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Pacifica: the reformed alliance?


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I'd like to just toss into this thread that if NPO's server is so crappy that it can't take a single person !@#$posting without going down the fault doesn't seem to be with francesca. Though I've seen the "DDoS" acronym tossed around so could someone perhaps clarify?

Did francesca use distributed denial of service? Ie something like a botnet to maliciously take down pacifican servers? That'd be some interesting flavour for this thread.

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I can tell you are trying to see fault with her, and yes, there is some for not following their orders exactly to the letter, however, do you see any fault with NPO for imposing such things as OOC channel restriction on IRC?[/color]

NPO has banned members from all posting on the CN forums at times, which I think is a little extreme but whatever. I can't think of any channel that is completely "OOC", by which I mean all discussion of CN is banned, and Cortath was willing to work out a solution which was acceptable. I just don't see this as a case of "Big Bad NPO" picking on poor innocent members, but rather leadership steps in because a member is behaving in a manner that reflects poorly on the character of the alliance. It's not that I dislike Francesca, but what else are they supposed to do?

Actually, people need to start taking some responsibility for themselves, dammit. <_<

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I don't know, although I've agreed with Francesca on several points previously, I don't much like her as a person. This comes across as a massive attention thread. That having been said, Cortath treated her overly harshly. He should have treated her with a modicum of decency, instead he chose to act like some sort of god. Power going to his head much?

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DeMill is dead and there is no close-up for you.

Actually, people need to start taking some responsibility for themselves, dammit.

I just have to agree with Katsumi on this. She was told what to do, she violated it. Story over, go worry about your own members and alliances, we would all be better off if we did that.

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When you join an alliance you agree to follow the rules that its leadership makes up. If you don't want to follow them then leave. There is probably an alliance out there that you would feel completely at home in.

On the NPO / Cortath's behavior issue: Thats just who they are. I certainly don't approve of that kind of behavior but its nothing new or exciting.

Edited by Ragashingo
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That's hilarious. I half expected Cortath to start pawning off technology.

[16:40] <Cortath> Do you understand how the government of the New Pacific Order works?

[16:40] <Francesca[NPO]> Might I ask what you refer to, specifically?

[16:40] <Cortath> No, you may not.

That's how the government of the New Pacific Order works.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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If your intention was to make NPO look bad, I think you failed miserably. I have to give you props for being able to get so much attention, but I believe it has run its course.

I've got no intention of identifying myself when I reroll. I want a clean slate and a new identity.

Dear god no.

Edited by DogeWilliam
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I did not. All the spam I did was manual.

Then I think they are wrongfully accusing you of denial of service attacks and should rather accuse their host of having poor services.

Pacifica, can't you scrape up enough cash to get decent servers rather than making grave accusations towards your ex-membership about denial of service attacks that didn't happen?

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I did not. All the spam I did was manual.

Doesnt matter if it was manual. It did a great job of DOSing our servers for an evening. Why did you think it would be a good idea to break the rules of a game we were playing so you could win it? And take our server down while you were doing it. You repeatedly broke alliance rules, you were given multiple chances to redeem yourself, you were told expcilitly the very simple rules we follow in the NPO, and you kicked for repeatedly failing.I vouched for your acceptance to the order I have no regrets about the circumstances of your expuslion.

Edited by muffasamini
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Doesnt matter if it was manual. It did a great job of DOSing our servers for an evening. Why did you think it would be a good idea to break the rules of a game we were playing so you could win it? You repeatedly broke alliance rules, you were given multiple chances to redeem yourself, you were told expcilitly the very simple rules we follow in the NPO, and you kicked for repeatedly failing.I vouched for your acceptance to the order I have no regrets about the circumstances of your expuslion.

Ehhh.... if you're referring to editing the post to 10,000 thread so it looked like I won, it was a joke and I publically admitted that the other guy won, fair and square. And I didn't intend to DoS your servers, it's not my fault they suck too badly to handle manual spam.

Edit: stuff typos.

Edited by Francesca
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Oh, please people.

Was I harsh with Francesca? Absolutely. Happy to do it.

What you don't see here is that my speaking to Francesca was the end of the line, a long line, of her disobeying orders from her superiors to change her behavior. When a member fails to follow the policies of the New Pacific Order, a member of the chain of command disciplines them. When they fail to obey that order, it gets bumped up to the next rung on the ladder. And so on and so forth ad nauseum. My conversation with Francesca was harsh and deservedly so because she failed to follow the orders of members of the government of the New Pacific Order. When you continually fail to follow orders, it goes to the Emperor, and that's your last chance.

99% of members who leave the New Pacific Order do so with good experiences and love in their hearts for their former alliances. The only people who parade this kind of stuff around are those who, recognizing that their career with the NPO is shot, hope to make a career with its enemies. The only problem is, for Francesca, I think she shot her career to !@#$ already by joining us.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

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Oh yeah... Litha, Weirdgus, ZetaDefender, Vladimir, Farrin, DarkMistress, FiremanDave, Paul, WorldConqueror, Brennan, Loucifer, ComradeAsh, Elegarth, muffa, Ellis, and anyone else I've missed...... you guys were awesome, you are an amazing group of people, and I'm sorry that we've parted ways. OOC, I wish you all the best in the future.

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Oh, please people.

Was I harsh with Francesca? Absolutely. Happy to do it.

What you don't see here is that my speaking to Francesca was the end of the line, a long line, of her disobeying orders from her superiors to change her behavior. When a member fails to follow the policies of the New Pacific Order, a member of the chain of command disciplines them. When they fail to obey that order, it gets bumped up to the next rung on the ladder. And so on and so forth ad nauseum. My conversation with Francesca was harsh and deservedly so because she failed to follow the orders of members of the government of the New Pacific Order. When you continually fail to follow orders, it goes to the Emperor, and that's your last chance.

99% of members who leave the New Pacific Order do so with good experiences and love in their hearts for their former alliances. The only people who parade this kind of stuff around are those who, recognizing that their career with the NPO is shot, hope to make a career with its enemies. The only problem is, for Francesca, I think she shot her career to !@#$ already by joining us.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

Please, go ahead and provide evidence that I disobeyed orders beyond what was reasonable. You can start by proving that I disobeyed orders period.

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