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Official Announcement from Kronos

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I come before you today to announce that Kronos has completed it's 7th election and Vesalius has been chosen to represent the alliance as it's newest Harbinger of Light. I'd also like to publicly thank Lazarus Long for his time and effort as he served as our Harbinger of Prosperity up until a week ago before stepping down. He has been replaced by Porkers who will serve us going forward, and has his work cut out for him.

The Government of Kronos:

Harbingers of Light (FA):

Heracles the Great



Harbinger of Prosperity (IA):


Harbinger of War (D):


I'd also like to take a moment to announce that since our inception, several amendments have been made to the original Charter. Our latest and most up to date version of our Charter can be found here along with a current list of our treaty partners and government officials.

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