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Pacifica: the reformed alliance?


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You like limiting every channel your members can access on IRC, even the social OOC ones?

Good spin job by NPO thus far then if you've missed that point.

Being in an alliance is a privilege, not a right. You are not entitled to do whatever you want and ignore the consequences. I think the restriction is a bit silly, but it's hardly nefarious or game destroying- she was free to leave whenever she pleased after all.

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The path of the Francesca is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is Francesca, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for she is truly her brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy Francesca. And you will know my name is the Super Elite Killer when I lay my vengeance upon thee.



The Super Elite Killer stared daggers at everyone and watched as they began quiver, preparing for him to release his vengeance

*Chron slaps you.

Calm down already.

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You know, it’s amazing to see so many people quite willingly overlook Cortath and his cronies acting like egomaniacs,

having no sense of humor,

ignoring their own charter,

attempting to impose their total will upon the freedoms of a person,

then kick them out for not fulfilling an impossible task with no set standard or objectives.

And people see this more as a pubilicity stunt rather than the new Emperor being just as bad as the old one. Hm, would have thought a few more people would be open minded.

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You know, it’s amazing to see so many people quite willingly overlook Cortath and his cronies acting like egomaniacs,

having no sense of humor,

ignoring their own charter,

attempting to impose their total will upon the freedoms of a person,

then kick them out for not fulfilling an impossible task with no set standard or objectives.

And people see this more as a pubilicity stunt rather than the new Emperor being just as bad as the old one. Hm, would have thought a few more people would be open minded.

"In matters on state, he who has the power often has the right, and he who is weak can only with difficulty keep from being wrong in the opinion of the majority of the world."

Truer words were never spoken.

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You know, it’s amazing to see so many people quite willingly overlook Cortath and his cronies acting like egomaniacs,

having no sense of humor,

ignoring their own charter,

attempting to impose their total will upon the freedoms of a person,

then kick them out for not fulfilling an impossible task with no set standard or objectives.

And people see this more as a pubilicity stunt rather than the new Emperor being just as bad as the old one. Hm, would have thought a few more people would be open minded.

NPO pretty much already hit rock bottom, they basically cant do any worse by now.

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Routine for NPO is making sure their members can't be in social channels at all past the IC realm? Welp.

Considering how success at this game is attained by exploiting what some people call "OOC" friendship for "IC" gain, I see nothing wrong with it.

EDIT: in fact, allowing MoB to have her own personal channel was a pretty bad mistake on their part, just like #Dominion was one to (though a very entertaining mistake).

Edited by Mussolandia
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Considering how success at this game is attained by exploiting what some people call "OOC" friendship for "IC" gain, I see nothing wrong with it.

Ya who cares? Not that i agree with it but im not in that position and neither are you; however there are 630+ Pacifican nations that don't seem to mind how their government operates. If you were put in that situation all you would have to do to end it is resign.

"I don't want to be a product of my environment; i want my environment to be a product of me"

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Routine for NPO is making sure their members can't be in social channels at all past the IC realm? Welp.

Actually being in social channels is ok, if other Pacificans are able to access them. If every other Pacifican were not permitted to enter the channel by the owners, yet one person would be permitted, then obviously its a little iffy.

If its social, why the need for exclusion of all your alliance mates? Surely alliance affiliation shouldn't be an issue for social channels.

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You know, it’s amazing to see so many people quite willingly overlook Cortath and his cronies acting like egomaniacs,

having no sense of humor,

ignoring their own charter,

attempting to impose their total will upon the freedoms of a person,

then kick them out for not fulfilling an impossible task with no set standard or objectives.

And people see this more as a pubilicity stunt rather than the new Emperor being just as bad as the old one. Hm, would have thought a few more people would be open minded.

Oh I don't think anyone is overlooking it. We're just wondering why it is a surprise to anyone.

Also, as I and others pointed out earlier, Pacifica is for conformists, bureaucrats, and those that love byzantine court politics. It is not for everyone, nor is everyone expected to join or stay if they object.

That said, it is obviously to join NPO, develop a strong nation and otherwise have a Planet Bob experience or NPO would not have recruited and retained so many members for such an extended period of time.

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The path of the Francesca is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is Francesca, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for she is truly her brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy Francesca. And you will know my name is the Super Elite Killer when I lay my vengeance upon thee.



The Super Elite Killer stared daggers at everyone and watched as they began quiver, preparing for him to release his vengeance

Your rhetorics reminds me of a certain communiqea titled "leave britney alone".
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Actually being in social channels is ok, if other Pacificans are able to access them. If every other Pacifican were not permitted to enter the channel by the owners, yet one person would be permitted, then obviously its a little iffy.

If its social, why the need for exclusion of all your alliance mates? Surely alliance affiliation shouldn't be an issue for social channels.

There have always been channels run or co-run by NPOers where NPOers were excluded, banned or not welcome. It's the nature of what goes on with it what's important. If said NPOer is using said channel to attention whore, gather contacts or grow a little powerbase within the organization then it damned well ought to be shut down or the player expelled.

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Oh I don't think anyone is overlooking it. We're just wondering why it is a surprise to anyone.

It does disprove many of the claims of their changes in attitude towards players.

After all, if this is how they view and act towards members of their own alliance then they most likely view those in others with total disgust or simply as people to raid in the future. Or in the case of their allies, cannon fodder.

Also, as I and others pointed out earlier, Pacifica is for conformists, bureaucrats, and those that love byzantine court politics. It is not for everyone, nor is everyone expected to join or stay if they object.

That hardly excuses what they have done and how they have behaved.

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I didn't expect rise quickly in NPO. I hoped for a home. Something I haven't found yet in this game.

I think the only option now for you is to make your own home.

Form a minor alliance with your supporters that is large enough to deter raiders and you should be ok.

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I think the only option now for you is to make your own home.

Form a minor alliance with your supporters that is large enough to deter raiders and you should be ok.

This is wonderful advice and I support it completely, maybe call it something like "crimson guard" (seems I remember that name from somewhere).

I for one dont want to see this end, a DOE from Francesca in the coming months (around Xmas maybe?) would be a wonderful gift.


Thorgrum member of the peanut gallery B)

Edited by Thorgrum
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This isn't about the NPO. I don't care what they do or say to their members, because that is between them and their members. This thread is about you, trying to smear someone because they didn't change for you. Like MCXA didn't change for you.

Don't like the rules? Don't join the alliance! It really is that simple.

Mind, threads like these burn bridges you haven't even built yet; from where I sit, you have betrayed damn near everyone that ever trusted you.

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Don't reroll just take your licks and move on. Maybe take a short break by hanging in a micro for awhile. Ask any1 who has rerolled and they'll tell you that part of em wishes that they didn't do it.. that's because they realize its the long-term that matters.. not the short term.

Look at your experience as a relationship; sometimes it just doesn't work out. Its nothing personal, just keep doin what yur doin, ignore irrational doubters but heed the advice of the more experienced.

I look at this purely as an issue of Pacifican sovereignty, they have the right and ability to conduct their affairs the way they see fit; whether what they did is correct or not is a matter of speculation since none of us know the facts and, to be succinct, it isn't really any of our business.

I'm gonna go off on a limb and say that I don't think you've found the ideal alliance for your nation yet.. sometimes it takes a while, just learn from this and move on.

There's no need to burn bridges.

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Francesca and drama.

She was given a number of chances to do what others do and she didn't. She got sent up the chain and still did things wrong. Eventually she got booted, quietly. She runs tothe world and makes a big fuss.

She then slips in little bits of things like the quote above, that show her true "personality". I didn't want her in the NPO, but I was a minority, she was then given all the rights I had, despite her background. She blew them, seriously. I don't always like some of what my alliance does, but I have the decency to not cause drama and angst to boost my self-ego. Drama is just a drug to some. We fix things in NPO the hard way, slowly and with care. It takes many years to get there, not the few weeks that Fran wanted to catapault herself to near the top with.

Sarai, I've always liked you but you have to understand that noone has any rights in NPO, what happened with Francesca is largely her own fault, yes, but the same thing could just as easily happen to you one day, or anyone in NPO.

Also, you are an excellent mentor and a very contributing and active member of the alliance, your loyalty and dedication has always been unquestioned, and to be honest your talents are wasted in NPO. They're never going to promote you, you're not their type, you've got too many morals.

And there are so many like you in NPO, if people like you were in charge things could have been different...

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