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The creation of Tech Sellers Union of CN


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Does anyone want to sell tech 3 million/100 tech single slot long term deal? Send me a PM and I'll send the cash. ;)

Also at the FCC we have a dedicated Tech Seller sign-in forum, so any sellers looking to keep their slots busy can drop by and sign in.


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Kind of derailing the topic and shamelessly advertising at the same time eh Methrage? Impressive multitasking. If you want to work with them perhaps you should actually go to them as mentioned in the op :)

Edited by Remaliat
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Kind of derailing the topic and shamelessly advertising at the same time eh Methrage? Impressive multitasking. If you want to work with them perhaps you should actually go to them as mentioned in the op :)

If they can send me some tech sellers and get deals going then I'll sign up and recommend them to all of Citadel, but I want to see it work first rather than risk signing up pointlessly on another forum. If they come to me and sell tech I know it works the way I like it, me having to do almost nothing. ;)

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Does anyone want to sell tech 3 million/100 tech single slot long term deal? Send me a PM and I'll send the cash. ;)

Also at the FCC we have a dedicated Tech Seller sign-in forum, so any sellers looking to keep their slots busy can drop by and sign in.


Wow you just missed the entire point of this! Good job!

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It is a group of tech selling alliances forming a business community for other alliances to approach them about deals.

So they are selling to everyone.

Edit: Unless you piss them off :P

Basically that ;) We really do not have any preferences towards any particular alliances, it is more about keeping a working relationship with reliable buyers which stick to the terms of the bloc, the prices are basically controlled by demand, too many orders will lead to higher prices and vice versa.

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He did say that prices would be set by the market, not by an organized union.

That's assuming that TSO is intending to merely sell tech at market prices and doesn't attempt to develop a monopoly and fix prices.

Also, very nice work on your headquarters, it looks great and very professional.

Edited by Duncan King
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.info is so weird. I have a feeling this will fail for that reason alone.

You are right about that, waiting for my damn admin rights to fix some things about how everything is setup, should be sorted out once i get those to make ordering more understandable

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I don't think they have enough power to fix the prices. $3m/100 is already extremely profitable for a new nation or alliances (particularly if you get a $15m boost from 5 deals to invest straight away), so there's a lot of incentive for people to come in and undercut them if they try to, and using higher prices reduces the proportion of aid slots that you can use for importing tech for a buyer, giving them a strong incentive not to go above $3m/100 as well. Plus, Keve has already said that's not the intention – though I see several deals above market rate out of those that are currently posted.

However, I welcome this grouping, assuming that it fulfils the promise in the OP and the treaty wording of being a neutral cooperative that facilitates safe tech dealing for everyone (buyers and sellers). It's definitely buyers who are at more risk, sellers go inactive or steal the cash moderately often (10% maybe); hopefully by dealing through this union we can reduce that risk and build business relationships with well run alliances.

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I'd like to buy 10,000,000 tech. Have it to me by tomorrow :P

Really though, this is an excellent project! I've always dreamed of doing something like this myself, and I'm ecstatic to see it going through. You can be sure that I'll be calling the TSU before long :)

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That's assuming that TSO is intending to merely sell tech at market prices and doesn't attempt to develop a monopoly and fix prices.

Like I stated before, creating a monopoly would be nearly impossible and frankly its not our goal, never has been and never will be. As far as selling at market prices go, thats exactly why we havent set a floor price... by artificially fixing floor (or roof) prices we do not let the market run its course... Thus when the buyers name their prices, we will eventually hit an equilibrium between supply and demand, ensuring that market prices are observed!

I see several deals above market rate out of those that are currently posted.

Noone asked them to post orders at those rates.... so in other words those alliances have been buying tech for those prices in the past and well, they are allowed to offer whatever they wish....

He did say that prices would be set by the market, not by an organized union.

Entirely true my friend....

Edited by Keve69
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An interesting idea. A union of sellers that seems to primarily act to right wrongs that affect buyers is a little odd, though not a bad thing of course. Given the nature of small nations I'm skeptical that it will be able to help in terms of solving those issues. Beyond that I don't see a lot that this can do, unless they help organize among themselves to share tips and increase the number of sellers and slot efficiency within participating alliances, which the treaty doesn't really say anything about. It should be pretty easy for seller-heavy alliances to find more than enough buyers, given the number of buyers looking. I can see this helping out buyers.

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Really? Black Market seems to be moving at 3/50

That's kinda strange. I've only ever seen 3 million/ 100 tech.

When I was a noob I sold at a rate of 3 million / 150 tech :v:

On topic:

This certainly has the potential to be the biggest political event post-Karma.

Edited by President Obama
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