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Pacifica: the reformed alliance?


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Actions have consequences, who would have imagined? With rights come responsibilities, outstanding.

Take another cheap shot at someone who offered you a chance, spit in their face by failing in every way to comprehend what was being asked of you, and then throw your toys out of the cot when it doesn't work out for you. I simply shake my head. Goodbye and good riddance.

I'm sorry you think this way.

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Couldn't be bothered reading all the posts. But damnit, if NPO treat their members like they are slaves I pity each and every single one of them. I think the worse thing I have ever said to one of my members is "can you just not post on the owf for a week mmkay?"

How about being NICE

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The Bird stared blankly at many of the people that had come from all corners of Digiterra to present their input. He then shook his head.

Before the day preceding yesterday, on October 27, 2009, I posted for the first time in nearly a month's time. It was not necessarily deliberate...but it was a nice respite from this seemingly-non-fluctuating environment that has, in all irony and disappointment, established itself since the end of the Karma War. To be fair, some things have changed: the world is now multi-polar, and it seems that things have slowed down immensely. The latter, while sounding peaceful, is, in my view as a former Voxian, anticlimactic...I wanted something more along the lines of a more chaotic, yet equal world, where coalitions of equal or near-equal strength battle for supremacy in an attempt to seal the power vacuum. Instead, things are more stagnant than they were before.

Dreadful. Utterly dreadful.

What has not changed, however, is the shallow attitude that still plagues the masses as if to be maggots feeding on the decaying flesh of a starved child, burned and left out in the sun. And yet again, I am disappointed.

Do I believe that Francesca's course of action in dumping these logs was necessary? No. Was it so important that it absolutely needed to be done? No.

Is Francesca one who simply enjoys sparking discussions? Indeed she is.

Disgusting...the lot of you who "don't care." Those of you who have come here thinking yourselves great by asserting your supposed lack of interest. It must be something that absolutely needs to be done, isn't it? How very curious...

It is all right, of course. That self-defeating paradox of asserting one's own indifference will never cease to be entertaining. Keep at it, my dear friends. If nothing else (and I am indeed quite sure that there really is nothing else), you shall make good entertainers.

Those of you not doing this are almost as dismissive: she is nothing more than an attention whore, isn't she? Someone who should have silenced herself long ago?

This is painful to watch. It is the same narrow-mindedness that infects the people here without any vaccine. In most of you, I see very little insight behind the words that you post. Whether or not she is an attention whore is irrelevent. It becomes your failing when you overlook or dismiss what she presents based solely on that. And I see many failures here. Too many.

Do you need to like Francesca? Agree with her? Hold her near and dear? Not at all. But still, this seems to be more of a game played based upon who is the more popular, or at least, the lesser hated. And that, my friends, is a failure of logic.

Frankly, I hope that you all burn, and decay, and that the maggots consume you shortly afterward. Fitting, I think, given how much else is already decayed.

I am tired...I take my leave.

Edited by Bird of Passage
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I think the point of all this is to demonstrate that Pacifica is the same highly bureaucratic, somewhat totalitarian regime they were before the war.

As for Francesca picking NPO because of a lack of internal drama, It has been demonstrated over the past few log dumps that NPO has a considerable amount of drama going on in the upper echelons and it would be in little pieces all over Planet Bob right now were it not for the bureaucracy and the compliant masses keeping it together.

Chose to be a member of NPO because you know how to follow orders and keep your mouth shut. If you have aspirations to be in NPO alliance leadership, be aware that the politics is the dictionary definition of "byzantine":

a. Of, relating to, or characterized by intrigue; scheming or devious

b. Highly complicated; intricate and involved

To sum up though...nothing in the OP that I didn't already know about NPO.

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The path of the Francesca is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is Francesca, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for she is truly her brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy Francesca. And you will know my name is the Super Elite Killer when I lay my vengeance upon thee.



The Super Elite Killer stared daggers at everyone and watched as they began quiver, preparing for him to release his vengeance

Edited by Sup4l33t3ki11a
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Actions have consequences, who would have imagined? With rights come responsibilities, outstanding.

Take another cheap shot at someone who offered you a chance, spit in their face by failing in every way to comprehend what was being asked of you, and then throw your toys out of the cot when it doesn't work out for you. I simply shake my head. Goodbye and good riddance.

This is pretty much what I would have said but put far more eloquently, so I'm quoting it. Although I wouldn't necessarily agree with the good riddance. I'm sure glad to see the back of the character that is Francesca, but losing players is never a good thing.

[16:22] <~Mary_the_Fantabulous> That would be okay with me, as long as you remove the AA and flag when you've sent the aid.

I laughed at that though. You guys still ask people to remove your flag if they're not in your AA? :D

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That Francesca is so willing to post private logs of the Emperor and Regent itself vindicates the decision to remove her, and makes me thankful that it happened before she was given access to anything more sensitive.

If you're in an alliance, expect to follow their rules.
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I am agreeing with Grub on something. Someone get me my calender.

That said, everyone who joins NPO knows what they are up to, knows their culture, and knows that the Emperor is the sovereign, and if he wants you to stay out of IRC channels than be it. That's how they operate, and if you don't like it, you shouldn't have joined in first place.

I am not surprised Francesca can't follow any order for longer than 5 seconds, and I am not surprised she was booted in the end.

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I did not enter the private channels of any other alliance, except the old private channel of Crimson Guard. Katzith was not used to spy *at all.* This was !@#$%^&* invented by the NPO. The sole purpose of Katzith was to practice using an identity on IRC without having my true identity exposed, a skill that will serve me well in months to come. And a bit of fun, perhaps.

Francesca and drama.

She was given a number of chances to do what others do and she didn't. She got sent up the chain and still did things wrong. Eventually she got booted, quietly. She runs tothe world and makes a big fuss.

She then slips in little bits of things like the quote above, that show her true "personality". I didn't want her in the NPO, but I was a minority, she was then given all the rights I had, despite her background. She blew them, seriously. I don't always like some of what my alliance does, but I have the decency to not cause drama and angst to boost my self-ego. Drama is just a drug to some. We fix things in NPO the hard way, slowly and with care. It takes many years to get there, not the few weeks that Fran wanted to catapault herself to near the top with.

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You just put TOP into peace mode congrats.

So *that's* what explains it! :P

Francesca and drama.

She was given a number of chances to do what others do and she didn't. She got sent up the chain and still did things wrong. Eventually she got booted, quietly. She runs tothe world and makes a big fuss.

She then slips in little bits of things like the quote above, that show her true "personality". I didn't want her in the NPO, but I was a minority, she was then given all the rights I had, despite her background. She blew them, seriously. I don't always like some of what my alliance does, but I have the decency to not cause drama and angst to boost my self-ego. Drama is just a drug to some. We fix things in NPO the hard way, slowly and with care. It takes many years to get there, not the few weeks that Fran wanted to catapault herself to near the top with.

I didn't expect rise quickly in NPO. I hoped for a home. Something I haven't found yet in this game.

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NPO can make rules for their members and expect them to be followed, every alliance does it, its their sovereign right. I don't see why people would get all uppity at NPO for that, Athens itself has exiled members in past. If you're in an alliance, expect to follow their rules.

Pretty much this.

Fran appears to have been surprised that NPO is a centrally-controlled dictatorship with a strong chain of command. When they realized she wasn't acting how an NPO member is expected to act, they did what? Permazi her? Order her to pay all her tech in reps for months?

Nah, they asked her to leave the alliance.

Nations don't have a right to be members of alliances. This is an incredibly pointless thread. If you want to find a home, Fran, they gave you every chance to do that: you didn't find it in NPO, and then they asked you to leave. The obvious thing to do then would be to keep on looking.

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