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The creation of Tech Sellers Union of CN


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The control of a significant portion of the seller's market can be used to artificially inflate demand. It's sort of the same way a monopoly works in economics. If you control an essential resource, you can charge whatever price you want for it. Of course, any control this consortium achieves will be only partial, but the expansion of the consortium will be driven by self interests of smaller nations. It seems likely to me that this may lead to conflict, possibly even to war. I am glad to see market forces start to arise in CN though, it will make the game a lot more interesting.

DAMNIT FOILED AGAIN! ***Keve69 returns to his lair, in order to plot his ascent in the CN power-structure... then he realizes that stating his plan is the best way to remove attention from it***

Your right Londo, this is in fact a thinly veiled attempt to gain control of the single resource in CN economy in order to boost prices to an absurd amount, feed tech to those the TSU wishes to advance and strangle all the others in an effort to create a huge nuke fest and to ensure that once everything is cleared and the nuclear holocaust ends... the people we want on top will be on top! Also somewhere in there Im going to assume complete and utter control over the TSU ensuring I alone dictate the monopoly of CN tech! Also, this plan is most likely sponsored by the Sith as it is inherently ebil! Or maybe its NPO? :P

Well that was fun!

If you wish to have an in-depth onversation over my points of view on the way this could develop CN economics and etc, please contact me on IRC I envision a great discussion/argument!


*edit: a weird typo made 'will be on' into 'en on'... dont ask

Edited by Keve69
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DAMNIT FOILED AGAIN! ***Keve69 returns to his lair, in order to plot his ascent in the CN power-structure... then he realizes that stating his plan is the best way to remove attention from it***

Your right Londo, this is in fact a thinly veiled attempt to gain control of the single resource in CN economy in order to boost prices to an absurd amount, feed tech to those the TSU wishes to advance and strangle all the others in an effort to create a huge nuke fest and to ensure that once everything is cleared and the nuclear holocaust ends... the people we want on top will be on top! Also somewhere in there Im going to assume complete and utter control over the TSU ensuring I alone dictate the monopoly of CN tech! Also, this plan is most likely sponsored by the Sith as it is inherently ebil! Or maybe its NPO? :P

Well that was fun!

If you wish to have an in-depth onversation over my points of view on the way this could develop CN economics and etc, please contact me on IRC I envision a great discussion/argument!


*edit: a weird typo made 'will be on' into 'en on'... dont ask

Amusingly enough, the bold is almost exactly the argument you made for it when you tried (repeatedly, even after being turned down) to get EPIC to go along with your little boondoggle.

EDIT: Also, I'm also slightly amused. There are far fewer alliances in your group than you had tried to convince me there were on IRC.

Edited by Lord Boris
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What is the point of this? Anyone with 5 minutes spare can get themselves 5 tech deals and most alliances like to keep their tech buying with in their alliance and allies so as to maximise the benefit to the alliance from them. Also this doesn't ensure fair tech dealing, people pay what they are willing and rogues do what ever the hell they like.

Edited by spearo
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Amusingly enough, the bold is almost exactly the argument you made for it when you tried (repeatedly, even after being turned down) to get EPIC to go along with your little boondoggle.

EDIT: Also, I'm also slightly amused. There are far fewer alliances in your group than you had tried to convince me there were on IRC.

I call shenanigans!

That being said, you are indeed correct not all alliances joined, alot of them were simply unreachable! Though to be fair we still aren't too far from our estimates... we estimated 1200 nations we got 850+, so yeah your entirely right it isnt 100% successful but no matter for now its succeeding pretty well :)

Im still happy to see that many seller alliances have a chance to develop and work together to provide more stable deals to buyers and ensure their own development! My offer still stands if EPIC wishes to join :)

*edit: horrible syntaxe*

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This is a gargantuan effort.....wishing all the alliance the very best. Hats off to all of you for even attempting something on this scale.

A small note, i believe this has been attempted many times over before. I remember NATO-FARK-FCC and a few others had a separate tech dealing forums and used to organize joint tech deals between their respective alliances. The Agora accords and Watling Street Compact also had something similar in their write up. Almost all the blocs have a tech dealing section on their forums.......Not to forget Citadel Trading Corporation.

What you fail to realize is that when you piss one of us off, ALL of us stop selling to your alliance and your allies.

Just for the heck of it, i would like to see if this will really happen. :P

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Just for the heck of it, i would like to see if this will really happen. :P

I agree, it would be interesting how closely tied you became, and whether you held to that. I strongly suspect that this collaborative shut out wouldn't happen, and I hope that if that situation occurs I'm proved wrong.

/o Trade Unions.

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This is a gargantuan effort.....wishing all the alliance the very best. Hats off to all of you for even attempting something on this scale.

A small note, i believe this has been attempted many times over before. I remember NATO-FARK-FCC and a few others had a separate tech dealing forums and used to organize joint tech deals between their respective alliances. The Agora accords and Watling Street Compact also had something similar in their write up. Almost all the blocs have a tech dealing section on their forums.......Not to forget Citadel Trading Corporation.

Just for the heck of it, i would like to see if this will really happen. :P

Oh all dramallamas keep your eyes peeled we are going to enact it if the situation ever comes up :)

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PS: The tech market cannot be monopolised, I says so

Not all of it, as tech deals will continue internally. But as organisations who sell tech on mass, with reliability for a price, I think it can assuming enough people sign up. Internal tech deals in some alliances are different from some market prices anyway as a substitute/supplement to aid programs, so this kind of commerical tech dealing can be quite different.

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What is the point of this? Anyone with 5 minutes spare can get themselves 5 tech deals and most alliances like to keep their tech buying with in their alliance and allies so as to maximise the benefit to the alliance from them. Also this doesn't ensure fair tech dealing, people pay what they are willing and rogues do what ever the hell they like.


More and more alliances are not keeping their tech dealing in house as it is better for an alliance to rapidly grow their own nations via back collections and growth programs and then import the tech from outside the alliance. Some alliances haven't used internal tech dealing as the backbone of their tech market for months if not years.

This is an exciting time for those alliances who actually know what they are doing economically speaking.

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Finally this one is set out, i have to say that although this was a joint idea originally thought out by myself and Keve way back in April, it was finally Keve which brought it to life several months later (the Karma war is what delayed this).

Allot of work needs to be done still, but i think that long term this will benefit both the sellers and the buyers as they will have a reliable, stable market to purchase tech in large quantities and the sellers also benefit from large available tech orders + guidance from Pro distributors. This was never orientated towards making some type of a monopoly, which is obviously not achievable anyway as most alliances buy their tech internally.

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It is a group of tech selling alliances forming a business community for other alliances to approach them about deals.

So they are selling to everyone.

Edit: Unless you piss them off :P

Edited by Remaliat
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