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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order


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folks, at least try to listen to Ursakar, maybe he actually is telling the truth. Give him a chance at least to prove he's innocent.

Why would we listen to Ursarkar? He's lying.

He has tried to prove his innocence, but it didn't exactly work since he had no proof, while Polar had evidence.

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folks, at least try to listen to Ursakar, maybe he actually is telling the truth. Give him a chance at least to prove he's innocent.
In every instance that Ursarkar has attempted to show his innocence he has been rebuffed by countless people, and shown to be a fraud.
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Doesn't matter who I contacted or how.

Wouldn't matter if I provided proof, I'd still be condemned, so it doesn't bother me.

Because we all know you ban-evaded.

folks, at least try to listen to Ursakar, maybe he actually is telling the truth. Give him a chance at least to prove he's innocent.


No he's not. He posted threads on both Polar and Pacific forums asking why he was banned. Coincidentally these were the channels he tried to hack into. He knew exactly where to go and it was with in a SHORT time frame that he posted those threads. Usarkar even created a dummy account on our forums because we banned his account and the account that he used to spy on us with. He was on IRC when he was banned. This thread was made within 2 hours of Usarkar being banned. His story is filled with lies that create huge holes. He even now has admitted that his script and remotes weren't the cause of this. His lies aren't adding up. He is not innocent we have an IRC mod/admin confirming what he did because the server locked him out after 5 failed attempts. Stop buying his lies.

Edited by Fireandthepassion
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IRCop came in and he caught me red-handed

Scripting with the nerd next door

Picture this, we were both brute-forcing, hacking on the bathroom floor

Sucks getting caught, man.

That was great. :laugh:

Edited by Mathias
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Yes, I did evade the IRC ban to get into contact with Werewolf. I then opened up a query with him and about 20 seconds later I was re-banned.

Automatic ban, my @$&, he just didn't want to hear it. :rolleyes:

Even he got tired of listening to your lies.

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uhh... evading a ban gets you an auto-ban almost anywhere you go, whether it's forums, IRC, CN... whatever.

If you get banned from going to a bar, that doesn't mean "come back in a different shirt". It means stay out.

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uhh... evading a ban gets you an auto-ban almost anywhere you go, whether it's forums, IRC, CN... whatever.

If you get banned from going to a bar, that doesn't mean "come back in a different shirt". It means stay out.

So they ban now before someone can put up their side?

Oh that's very lovely of them. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ursarkar E Creed
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So they ban now before someone can put up their side?

Of that's very lovely of them. :rolleyes:

Yes. IRC is not a court of law, Coldfront is operated, maintained, and paid for privately. You do not have a right to be there, and they don't have an obligation to listen to your pleas when one of their IRCops has decided the evidence against you is damning. They don't ban people on a whim, they ban people when there is a severe breach of network rules. If you honestly expect them to hold a trial every time they need to ban someone, then you are probably overestimating the amount of time they have on their hands.

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So they ban now before someone can put up their side?

Of that's very lovely of them. :rolleyes:

Or you know, you could use the appropriate methods to plead your side. Registering on their forums and pleading your case would do wonders for you rather than evading a ban.

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