annoying player trying to hide his past as a member of RAD as hard as he can. You sir, are an inspiration to the people.

Uhm, OK, because I've totally hidden my past. Completely. Damn you for blowing my cover. Get over yourself, oh and knocking off the ad-hominems while refusing to answer points brought up would be amazing too. But that may be asking too much of you.

Edited by Penkala
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Yes, I'm jealous of you. Has nothing to do with the fact that there's an implied protection - people generally don't raid people belonging to established alliances, let alone mass-tech-raid and really financially hurt an entire alliance "just because".

Implied protection?, Who has implied such a thing?

And we're not being untruthful of our intentions and we're not raiding just because (although I think Athens is in it for the land mostly)

Edited by Shinpah
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I am totally disappointed that Athens is killing the respect and dignity of CnG that we worked so hard to accumulate when I was there. It sickens me to no end that they are putting their allies and allies allies at risk like this. Seriously, I am beside myself.


That is truly disturbing sir.

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I'm referring the several people who have immediately dismissed objections by members of our alliance because of NPO actions in the past rather than acknowledge that what is wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it and that past actions should have no bearing on the attack by Athens on a totally unrelated alliance.

Actually it was TrotskysRevenge who opened up the can of worms of your actions in the past.

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Yes, I'm jealous of you. Has nothing to do with the fact that there's an implied protection - people generally don't raid people belonging to established alliances, let alone mass-tech-raid and really financially hurt an entire alliance "just because".

Uhm, OK, because I've totally hidden my past. Completely. Damn you for blowing my cover. Get over yourself, oh and knocking off the ad-hominems while refusing to answer points brought up would be amazing too. But that may be asking too much of you.

I'm drunk and have hated you forever. The drunk part precludes me from actually reading this stupid topic where you !@#$%* about Athens attacking somebody else. The hating you part precludes me from caring about what you say.

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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

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I'm drunk and have hated you forever. The drunk part precludes me from actually reading this stupid topic where you !@#$%* about Athens attacking somebody else. The hating you part precludes me from caring about what you say.

Good for you.

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I'm referring the several people who have immediately dismissed objections by members of our alliance because of NPO actions in the past rather than acknowledge that what is wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it and that past actions should have no bearing on the attack by Athens on a totally unrelated alliance.

im not saying this is something im in favor of but Athens is a close friend of my AA.

however.... NPO was rolled for many past actions that the world didnt agree with.

if and when Athens follows the foot steps of the formerly mighty NPO (which i highly doubt they will) then they may end up like the NPO did.

but this is not the case now and i dont believe it ever will be.

i just think you should have your own house in order before you point your fingers at anyone!

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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

Wow. Irony anybody?

Seriously, take your self righteous logic somewhere else, all you're going to get these days is laughter in your face for pretending to stick up for the little guy.

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I'm referring the several people who have immediately dismissed objections by members of our alliance because of NPO actions in the past rather than acknowledge that what is wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it and that past actions should have no bearing on the attack by Athens on a totally unrelated alliance.

...and about 200 did the exact opposite.

While your alliance's objections are very obviously ironic, the majority of people don't care because the topic is not about you. As for Athens, I see no mindless hails and flimsy justifications from allied parties here, just from the alliances involved. If anything, you should be happy.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

I really really hate to say it, and it's been said about 40 times in this thread already, but... GPA?

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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

Hypocrite, everyone knows that NPO tech raided all the time. Get with the program, cow. :lol1:

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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

Is Athens paying you to make insipid and awful posts like these? It seems like a great way of distracting people from the issue at hand.

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If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

I suppose that we have presumed that they will decide not to defend themselves; however, their alliance is free to respond however they wish.

I will make no presumption that I know precisely how Athens and FoB would react if we all woke up in nuclear anarchy

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