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So, uh, Athens...


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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

I think that is where the idea of treaties came from. Don't want to get attacked, protect yourself. Sit around with no ties outside of your AA and ask to be attacked. Things change and I welcome this. Again, great job Athens/ FoB

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Hypocrite, everyone knows that NPO tech raided all the time. Get with the program, cow. :lol1:

For the umpteeth time: a raid done over a period of three months with a 100% BS CB is still a raid. As a member of Valhalla you should be more than familiar with that situation anyway.

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What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

In my opinion you can't pick and choose you're going to morally* defend when it comes to tech raids. If an alliance chooses not to sign treaties to better secure its nations then of course there is a risk of its sovereignty being violated (yes I went there, I feel pretty dirty about it).

Edited by Tequila Mockingbird
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I'm pretty sure thats the first time I mentioned GPA tonight. But hey, I AM drunk, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Ah forgive me, it appears drunkeness >> no sleep. My mistake. :P

How's this: "You can repeat something that's already been said multiple times this thread. Good job. :v:"

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Wow. Irony anybody?

Seriously, take your self righteous logic somewhere else, all you're going to get these days is laughter in your face for pretending to stick up for the little guy.

Is Athens paying you to make insipid and awful posts like these? It seems like a great way of distracting people from the issue at hand.

You are attacking TrotskysRevenge and not his argument.

What is upsetting about this is that it is a tech raid on an established alliance, something that is not practiced. Unaligneds take their chances; most people join alliances for community and also to avoid being tech raid. This establishes a precedent that goes against the unspoken rules of the Cyberverse.

If a nation is not safe from tech raiding in an alliance, then something integral to the way the Cyberverse has worked has gone awry.

I agree with this.

EDIT: I don't agree that the defeat of the NPO resulted in the world going awry.

Edited by Infinite Narwhal
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You can repeat one thing over and over again in multiple posts. Congrats. :v:

Until you can show how he's wrong, everyone's free to repeat it.

You are attacking TrotskysRevenge and not his argument.

Actually he's attacking the logic of the argument and how little sense it's making.

Edited by Unavailable Contact
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Might Makes Right becomes fashionable again.

Hail Athens and FoB.

Because it's Athens' fault that Knights of Ni don't know how to defend their alliance.

If you don't want to be tech raided, you either get strong enough to defend yourself, or find another alliance who will do it for you. Knights of Ni are no exception.

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You are attacking TrotskysRevenge and not his argument.

I'm attacking his right to make such arguments, and the fact that it doesnt' exist after his actions over the past several years. But hey, thanks for making an appearance. I have my own grievances with Athens, but this isn't one of them.

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Because it's Athens' fault that Knights of Ni don't know how to defend their alliance.

If you don't want to be tech raided, you either get strong enough to defend yourself, or find another alliance who will do it for you. Knights of Ni are no exception.

Here we have it ladies and gentlemen the winner of the thread MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. Hmm wonder where ive heard this argument before lemme check my records and get back with you on it.

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You are attacking TrotskysRevenge and not his argument.

I agree with this.

It's the implication that NPO being defeated is responsible for all bad things that is insipid, not the complaint against the tech raid. The tech raid itself is awful and makes Athens look like a bunch of aggressive idiots; worst PR any decent sized alliance has had in awhile. Bullying is wrong whoever does it; NPO just did it a lot more and on a much bigger scale.

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Because it's Athens' fault that Knights of Ni don't know how to defend their alliance.

If you don't want to be tech raided, you either get strong enough to defend yourself, or find another alliance who will do it for you. Knights of Ni are no exception.

Let's be honest, here.

Athens and FoB are only acting because the Knights of Ni don't have enough allies and members to really mount an effective defense.

For example, they could have declared (my bad, mass tech raided) on the protectorate of a major alliance. Or many other small alliances who are less isolated. They didn't.

It's Might Makes Right. Actually, your own post is the very definition of that. Thanks for proving me right, I guess.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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