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A Dispatch from the Mushroom Kingdom


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The only ones with honor who fought us are those that didn't find it necessary to take us to Versailles woodshed. I offered all my tech, all my infra, so this isn't a love of pixels, something we've proven again and again.

The rest of you are who you are. I've never received reps as a nation, and TPF never will again. We, unlike you, have learned from our egregious dishonor. Our previous behaviors left us deserving to be destroyed.

In the post-Slayer TPF world, TPF will never be without her honor, and will speak out against those who live by an opposite code as to normalize the absence of self-respect. We have proven that we will live by our bond. Dismiss that at your peril.

And yes, I do find your e-peen impressive. Especially when WC is handling it so ably.

Is this ruler who he appears to be?

I am not convinced that TPF has ever been a 'post-Slayer TPF'.

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LOL....dark, Slayer-filled past, damn I hope somehow he is reading this, you just made his day.

We have no desire to eschew anything, we did what we did and never hid behind excuses. Some of the things we did, in retrospect, were mistakes....cest la vie.

TPF is moving in a new direction, nothing wrong with that....after 2 1/2 years kinda refreshing actually.

One mans hell hole is another mans fun times.

I was responding to OBM. He was the one who alluded to those things. Granted though, it's since come to light that perhaps his views aren't shared by many inside TPF.

Right, now I'm getting out of this hell-hole of a thread. :P

Edited by James I
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Is this ruler who he appears to be?

I am not convinced that TPF has ever been a 'post-Slayer TPF'.


He appears to be Slayer99 of the nation Slayer99, something tells me the boss would be a bit more traditional and go with the Wermanchetchertech or whatever his name was for his nation.

Tinfoil does not become you my dear.

Back on topic: Three cheers for 11th place. Boo potato, hooray MT.

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I'm just going to sit and laugh for a moment at the idea of TPF being anti-reps.

Okay, now that's done: OBM, your opinion on reps does you credit, but that has nothing to do with the terms that TPF received in Karma War. It was your own choice to go back to an alliance which still represents what it did when you left it, so don't complain about those things it did (which you yourself disagree with) coming back to haunt it. TPF is required to pay reps for good reason.

As for the treaty cancellation, it's not worth 12 pages, which I guess is why we're talking about other things now.

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He appears to be Slayer99 of the nation Slayer99, something tells me the boss would be a bit more traditional and go with the Wermanchetchertech or whatever his name was for his nation.

Tinfoil does not become you my dear.

Back on topic: Three cheers for 11th place. Boo potato, hooray MT.

It's really not a stretch of imagination to think that there is a slight chance of Slayer99 being.... Slayer99. Connecting the dots might involve a bit of outside-the-box thinking, but the names do seem a tad bit similar.

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I'm just going to sit and laugh for a moment at the idea of TPF being anti-reps.

Okay, now that's done: OBM, your opinion on reps does you credit, but that has nothing to do with the terms that TPF received in Karma War. It was your own choice to go back to an alliance which still represents what it did when you left it, so don't complain about those things it did (which you yourself disagree with) coming back to haunt it. TPF is required to pay reps for good reason.

As for the treaty cancellation, it's not worth 12 pages, which I guess is why we're talking about other things now.

FFS, don't you ever get tired of spouting off from your holier than thou pulpit?

Perhaps we should just come up with a TPF codex on reps, then everyone will know how serious we are about it and how wonderful we are...and when the time comes we could conveiniently ignore it and hope no one would notice.......nah then we would just be spineless selfserving dicks.

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and when the time comes we could conveiniently ignore it and hope no one would notice

Yeah, I'm sure you can point out a lot of times where we've taken reparations for an aggressive war. Also, as explained at the time, it is just a statement of how we do things ... TPF is welcome to issue a statement of how it does things if you want, and after a winning war where you don't impose high reps or refuse peace entirely, people might believe you.

The issue here is not me being in a pulpit, but your alliance's record. It's quite cute how you still direct your anger at people who really had nothing to do with your demise, though.

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It got here because OBM staggered in and started trolling. And no MKer is really going to let a trolling pass. I think it's a law somewhere. And while OBM could easily be trolled to hell and back and knows it, I'll just note that I recognize OBM doesn't speak for TPF any more than the MKers here don't speak for MK. And I'll leave it at that.

[OOC] There is a reason that many of my favorite players are now in MK, this post is one. [/OOC]

Congratulations on whatever it was that the OP was.

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i broke the rulee...

damn beers :smug:

FFS, don't you ever get tired of spouting off from your holier than thou pulpit?

Perhaps we should just come up with a TPF codex on reps, then everyone will know how serious we are about it and how wonderful we are...and when the time comes we could conveiniently ignore it and hope no one would notice.......nah then we would just be spineless selfserving dicks.

Damn I hear all the cool kids are using Codex. I could go for that. We could sit 2 tables down from the cool kid ifn we had Codex... Damnit 'Bone I warned you 3 months ago our lack of Codex was gonna be a problem... See? I was right..... again.

And 'Bone.... we need some sort of 1st Class Relic perhaps the virtual ring-finger of Prodigal Chieftain, to chavy these poor suckers mit. I mean they seem dang supersitious and deh jumpy.

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Damn I hear all the cool kids are using Codex. I could go for that. We could sit 2 tables down from the cool kid ifn we had Codex... Damnit 'Bone I warned you 3 months ago our lack of Codex was gonna be a problem... See? I was right..... again.

And 'Bone.... we need some sort of 1st Class Relic perhaps the virtual ring-finger of Prodigal Chieftain, to chavy these poor suckers mit. I mean they seem dang supersitious and deh jumpy.

Oh my god, how many drugs are you on? smug.gif

Edited by scythegfx
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He appears to be Slayer99 of the nation Slayer99, something tells me the boss would be a bit more traditional and go with the Wermanchetchertech or whatever his name was for his nation.

Tinfoil does not become you my dear.

Back on topic: Three cheers for 11th place. Boo potato, hooray MT.

I look lovely in tinfoil, thank you. Though I do have a great track record of telling it like it is, taking the inevitable jabs, and watching with a smile when I see it come clear to others later.

Would you be interested in my screen shot of Slayer reading the high gov part of the forum after his nation went the way of the Do-Do Bird and after the ruler Slayer was 'gone'? Nah, I didn't think so ... you all ready knew that.

For the record, I believe Slayer was an outstanding world personality/leader and he earned my respect for doing what he did with such abandon and skill.

I can only hope he makes the scene again.

Oh, ... so, uh, is TPF sending mean notes to the Slayer99 'ghost'?

My best wishes to the Mushroom Kingdom ...

and, believe it or not ... damn near every member of TPF.

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FFS, don't you ever get tired of spouting off from your holier than thou pulpit?

Perhaps we should just come up with a TPF codex on reps, then everyone will know how serious we are about it and how wonderful we are...and when the time comes we could conveiniently ignore it and hope no one would notice.......nah then we would just be spineless selfserving dicks.

If only Gre were selfseving dicks for a couple of years then whinged a lot about the injustices of the world when they couldn't be selfserving dicks anymore, that would be much better.

Still looking for that invisible section of the codex that people always whine about the Gramlins breaking too.

Edited by Kindom of Goon
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Much respect for MK, but it'll be interesting seeing MT serving foreign affairs.

Good luck with the rest, Archon.

I'm glad that you feel you're qualified to evaluate people on the basis of their Foreign Affairs skills. I have the utmost confidence that MT will be able to carry out his duties to the fullest degree expected as a Lord of the Mushroom Kingdom.

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Yeah, I'm sure you can point out a lot of times where we've taken reparations for an aggressive war. Also, as explained at the time, it is just a statement of how we do things ... TPF is welcome to issue a statement of how it does things if you want, and after a winning war where you don't impose high reps or refuse peace entirely, people might believe you.

The issue here is not me being in a pulpit, but your alliance's record. It's quite cute how you still direct your anger at people who really had nothing to do with your demise, though.

It's ok Mr. Janova, we know you Gremlins are better than us..

on paper. ;)

Congrats, MK. I love the way you guys use your nukes. B)

I'm glad that you feel you're qualified to evaluate people on the basis of their Foreign Affairs skills. I have the utmost confidence that MT will be able to carry out his duties to the fullest degree expected as a Lord of the Mushroom Kingdom.

[OOC] His greeting to me is still one of, "Shut up, you dirty terrorist." [/OOC] :/

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Perhaps we should just come up with a TPF codex on reps, then everyone will know how serious we are about it and how wonderful we are...and when the time comes we could conveiniently ignore it and hope no one would notice.......nah then we would just be spineless selfserving dicks.

Question: When, since the Codex was instituted have Gremlins taken reparations in an offensive war?

edit: and congrats to MT and MK. :)

Edited by President Obama
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I'm glad that you feel you're qualified to evaluate people on the basis of their Foreign Affairs skills. I have the utmost confidence that MT will be able to carry out his duties to the fullest degree expected as a Lord of the Mushroom Kingdom.

I speak my mind just like MK does, however I do not bring qualifications into anything as an opinion doesn't need qualifications whatsoever. Furthermore, I wasn't disrespectful about it, I merely stated an opinion. I am glad you have your utmost faith in him. Right, this is where I ask about qualifications and whatnot.

Good luck MT.

Tamer: You call that a slap?

Oh God.

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