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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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SLCB has had some off-topic and/or horrid posts in here as well.

Those posts are there to get a rise out of someone, as astronaut jones said. The sad thing is that the logic makes more sense than Invicta's (and some other PEACE alliances) follow-ups to them.

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In regards to the purple thing:

Sounds like a silly thing to fight over. Senators are at this point more of a symbolic position than one of substantial power.

What's funny is, about 4 months ago getting a Senate seat was no big deal and they didn't want to cause destabilization on the sphere.

Yet, what are they doing now? Exactly what they said would be "no big deal" and they are causing "destabilization" - real classy, Stickmen.

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What's funny is, about 4 months ago getting a Senate seat was no big deal and they didn't want to cause destabilization on the sphere.

Yet, what are they doing now? Exactly what they said would be "no big deal" and they are causing "destabilization" - real classy, Stickmen.

If we were making the fuss over it, then your post might be valid. However your post is full of your usual drivel so it isn't.

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This topic suddenly got much better.

You're Welcome, good sir.

None of his posts have showed the lack of respect or utter contempt that haflinger's or scythegfx's posts have to people who are merely trying to point out that the stickmen are doing nothing but getting a rise out of them, and they're falling for it time and time again.

edit: I'm not saying his posts haven't been bad, but they've been directed towards those he wants to get a rise from, namely PEACE nations.

Hey man, don't lump me in here, I've only made a few post in the latter pages of this thread.

And yes, I have a complete lack of respect and utter contempt for many stickmen, congrats on seeing through me, and I thought I was hiding it so well.

Stickmen senate seat? What stickmen senate seat?


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What's funny is, about 4 months ago getting a Senate seat was no big deal and they didn't want to cause destabilization on the sphere.

Yet, what are they doing now? Exactly what they said would be "no big deal" and they are causing "destabilization" - real classy, Stickmen.

Oh Youmaka, your idiocy continues to surprise me. At least you are having fun, right?

You're Welcome, good sir.Stickmen senate seat? What stickmen senate seat?


Wait, are you know trying to show off that your 1500 nations beat our 120? After a shocking 20 days? You can pet yourself on the back for this, chapeau.

Edited by kriekfreak
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Also let's not forget, let's NOT forget, dude, that a bloc with uh... Less than 50% of the nations on Purple... Gaining senate... That aint legal either.

you want a senate seat? i can get you a senate seat. hell i can get you a senate seat by three o'clock this afternoon... WITH nailpolish. these $%&@in amateurs... they vote us out of the senate seat and we're supposed to !@#$ ourselves with fear.

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Wait, are you know trying to show off that your 1500 nations beat our 120? After a shocking 20 days? You can pet yourself on the back for this, chapeau.

If i were them I'd be outright embarrassed that it took so long. actually, if i were PEACE i'd just be embarrassed all the time.

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And yes, I have a complete lack of respect and utter contempt for many stickmen, congrats on seeing through me, and I thought I was hiding it so well.

Oh man! I hope i'm one of the ones you have a complete lack of respect and utter contempt for!

/me crosses fingers

Also, as a point of interest, i'd like to take this opportunity to mention that the quoted post is deserving of an A+++++++ WOULD READ AGAIN classification. I bookmarked it.

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Hey, I'm having fun winning the senate race.

What's wrong, u mad?

No, we are actually quite depressed. I opened the box after decades of the whole "the cat might be alive or dead", and we found out that, in fact, the cat is dead. Huge scientific breakthrough, but still quite sad. Please don't torment us while we lament.

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